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12-06-2013, 08:20 AM
Good Morning everyone, I have not caught up on yesterdays thread yet but will do in a minute.

Lynn Do hope you get a reasonable offer today so that you can put an offer on the one at Brandon that would be lovely. Have a good day with Dillon.

HelenaI hope that ruddy bag has been moved and things start to take shape up there. It must be quite a worry to you. Good news about the possible late booking.

Bev I thought that was very funny about Lily but dogs can be so comic sometimes. I hope her foot is not too painful for her. Bless her.

Norma Sorry you didn't sleep last night for worrying and I hope the dogs wont take it out on you for shutting them in the kennels while the painters are about.

Nippy Glad you are feeling a bit easier today.

Malka Do hope you are feeling a bit brighter today and you and Pereg had a good night.

I am sure there are lots of you I have missed and I am sorry my brain is a div these days. Take care everyone and hugs to those that need them. My back is still playing up this morning but there is nothing that can be done for it as it is osteoarthritis and degeneration of the vertebrae. Painkillers in the shape of Tramadol and paracetamol extra strength when it gets too much. I try to stick to just the tramadol. Steve is still suffering but has decided it is time he went to the docs instead of paying a fortune out to chiropractors and osteopaths that do not seem to do any good.

Have a good day all. God bless, Moyra xxx
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12-06-2013, 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn, Bev, Jenny and all

Fingers crossed that you get an offer today Lynn.

I had to laugh at Lily, they can be so funny at times.

Good luck with the workmen and the rain Jenny.

It's very damp here this morning but nothing actually falling as yet. I will be off to Farnham today, we are going to be putting a first coat of emulsion on the new ceilings. We decided to take my cousin with us so he can put flowers on his dad's grave as it's fathers day on Sunday, fish and chips from shop and we are sorted!

I have my caravan booked in to be resealed tomorrow, the weather forecast is gales! Not looking forward to that very much!

Have a good day all.
Morning Gerri good luck with the bungalow and the caravan.
Enjoy the fish and chips later I have a feeling you are going to need them.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Bev, Jenny, Norma, Gerry and all

Well, my nightmare hasn't ended yet, cos I've been awake half the night, thinking that blooming bag of earth might have been too heavy for that contraption of their to lift off the ground This then escalated into thinking about the guy moving ALL his belongings out on Sunday (and there's a lot of it), nowhere to park cos it's on the little driveway, and it still being there when my guests arrive, not to mention the fact that the builder can't clean up with it there Why is life never straightforward!!!

I could be wrong, but I've e-mailed the chap and told him I'm not going up there at 9 o'clock and if that bdooly bag's still sitting there, then he's going to have to go into the manager's office and explain his dilema (stupidity!) and sort it out before I come up and pay him!!!

Just had a really sweet e-mail enquiry for a week in September where she has said "Sparky wants to take his two oldies away on holiday...." awwwww, so I replied in the same tone and hopefully, she'll book. I reduced the price dramatically cos old Sparky only has his old owner and I only have the big van available for that week. Better it gets filled at a much reduced price than not at all, especially in its first year.

I tried to keep up a bit on here yesterday, but this morning I've almost lost the plot, so apologies. Hope you get an offer on the table though today Lynn.

Sally, I hope you're getting over the worst and the tears will subside.

Jenny, good luck with those painters, I hope it doesn't rain on them, cos it sure looks iffy down here today.

Malka, I hope you had a good day resting yesterday, cos I know you haven't been too well, so some (((((hugs)))) for you.

Same for you Gemini and Moyra, not to mention you Jen, hugs flying everywhere, where needed today.xxxx

I do hope I get through today without blowing my top, and enjoy yours everyone.
Oh no Helena it never seems to end for us does it all these worries over something or other. Well I hope you don't blow your top today and that it all runs smoother than you are imagining. Hopefully by this evening you will be in your recliner feet up feeling all chilled like you should be.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Morning all!
Lynn good luck, I hope you hear something positive from the EA.
Bev, Lol at Lily, hope she will be ok, they are monkeys these dogs
Hello Jenny Norma and Gerry
Helena, I hope all goes well with the bag and the builders. The new assistant in our corner shop is called Helena, I said oh hello, I've got a very good friend called Helena! Well you is int ya!

I'm feeling a bit easier today, I don't "do" mornings so if there is a problem it always seems twice as big in the morning to me
Hope you all have a good day, very wet and windy here.
Morning Jenny glad to be reading you are feeling a bit better now. I find mornings the worse when I first get up then as the day goes on it starts to wear off.
Shame about the weather I think flaming June has a totally different meaning to what we feel it should mean .

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Fingers xd for you Lynn!

Riding and packing for me today
Morning E. I think the riding will be better than the packing and I am sure you will enjoy that better.

Shorter walk with Dillon today our long stroll yesterday evening wore him out.
On the way back we pass the back garden of a neighbour who backs onto the fields we walk so I called through as he was in his garden and asked how his hip op went.
His Grandson came out too he is about 2 and Dillon wanted to say hello and did his jumping about then lay down.
The little boy then proceeded to put his hands around Dillons jaw and his thumbs right against his eyes and push his lips up towards his eyes.
I am not sure if Dillon snarled or if it was the way he was having his face pushed up but needless to say he was taken away very quick and give my neighbour his due took his Grandson away to stand beside him.
Dillon wanted to go back for more but he is as tall as this little lad and laying down face height when the little boy leans over. So we kept them apart and chatted.
Dillon got a kiss blown to him when we left probably in return for the one he dished out earlier.
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12-06-2013, 08:54 AM
Morning all, just popped in to see if everyone is OK, it's a fabulous day here in Portugal , not doing much, other that sitting in the sun..and a meal out tonight, my son says Millie is fine so that's a relief .

Sorry to hear a few problems with some of you, hope you are all ok soon.

Have a good one folks. Xx
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12-06-2013, 09:08 AM
Oh Lynn the little grandson doesn't sound like the type of child that should be let loose near a dog, that is scary stuff what he did to Dillon and he couldn't have been blamed for warning him not to do it.
Hope you get the phone call this morning and it is all good news for you. That cottage is lovely and the garden is amazing, as is the price by the way!!!
Very very overcast here this morning, no rain as yet, doesn't feel too cold, but of course nothing like it was on Monday. I really hope that wasn't summer we just had and it comes back soon.
I was like Norma last night, so much going round and round in my head I barely slept, am watching Jeremy Kyle and having some brekkie at the moment, I really want to go to sleep, but I've had all night to do that
Hope the stuff going on at the van is sorted today Helena, it sounds like what was a plan is now going anyway but where you want it to go and I do hope they have lifted that bag of muck out of the way and you can get the job done now rather than later. Weather being bad isn't going to help matters either is it.
Good luck with the rest of the painting today Jenny, can they still do it if it rains, I thought you couldn't paint the outside in bad weather. At least you have part of the house you can open up to let the dogs run around now.
Nippy, hope you are feeling a lot better today, I'm not a morning person either and it takes me ages to come round to a stage where I want to open the front door to anyone.
Glad to hear your friend's cancer is operable and I hope she makes a fast recovery.
Lily sounds like she is really milking the poorly foot for all its worth, wonder how long she will remember to stay on 3 legs, and if she will get the right leg as well Hope Charly is feeling better today Bev.
Fish and chips sounds good Geri, bet you can't wait for the steam mop because you can test run it at your cousin's bungalow when you finally finish it.
Have a lovely ride today EmmiS, the times going fast now isn't it, this means you are going to have to leave the horses you have been riding and looking after, its going to be a massive wrench and I feel for you.
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12-06-2013, 09:35 AM

I hope you get an offer Lynn.

Not much news here, other than I had a tummy upset this morning. Poor Loki had his walk curtailed because I couldn't leave the house early enough and had to get back for Steve to get to work, but I will take him again later.

I think the builder wants to have Loki!

Off shopping now.

Take care everyone.
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12-06-2013, 09:57 AM
Morning all. I seem to have managed to get back into my 'preferred mode' for life i.e. up and out with muttley and then get as much done as possible by about lunchtime. I am a morning person and if it doesn't get done by about 2pm it usually doesn't get done that day. Makes perfect sense for me to jizz around and about while Bella sleeps off her morning exertions and shower. So she's been done - walked, washed and fed (still keeps licking that right front paw when lying down but not asleep, but I can still see nothing at all - prodding and poking and even stiff brushing it under the shower didn't seem to bother her) and she isn't limping - off to the Vet in the next few days - I will ask him if he can see anything). And I've been to the shops, ordered in my ciggies in bulk (I get a discount!) bought some more 'summer fun rubbish' for the kiddies coming. And just CANCELLED the idea of going over to the developer office to pay common expenses today.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,
As Lily decided she is now a 3 legged dog and cannot possibly put a bandaged foot to the floor, I thought she had better feel an unloved one too as she can't possibly get up and down the stairs on 3 legs. So last night I shut her in the living room for the night instead of letting her come up to bed with me. Never heard a peep from her although the eyes of an abandoned ill treated unloved dog met me this this morning .
I took her for a little walk up the road and back just now and once we got out of the front door she suddenly managed to walk on that leg fine. Now we are home its become unusable again .
First good laugh of the morning. Do keep us updated about how your Drama Queen is progressing with this tragedy in her life!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
No rain YET, but dull and blustery. The wind has changed direction which I'm delighted about as it means I can have the kitchen door open on the balcony and the boys can at least have access to that (if I barricade the other end off to stop them having access to the garden) while all the decorators' materials are this side of the house. I can't wait for them to finish now
Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Rained the whole night still raining now oh poo
Didn't shut an eye the whole night too much whizzing around in my head ,feel like a zombie now. Workmen supposed to be here at 8 am won't hold my breath
With the weather
Muppets not going too be happy spending the day in the kennel ,daren't have them inside with all the doors open, with workmen traipsing in and out. Collecting the munsters late afternoon so that should work in ok .
Lots of dog vs builders puzzles to work around on here lately.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
I have my caravan booked in to be resealed tomorrow, the weather forecast is gales! Not looking forward to that very much!
Lots of caravan associated stuff lately too! I detest noisy gale force winds. I can't sleep when listening to it. So eerie!

Good news about the extra booking. I agree about some money being better than none. Good luck with that.
As for the other problems. Seems to me you are just a bit of a perfectionist! And you have a definite vision in your mind's eye how everything is going to be whenever any task is finished. And take it very hard when you have to 'adjust' that vision on account of the shortcomings of others!

I can understand why you want everything to be 'just right' when someone turns up for their booked holiday - it's a reflection of you - and I'm sure all your extra work and little finishing touches are appreciated by those enjoying them. But you should really try not to be so hard on yourself. Your vans are lovely and I can't imagine ANYONE hasn't enjoyed staying in them. I certainly would - gawd you should just see some of the fixed mobile accom on big sites like Haven. My son, Em and the kids insisted on being moved out of theirs the same day they arrived because it was so substandard - and it cost a packet.

If you could do EVERYTHING yourself - everything would be perfect. Alas you have to pass some of it over and are then reliant on other people's idea of what's 'OK'. Hope it all turns out OK - I don't think it could turn out worse than what you are imagining the worst to be!

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
We tied a Tesco carrier bag round Dillon's. It was a bit looser than a sock and did the job for him to go out and do his business and a short walk.
Good luck with the promotion.
A TESCO BAG? For that MAGNIFICENT dog? Couldn't you find a Harrods gift bag or at least a little green M&S one! I hope he doesn't meet any of his 'mates' when wearing it - that's his streed cred right out the window lol!

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

I'm feeling a bit easier today, I don't "do" mornings so if there is a problem it always seems twice as big in the morning to me
I'm the opposite - they loom larger as the night wears on. In fact I've learned not to even try to deal with problems late at night as they look so much simpler in the morning to me! Funny old world isn't it?

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Fingers xd for you Lynn!
Riding and packing for me today
Oh I've now got you down as just our own 'jetsetting' member!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Hannah will be 2 tomorrow and my DIL has just asked if they can all come for lunch which I hadn't expected . It seems to take me longer to organize things these days, I can't cope with spontaneity at my age
I know what you mean - I've got to the age where I don't even like 'surprises' much - tending to equate them with a 'shock to the system' lol!

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
My back is still playing up this morning but there is nothing that can be done for it as it is osteoarthritis and degeneration of the vertebrae. Painkillers in the shape of Tramadol and paracetamol extra strength when it gets too much. I try to stick to just the tramadol. Steve is still suffering but has decided it is time he went to the docs instead of paying a fortune out to chiropractors and osteopaths that do not seem to do any good.
You poor thing. I'm with Steve on this having spent so much on the 'others'. I was puzzled why my back bothers me so much LESS now than it did even 10 yrs ago. I was told that, as we age, the bones sort of 'naturally fuse together' quite a lot - so it's a sort of DIY version of the op they carry out to give relief. Paracetamol is not a 'nice' drug but I do find that any NSAIDs work better when taken in conjunction with it.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, just popped in to see if everyone is OK, it's a fabulous day here in Portugal , not doing much, other that sitting in the sun..and a meal out tonight, my son says Millie is fine so that's a relief.
Sorry to hear a few problems with some of you, hope you are all ok soon.
Hello from one sunny spot to another. It seems to me that most of the time ALL the dogs and the kids are OK without us - it's us that suffers from their absence the most!

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
I was like Norma last night, so much going round and round in my head I barely slept, am watching Jeremy Kyle and having some brekkie at the moment, I really want to go to sleep, but I've had all night to do that
Jeremy K for breakfast! More entertaining than Special K!
I can't stand the bloke really but whenever I've caught his show on in the UK I am strangely drawn to watching it to the bitter end! Same goes for Judge Judy!

I never know what I might end up watching here - with no proper programme guides and even the ones that come up on the TV screen often totally wrong. Earlier I sat with my bacon & egg brunch sarnie to enjoy an episode of QI (according to what it said on screen). It was actually an episode of HOLLYOAKS lol! Lordy that took me back a few years!

Bella has claimed the IKEA daybed. She was on it before I even got a cover on the mattress. It is now sporting a dog rug. Being about 6'6" long she looks really lost on it!
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12-06-2013, 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members just been out with Chloe and it feels more like autumn than summer with drizzle and a strong wind.

Hannah will be 2 tomorrow and my DIL has just asked if they can all come for lunch which I hadn't expected . It seems to take me longer to organize things these days, I can't cope with spontaneity at my age .

Enjoy your day everyone
Morning Mini. Its lovely to see the family isn't it but I need at least a weeks notice more if possible.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good Morning everyone, I have not caught up on yesterdays thread yet but will do in a minute.

Lynn Do hope you get a reasonable offer today so that you can put an offer on the one at Brandon that would be lovely. Have a good day with Dillon.

HelenaI hope that ruddy bag has been moved and things start to take shape up there. It must be quite a worry to you. Good news about the possible late booking.

Bev I thought that was very funny about Lily but dogs can be so comic sometimes. I hope her foot is not too painful for her. Bless her.

Norma Sorry you didn't sleep last night for worrying and I hope the dogs wont take it out on you for shutting them in the kennels while the painters are about.

Nippy Glad you are feeling a bit easier today.

Malka Do hope you are feeling a bit brighter today and you and Pereg had a good night.

I am sure there are lots of you I have missed and I am sorry my brain is a div these days. Take care everyone and hugs to those that need them. My back is still playing up this morning but there is nothing that can be done for it as it is osteoarthritis and degeneration of the vertebrae. Painkillers in the shape of Tramadol and paracetamol extra strength when it gets too much. I try to stick to just the tramadol. Steve is still suffering but has decided it is time he went to the docs instead of paying a fortune out to chiropractors and osteopaths that do not seem to do any good.

Have a good day all. God bless, Moyra xxx
Morning Moyra sorry to hear the back is still bad. (((Hugs))).
I hope Steve has better luck with the Doctor.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, just popped in to see if everyone is OK, it's a fabulous day here in Portugal , not doing much, other that sitting in the sun..and a meal out tonight, my son says Millie is fine so that's a relief .

Sorry to hear a few problems with some of you, hope you are all ok soon.

Have a good one folks. Xx
Morning Jackie glad to hear you are enjoying your holiday and that Millie is fine what a weight off your mind.

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Oh Lynn the little grandson doesn't sound like the type of child that should be let loose near a dog, that is scary stuff what he did to Dillon and he couldn't have been blamed for warning him not to do it.
Hope you get the phone call this morning and it is all good news for you. That cottage is lovely and the garden is amazing, as is the price by the way!!!
Very very overcast here this morning, no rain as yet, doesn't feel too cold, but of course nothing like it was on Monday. I really hope that wasn't summer we just had and it comes back soon.
I was like Norma last night, so much going round and round in my head I barely slept, am watching Jeremy Kyle and having some brekkie at the moment, I really want to go to sleep, but I've had all night to do that
Hope the stuff going on at the van is sorted today Helena, it sounds like what was a plan is now going anyway but where you want it to go and I do hope they have lifted that bag of muck out of the way and you can get the job done now rather than later. Weather being bad isn't going to help matters either is it.
Good luck with the rest of the painting today Jenny, can they still do it if it rains, I thought you couldn't paint the outside in bad weather. At least you have part of the house you can open up to let the dogs run around now.
Nippy, hope you are feeling a lot better today, I'm not a morning person either and it takes me ages to come round to a stage where I want to open the front door to anyone.
Glad to hear your friend's cancer is operable and I hope she makes a fast recovery.
Lily sounds like she is really milking the poorly foot for all its worth, wonder how long she will remember to stay on 3 legs, and if she will get the right leg as well Hope Charly is feeling better today Bev.
Fish and chips sounds good Geri, bet you can't wait for the steam mop because you can test run it at your cousin's bungalow when you finally finish it.
Have a lovely ride today EmmiS, the times going fast now isn't it, this means you are going to have to leave the horses you have been riding and looking after, its going to be a massive wrench and I feel for you.
Morning June. It was a bit worrying for a split second.
My heart stopped for a second.
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

I hope you get an offer Lynn.

Not much news here, other than I had a tummy upset this morning. Poor Loki had his walk curtailed because I couldn't leave the house early enough and had to get back for Steve to get to work, but I will take him again later.

I think the builder wants to have Loki!

Off shopping now.

Take care everyone.
Morning Linda hope the tummy feels better soon.
Need us to come and tell the builder he cannot have Loki.

Morning Pat glad to read you are back into your routine.
I did have a Harrods carrier bag many years ago. I think Dillon's street cred just survived.

No phone call yet not sure if that's good or bad.
Off to put the hoover round I bet the phone goes then and I don't hear it. Oh well they can leave a message.
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12-06-2013, 10:58 AM
They say no news is good news? Thinking about it where Dillon is concerned - with such a magnificent looking dog I doubt many will be focussed on his paws! (Wrapped in a tacky old red white and blue Tesco carrier)
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12-06-2013, 11:00 AM
Tang i wish i was jet setting, I'm moving out of my student house and need to pack up my stuff. and i've got so much crap haha
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12-06-2013, 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Tang i wish i was jet setting, I'm moving out of my student house and need to pack up my stuff. and i've got so much crap haha
This is par for the course for students and young people today it seems. All my kids have 'so much stuff' when they move.

In my day, when single, I could fit all my 'stuff' in a car. They need to hire vans, get mates to store some of it and all that.

The one thing none of them can do nowadays is get MUM TO STORE IT FOR THEM! Too far away! Mind you they still leave loads behind when they visit. And in the case of Jen I get the inevitable pleas after she's gone asking me to post stuff home to her that she decided she wouldn't need.

One time it was a pair of soft lace up boots I'd bought her. She pleaded so much that she wanted them after all, I ended up posting them and the postage cost more than the boots had as I'd bought them in a sale!

She does it with bikinis saying she won't wear them in the UK (how much room would they take up in a suitcase?) then asks me to post them out to her because she wants to sunbathe in the garden!

Good job I luv 'em!
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