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03-05-2013, 08:44 AM

Lynn - everything crossed that the second lot of photos does the trick and that your blanking EA actually does some work for you for a change.

Nechda - I hope your Ikea delivery arrived - what were you expecting yesterday and did it arrive? Oh, and while you are at it, will you have a blood test for me please as I have managed to put mine off yet again.

Bev - I do so wish you could take it easy but you never do, do you. Maybe the headaches are due to eye problems? Just a thought. And my thoughts are with Charly and her exams knowing that Ash will then be off for such a long stint with the army. Will he not get any home leave at all during that time?

jenny - I cannot possibly imagine neighbours having such a fancy "do" without even offering a drink to their immediate neighbours? I mean "come and see how fancy our 'do' is going to be" and that is it?

As for their security with large dogs running loose - best I not say anything else now. No consideration whatsoever IMO.

Moyra, I hope the new shower pump is fitted OK.

Jenny -wivva capital J - I hope your dire rear has stopped/will stop pdq.

Chris - you are not old but cramp is such a booger - I have some homeopathic anti-cramp pills that I always keep under my pillow as cramp in my calves and feet used to wake me and hurt so much. Not often now and I can always reach under the pillow to get a pill, knowing that they do stop it. Never had cramp during the day though [famous last words?].

I am sure I have missed dozens of people/posts but being Friday I have so much to do. And spent ages trying to get a decent photo of Da Booger [it is a Bonus Day today - not that I want to win, but still...]

Have a good day everyone and remember, the weekend is only a few hours away now!
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03-05-2013, 08:45 AM
Morning all, about to go for a 5k run to start my morning. Then a bit later got a bleedin' long drive but there will be a curry at the end of it!
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Lucky Star
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03-05-2013, 09:06 AM

Jenny - I am so sorry to hear about your brother's friend. And about the shock you had last night with this dog - I do hope these people are not going to cause you more problems while they are there.

Helena - I hope all goes well at the docs and you can get to the bottom of what is making you feel 'not right'. It could be all the worry and stress of recent weeks.

I fell asleep yet again last night on the settee and crawled up to bed at around 3.30 am. Course after around 5 hours on the chair, I couldn't sleep properly after that.

I am going to organise a pizza party for Carys and another mum has asked if we can share it with her daughter who turns 7 around the same time. Yay, that's half the cost for me!

We bought Michael a proper little bicycle with stabilisers - I know he's only 2 1/2 but by the time he's 3 (August) half the summer will be gone, plus it was reduced in price so I didn't want to miss out on a bargain. He can reach the pedals so is learning to cycle properly. He looks very cute on it!

Loki is doing really well after the fits and increase in meds, although he is scraching and chewing himself again. I'm wondering if it could be a reaction to the phenobarbital. I just looked up the SPC and it says under Undesirable Effects:

• Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: allergic skin reactions (maculopapular morbilliform or scarlatiniform rashes), other skin reactions such as exfoliative dermatitis, erythema multiforme.

Something to mention to the vet then.

I'm off to make soda bread now. I hope everyone has a super day.
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03-05-2013, 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn, Helena, Bev and fellow members,

Another beautiful sunny start here too, which hopefully will last. Thank you for your concern/sorrow for my lovely brother - I cannot comprehend what he will be feeling like today when it will probably have started to sink in.

Lynn - I do hope that having a 'chat' with the EA will fire them up to marketing and pushing your house sale! Enjoy your day and I hope you have a fun walk with Dillon.

Helena - Did your delivery not arrive yesterday or is this another one? Good luck at the docs today and don't you go picking up anything there (other than maybe a leaflet) . Great that Dave has offered to walk Zena.

Bev - What unfortunate timing for Ash to be here for a week before leaving for his 2 year stint right when Charly has exams.

We were told there would be security on the house next door (last night and for the next 3) which is very sensible however, what I didn't account for when I went out with the dogs last night was to have a huge black come racing over to me and my two. This was at 11.45 and I knew something was behind us but thought it was a fox. I heard a whistle and turned to see this huge dog coming towards us completely ignoring the recall. I put Rucksack between my legs and just stood stock still. The dog came over with hackles up and stood about a foot away. Well Rucksack decides to give it his all vocally - I was really scared. When the man sauntered over and got his dog I didn't half give him a mouthful. No apology I was just told that he is security. Well I did explain in no uncertain terms that he is not in an inner city estate rife with crime but an exclusive private estate where crime is almost unheard of. I saw my neighbour over the fence this morning and mentioned to him that if his security men turned up with dogs they were to be controlled and on leads and not terrorising the four-legged residents.

I am so naffed off as Rucksack has been doing so well and it has taken me so long for him to allow unknown dogs to come over and say hello and now this on my doorstep

My eldest son stayed overnight and my OH is dropping him at Heathrow (he's got a 1/2 hour job in Qatar returning Sunday) and collecting our younger son at 11ish from Term 5 who is arriving back from Chicago ........ if it all works out timing wise ..... hence me persuading my OH to do the trip.

See you all later.
Morning Jenny gosh what a fright and a nerve.
I hope you neighbour is going to have words and stop this type of behaviour.

Your boys are busy. Michael has gone to work and won't be home tonight so is probably staying at Macca's till sometime next week.
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good morning all, Another lovely day. Got the plumbers here at the moment fitting a new shower pump, not an easy job as it is situated under the bath. Oh well I suppose they'll manage. Have a good day all.
Mornin g Moyra I hope the shower pump is easily sorted and doesn't cause too much disruption for you.
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
I cannot believe that the sun is still shining!
Sounds like you have all got busy days, I'm just doing boring shopping. That's if my dire rear will let me
Morning Jenny oh dear the burger wasn't appreciated by your tummy then. Hope it all goes away soon.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all and a gloriously sunny one it is too.

Got back at 4.30 pm yesterday and as the weather was nice we headed to town for our walk and a Mcd's. There was a noticeable difference though in how chilly it was. It was sunbathing weather in Beverly, but decidedly chilly here in Skeg. Mind you, 'Skegness is so bracing'

I'm getting to be a real old f**t. I got terrible cramp in my calves and feet last night for a couple of hours. Always happens when I've been driving a long way. Beverly is a two hour drive from us so that was four hours in the car plus another 40 minutes for being stuck in road works (re surfacing). That 40 minutes seemed like forever in the hot sun.

Jenny, I missed yesterday's stuff, but if sounds as though your son has had a massive shock. I hope he is OK and that the family of the poor lad find some solace soon. Dreadful thing to happen.

Hope everyone has a good day. Stay safe out there xx
Morning Chris. That was a long journey no wonder your poor legs are suffering.
I think an easy day is in order for you today.
Originally Posted by Gellygoo View Post
Morning all

A bit dull here today, but not supposed to rain, so I've got the washer on again!
Got to wait in for delivery man.......sooo can't really plan my day. More cleaning then, as I can't even go in the greenhouse cos I won't hear him!

Have a good one everybody
Morning Gill fingers crossed the delivery man turns up early so you can get on with your day.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Lynn - everything crossed that the second lot of photos does the trick and that your blanking EA actually does some work for you for a change.

Nechda - I hope your Ikea delivery arrived - what were you expecting yesterday and did it arrive? Oh, and while you are at it, will you have a blood test for me please as I have managed to put mine off yet again.

Bev - I do so wish you could take it easy but you never do, do you. Maybe the headaches are due to eye problems? Just a thought. And my thoughts are with Charly and her exams knowing that Ash will then be off for such a long stint with the army. Will he not get any home leave at all during that time?

jenny - I cannot possibly imagine neighbours having such a fancy "do" without even offering a drink to their immediate neighbours? I mean "come and see how fancy our 'do' is going to be" and that is it?

As for their security with large dogs running loose - best I not say anything else now. No consideration whatsoever IMO.

Moyra, I hope the new shower pump is fitted OK.

Jenny -wivva capital J - I hope your dire rear has stopped/will stop pdq.

Chris - you are not old but cramp is such a booger - I have some homeopathic anti-cramp pills that I always keep under my pillow as cramp in my calves and feet used to wake me and hurt so much. Not often now and I can always reach under the pillow to get a pill, knowing that they do stop it. Never had cramp during the day though [famous last words?].

I am sure I have missed dozens of people/posts but being Friday I have so much to do. And spent ages trying to get a decent photo of Da Booger [it is a Bonus Day today - not that I want to win, but still...]

Have a good day everyone and remember, the weekend is only a few hours away now!
Morning Malka. I hope da booger was good last night and didn't need too many toilet trips.

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Morning all, about to go for a 5k run to start my morning. Then a bit later got a bleedin' long drive but there will be a curry at the end of it!
Morning E. 5k . Safe journey and enjoy the curry.

Ended up having a lovely walk with Dillon we did have some short naughty moments lead tugging so we swapped for the tuggy and through the crem and tried to steal the teddy again.
Went back up the fields and through the woods but took another path then onto the field to come home.
Saw two friends with their dogs and asked if it was ok to let Dillon off but to mind their legs he has a habit of running into people well us so thought if forewarned they would be forearmed. He had a lovely time racing round with an elderly whippet a westie and a spaniel. Then another friend came out from the woods with their spaniel and then up the field came Natalie with her mini schnauzers, and her other two small breeds for the life of me can't remember the breed my mind has gone blank and the Ken with his elderly ES Annie and they all mingled and run around together lovely Dillon had a lovely time. It was like the old days with Ollie.
I had to put him back on the lead when another walker we know came from the woods with his spaniel and his collie x who is ball obsessed and he will have a go if chased.
He is now laid on the sofa resting. I have to get on with sprucing the house and clearing away stuff I don't want in the photos.
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03-05-2013, 09:33 AM

I'd be absolutely LIVID about that 'loose' security dog. Bluddy hell! Bad enough to run into a galumping stray or street dog but one that is scary and takes no notice of its handler? Your neighbours are pushing mine off the top of my sh1tlist at the mo!

Have lost track of your deliveries! But having destroyed my mental img of you as a 'bright young thing' (it's all that energetic stuff see!) you are now telling me you keep your gnashers in a glass? Waddever next!

You are going to have a lonesome lovesick daughter on your hands soon but, on balance, I think it's better her exams are when he has gone rather than while he is still here but all she can think about is spending every minute with him coz he will be gone soon. Lets hope she soon comes around to feeling proud of him for 'doing his duty'.

While the plumbers are there - see if they can fit in one of these for you.

Ahh ancient memories of kiddies learning to ride bikes! Heart in the mouth time! Good luck with the doggy. And you've made me really fancy soda bread now - haven't had it for years.

Going quite well today. Got something right (abandoning the search for fans) because local lecky shop about 20metres away had his delivered today! He isn't open today but his door was! I convinced him to sell me one huge floor one and one smaller counter top one and get one of his lads to carry them home for me and while here measure spare room for aircon unit!

So I spent 100 euro before 9am! Got the estimate for the aircon which I will pay for and recoup from owner in July as the estimate is not exact. As to when they can fit it in - hey ho here we go.
Closed today
Early closing tomorrow
Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (Easter)
And closed Wednesday AS WELL (because - wait for it - there's football on!) So Thursday next week is earliest and my sis goes home on the Sunday.

However forecaster says these record high temps for early May are due to dwindle down to 34deg over the weekend and return more to normal next week - around 30deg. I hope they are correct. It nearly hit 40 on Wednesday and people don't want to be paying for full time aircon, fans etc. this early in the year.

Leave you with a bit of a giggle for now - siblings - daughter posted this piccie from one of her jaunts up

Quick as a flash her brother commented ...
I like what you've done with your room Jen.
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03-05-2013, 09:49 AM
Ran my 5k in 27 mins, wooo, now to learn how to keep up that pace for 26 miles... damn. hahaha.

Tang that wine/sink picture made me laugh!!
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03-05-2013, 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

Jenny - I am so sorry to hear about your brother's friend. And about the shock you had last night with this dog - I do hope these people are not going to cause you more problems while they are there.

Helena - I hope all goes well at the docs and you can get to the bottom of what is making you feel 'not right'. It could be all the worry and stress of recent weeks.

I fell asleep yet again last night on the settee and crawled up to bed at around 3.30 am. Course after around 5 hours on the chair, I couldn't sleep properly after that.

I am going to organise a pizza party for Carys and another mum has asked if we can share it with her daughter who turns 7 around the same time. Yay, that's half the cost for me!

We bought Michael a proper little bicycle with stabilisers - I know he's only 2 1/2 but by the time he's 3 (August) half the summer will be gone, plus it was reduced in price so I didn't want to miss out on a bargain. He can reach the pedals so is learning to cycle properly. He looks very cute on it!

Loki is doing really well after the fits and increase in meds, although he is scraching and chewing himself again. I'm wondering if it could be a reaction to the phenobarbital. I just looked up the SPC and it says under Undesirable Effects:

• Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: allergic skin reactions (maculopapular morbilliform or scarlatiniform rashes), other skin reactions such as exfoliative dermatitis, erythema multiforme.

Something to mention to the vet then.

I'm off to make soda bread now. I hope everyone has a super day.
Morning Linda. Nice to hear Loki is over the fits but sorry to hear e is now suffering form side effects of the medication.
That's handy going halves on a birthday party. I can imagine Michael on his little bike such distant memories for me. They stay with you though and of course there are the millions of photos.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post

I'd be absolutely LIVID about that 'loose' security dog. Bluddy hell! Bad enough to run into a galumping stray or street dog but one that is scary and takes no notice of its handler? Your neighbours are pushing mine off the top of my sh1tlist at the mo!

Have lost track of your deliveries! But having destroyed my mental img of you as a 'bright young thing' (it's all that energetic stuff see!) you are now telling me you keep your gnashers in a glass? Waddever next!

You are going to have a lonesome lovesick daughter on your hands soon but, on balance, I think it's better her exams are when he has gone rather than while he is still here but all she can think about is spending every minute with him coz he will be gone soon. Lets hope she soon comes around to feeling proud of him for 'doing his duty'.

While the plumbers are there - see if they can fit in one of these for you.

Ahh ancient memories of kiddies learning to ride bikes! Heart in the mouth time! Good luck with the doggy. And you've made me really fancy soda bread now - haven't had it for years.

Going quite well today. Got something right (abandoning the search for fans) because local lecky shop about 20metres away had his delivered today! He isn't open today but his door was! I convinced him to sell me one huge floor one and one smaller counter top one and get one of his lads to carry them home for me and while here measure spare room for aircon unit!

So I spent 100 euro before 9am! Got the estimate for the aircon which I will pay for and recoup from owner in July as the estimate is not exact. As to when they can fit it in - hey ho here we go.
Closed today
Early closing tomorrow
Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (Easter)
And closed Wednesday AS WELL (because - wait for it - there's football on!) So Thursday next week is earliest and my sis goes home on the Sunday.

However forecaster says these record high temps for early May are due to dwindle down to 34deg over the weekend and return more to normal next week - around 30deg. I hope they are correct. It nearly hit 40 on Wednesday and people don't want to be paying for full time aircon, fans etc. this early in the year.

Leave you with a bit of a giggle for now - siblings - daughter posted this piccie from one of her jaunts up

Quick as a flash her brother commented ...
I like what you've done with your room Jen.
Morning Pat closed for football.
You have had some high temperatures hopefully they will settle to normal now but 30 degrees for me is still a little on the hot side for me.
at the pictures.

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Ran my 5k in 27 mins, wooo, now to learn how to keep up that pace for 26 miles... damn. hahaha.

Tang that wine/sink picture made me laugh!!
Oh phew am now wiping my fevered brow just thinking about the run.

Something I meant to ask earlier was Dillon met the young GR female earlier today both on lead and she laid on her side submissive then wet herself it was like a tap. The son was walking her and quickly moved her on saying eeeeewwww that's gross.
Is this submission too the weeing and also may she be a bit nervous do you think ? He has played off lead with her a while back when they were both very young.

Upstairs sorted ready for photos having a coffee break then starting on downstairs.
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03-05-2013, 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Ran my 5k in 27 mins, wooo, now to learn how to keep up that pace for 26 miles... damn. hahaha.

Tang that wine/sink picture made me laugh!!
That's a good time! My jenny said she hurt all over after the 10k race last weekend. Said it even hurt to cough or pee lol!
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03-05-2013, 01:12 PM
Tangutica I wish I had seen that earlier while the plumbers were here what a brilliant idea. Yes the plumbers were gone by 9.30 with a new pump fitted. Lovely no more noisy showers and the pump not turning itself off.
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03-05-2013, 01:53 PM
The fish van has just been round. Now who they expect to buy fish at 4.30pm on a Friday when Shabbat comes in at 7pm so most cooking will have already been done I do not know.

Well I will as I buy for Pereg although I am not quite sure what I have just bought so have kept some out in the fridge for beheading and gutting for myself - the rest are individually packed, heads guts an' all, in small biodegradable polybags and shoved in the big freezer on Fast Freeze.

OK, so they are not sardines - too big [even though the fresh sardines are big]. They are not mackerel - too small. I did ask but even though the guys [Israeli Arabs from the Kinneret area] speak English, their names for various fish is totally different to either the English or Hebrew names, so your guess is as good as mine.

Definitely not small barbounia though. Dem fings 'ave awful spiky fins wot sticks in me 'ands.

I am actually fairly well stocked up with sardines from the last time they were here, but as I had a bit of freezer space [having to do a bit of a shuffle between all three freezers] and not knowing when they will turn up again, I got about 5 kilos - not counting the ones I picked up and chucked to Pereg who was in the front yard looking extremely eager...
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