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09-03-2013, 09:21 AM
Grey and damp here now, the sun was out earlier
Several things to catch up with, I will be back later.
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09-03-2013, 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone

Sounds like you're heading in the right direction now, job or no job in Lincs, it will give you great peace of mind once you downsize. Thanks yes, we're more settled now Lynn, but I'm sure there'll be something else Dave will come up with to send me into another spin.

Not raining but dull and dismal, and looks like here in the south east, we'll miss the snow thank goodness, although it's going to turn very cold by Monday Just as I was getting used to thinner clothes.

The boiler worked well since he spent 2 hours fixing what wasn't broke I'm going to pop up to the van and see if my guests are sticking it out with the bad weather, and if they've gone home, then I can get in there and do my bit before the next lot arrives on Tuesday for 3 weeks. Then it'll be my turn whilst Dave does this fireplace arrangement.

I think we'll do the top of the beach this morning just to stay clean, cos the state Zena came home in yesterday when Dave walked her, event though she had her overalls on, was really bad, the mud must have been everywhere again, and considering it rained all day long here yesterday, it isn't going to be any better up there today is it.

Hope all of you who are feeling rough are on the mend today. Pat, I hope you get that phone call you missed yesterday and glad you had a lovely catch up on the missed sleep.

Enjoy your week-end all
Morning Helena and all Have a good morning,not going to do much myself,probably take the pup in the car up to the village and back,We will gradually get on top of the situation,but other than that going to be a lazy mare crystalgirl
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09-03-2013, 09:25 AM
Good morning fellow members this depressing wet mist seems to be covering most of the country .
Just seen the weather forecast for next week which makes me want to go to bed and stay there

I am feeling slightly more human today I can eat porridge without getting tummy ache which is a relief.

The biggest problem about living alone and having a dog is you still have to care for it no matter how ill you feel.

I hope the other poorly people are feeling a bit better..
Have an enjoyable day everyone
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09-03-2013, 09:26 AM
Morning lynn and all,

I come home from mums very worried about her yesterday. She is constantly very tired, so much so she said she just feels like staying in bed everyday as she has no energy. She doesn't even want an outing in the car either, very unlike mum.
She won't go to the doctors though, flatly refuses, but something is certainly not at all right with her.

This morning I have given lily a good walk and been shopping for myself this time. I now have an overflowing basket of dirty washing to plough through and try and get dried.
I would also like to start ripping the wallpaper off in the dining room too if I can as it looks a mess and desperatly needs decorating. Unfortunatly I am useless at it and its my least favourite job in the world so I really will have to motivate myself.

I must also get back to the greyhound rescue as they are ordering new printed T shirts and jackets for us who work with them at the shows throughout the year, and they need to know sizes.
I also have to sort dates for the walks I am organising for them throughout the year too.

Hope anyone feeling poorly feels better today.
Jenny glad the kibble sorted rucksack out.
June hoping you get some good news on Ash and Storm
Malka I really think you should go and see a doctor and get checked out. Don't be awkward like my mother please.
Lynn I hope gordon hears something soon.

3 weeks of cold snowy weather forecast again starting tonight. I really think I should be living with the bulk of my family in very sunny Austrailia.
Have a good day all
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09-03-2013, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members this depressing wet mist seems to be covering most of the country .
Just seen the weather forecast for next week which makes me want to go to bed and stay there

I am feeling slightly more human today I can eat porridge without getting tummy ache which is a relief.

The biggest problem about living alone and having a dog is you still have to care for it no matter how ill you feel.

I hope the other poorly people are feeling a bit better..
Have an enjoyable day everyone
How true that is. It sometimes works the other way though - when it's a mobility problem that requires you to take painful exercise that you are tempted to put off - you can't! And I used to say that however misog you feel - once you've been out in the fresh air for a walk to blow away some of the cobwebs, things always look a little better.

*note - fresh air. Not bleedin' miserable freezing damp fog or sleet or howling icy winds lol!
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09-03-2013, 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Having been falling asleep from about 6pm yesterday and knowing that if I went to bed [or even had a nap on the couch] I would have to set the alarm for 11pm and then would no doubt be up all night, I managed to make it until coming up to 10pm and kept thinking "another few minutes then I can give Pereg her pill a bit early and go to do bed". Luckily she slept through until 6.30am so I gave her her morning pill early and we both went back to bed for another three hours.

So - I should manage to go through today but wish I could have an afternoon nanny nap - impossible though because of her 3pm pill.

I know I should go to the doctor but then again what can she do? I mean I seem fine for days and then bang, whatever it is hits me again - probably just my age and general lousy health, plus there is always a virus going round which seems to have my name on it.

It has been a really odd winter with the weather changing almost daily, and I know I will be complaining about the heat soon, but I just wish it would make its mind up, as I seem to be either putting more clothes on because I am cold or taking them off as I am hot. At least in the summer I just roast!

Hope you got that phone call from Martin, Pat - it is bad enough being so far away without the time difference to contend with as well.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning Malka. Sorry to hear you are still not 100%. I too feel this odd winter has not helped at all.
Try to have a restful day.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Not a nice morning here,wet although it's not raining at the moment.

I have to take Tom to an open morning this morning at Lizzie's college he's interested in an animal care course in starting in september,I think he will be amazed,it's a lovely college

Then just the normal stuff for me,need to pop to Tesco but can do that on the way to college.
Still have no phone and the Broadband keeps going down I sent BT quite a sharp email last night

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal good luck with Tom's visit to college and hope the broadband and telephone sort themselves soon.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

A very dull and damp day here but not actually raining. Polly coming over at 10 and off to walk the dogs. Think it will have to be somewhere fairly dry ( ) as all the fields are sodden here. I was woken at 5.40 by the dogs again and tried a new tack. I know its because Rucksack has an acidy tummy and wants to go and eat grass, so I gave them both a small handful of kibble and they both trotted back to bed without asking to go outside, until 8.

I hope you all have a relaxing day, enjoy your walks with the dogs and any poorly people or dogs are feeling better today.

See you all later.
Morning Jenny enjoy the walk.
Your idea worked how good is that so hopefully more lie-ins for you in the future.

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi TW My heart goes out to you,its really nasty to be let down by members off the human race,and what really gets to me they merrily go on there way,not even realising what they have done to a fellow being.I had an instance many years ago,a client the Winters,showbiz ,I knew Mike was taking all the money and buying land in the u.s.a,Bernie was lovely,every Friday without fail,he would come into my office with a kosher bacon sandwich dripping with sauce,a bag of cakes for the office,and he would have us in stitches,lovely man.I did go to the senior partner,but he said do not get involved in family matters.So had to let it go,a few months down the line,Mike had gone,walked out of the partnership,left his brother with nothing,Bernie was sued because he couldnt honour all the bookings,I have never seen a man go down hill so quick,so I had a word with my Dad,he knewa lot of the people in showbiz and he got him in another partnership doing Flanagan and Allan.A few months later he came back to the office,I had my dads dalamation cherry with me,he loved dogs,and he looked at me and we nearly spoke the same words they never let you down,cherry had her head on his knee (she was a real tart would roll over atthe drop off a hat)I said jokingly you would be better off getting a dog as your straight guy,Bernie saidyou are probably right,A fewweeks later broke and despondant he came back,I have been giving it some thought,what I had forgotten the conversation. He said I could be like that freud guy him with the bloodhound,oh so come on what sort of dog,well its got to be big and have hangdog expression,leave it with me,and we went to Blackpool and bought Snobitz.Many years later mike came back terminally ill,Bernie went to his side.But when people treat you badly,I always think I canrise above it and they are the losers not us,and one day when they are all alone,they will realise the error of their ways,so hang on in there crystalgirl
Morning CG.

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Quite soggy and damp here this morning. Everyone had brekkie and I have had Lona in overnight, so she went a walk round to download and am now having my own brekkie before I get organised outside and get everyone out if I can, have got it worked out logistically all I need is for the doggies to co-operate with me!!!
No news from Germany yet about Arctic Storm, apart from the email last night from his previous family. I would love to get hold of her and shake her till her teeth rattled, I am so fuming about whats happened, all I can do now is a fire fighting exercise and damage limitation.
Have had an enquiry already about Ash this morning and have emailed them back for more details about them and their experience, they want to come over and meet him, fingers crossed they are suitable.
Morning June sorry still no news about Storm in Germany. I can imagine you do want to shake that woman we can help if you like.
Good news about the inquiry re: Ash. Fingers crossed they are suitable. We will miss him though.
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Grey and damp here now, the sun was out earlier
Several things to catch up with, I will be back later.
Morning Jenny not to much hard work remember that bad shoulder.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members this depressing wet mist seems to be covering most of the country .
Just seen the weather forecast for next week which makes me want to go to bed and stay there

I am feeling slightly more human today I can eat porridge without getting tummy ache which is a relief.

The biggest problem about living alone and having a dog is you still have to care for it no matter how ill you feel.

I hope the other poorly people are feeling a bit better..
Have an enjoyable day everyone
Morning Mini pleased to hear you are feeling better although you still sound not quite right. Hoping you feel better soon.
It be very hard trying to care for Chloe when you are feeling so ill.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning lynn and all,

I come home from mums very worried about her yesterday. She is constantly very tired, so much so she said she just feels like staying in bed everyday as she has no energy. She doesn't even want an outing in the car either, very unlike mum.
She won't go to the doctors though, flatly refuses, but something is certainly not at all right with her.

This morning I have given lily a good walk and been shopping for myself this time. I now have an overflowing basket of dirty washing to plough through and try and get dried.
I would also like to start ripping the wallpaper off in the dining room too if I can as it looks a mess and desperatly needs decorating. Unfortunatly I am useless at it and its my least favourite job in the world so I really will have to motivate myself.

I must also get back to the greyhound rescue as they are ordering new printed T shirts and jackets for us who work with them at the shows throughout the year, and they need to know sizes.
I also have to sort dates for the walks I am organising for them throughout the year too.

Hope anyone feeling poorly feels better today.
Jenny glad the kibble sorted rucksack out.
June hoping you get some good news on Ash and Storm
Malka I really think you should go and see a doctor and get checked out. Don't be awkward like my mother please.
Lynn I hope gordon hears something soon.

3 weeks of cold snowy weather forecast again starting tonight. I really think I should be living with the bulk of my family in very sunny Austrailia.
Have a good day all
Morning Bev. Sorry to hear yo are worried about your mum. Hopefully when the weather picks up she will too.
You sound like you have a very busy day ahead of you again. Good luck with it.
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09-03-2013, 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
How true that is. It sometimes works the other way though - when it's a mobility problem that requires you to take painful exercise that you are tempted to put off - you can't! And I used to say that however misog you feel - once you've been out in the fresh air for a walk to blow away some of the cobwebs, things always look a little better.

*note - fresh air. Not bleedin' miserable freezing damp fog or sleet or howling icy winds lol!
Morning Pat. Noted fresh air not the awful weather we are having at the moment.
Have you had the phone call yet ?
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09-03-2013, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Pat. Noted fresh air not the awful weather we are having at the moment.
Have you had the phone call yet ?
Just put the phone down - yes - he just called! Oh I feel all sort of wobbly now.

More detail later - he is waiting to see doc (weekend in UK hospital - don't hold your breath waiting for docs). And said he is waiting for 2 other things -

The Physiotherapist and ... the sandwichotherapist!

He is starving.

Has portions of his foot and leg he 'can't feel' at the mo but has been told that is not unusual.

My daughter will update me better - he sounded VERY woozy.

Oh my baby is broken!
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09-03-2013, 11:21 AM
Lynn - on the subject of fresh air. Last year we had some unusually cold weather here with a North wind blowing (that's unusual too) I was walking Bella against the wind and my eyes started streaming down my face.

And you know I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN that that could happen! After just 6 yrs here. When I went out later, although it was gloomy, I wore my big sunglasses!

Same as the first time the windscreens iced up while over in UK before Xmas. I'd forgotten about that particular little pleasurable job associated with life in the UK too!
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09-03-2013, 11:22 AM
I really hope the sandwichtherapy person helps him
Big hugs to you Tang ((((xxxx))))
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