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19-12-2012, 08:21 AM
Morning Lynn and all,
This morning I have a visit from a housing officer about one of the nuiscance families up the road and then I am off to the hospital for my cardiology appointment, before coming back home to walk Lily and then off to work. Roll on Friday as I then have 5 days off.
Charly's boyfriend is leaving for Devon this morning to spend christmas with his family and for his sisters special birthday. Sounds like he will be heading into rain down there then Jenny.
I have to laugh at Dillons antics, I just can't imagine him being naughty he was a model of perfect behaviour when I was round
Enjoy your walk H and everyone whatever you are doing have a good day.
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19-12-2012, 08:33 AM
Morning Lynn,morning all

Miserable morning here,pouring with rain but not cold.

Luke has the dentist today,still not sure what they are going to do with that tooth

We have the man coming from the H/A to look at the window.Just took the voiles down in the kitchen and they are filthy so there going in the wash

Struggled to get Tom out of bed this morning,no college for Lizzie today and she's still in bed,so I've left her there she had a pretty hectic few days.

Have a good day all x
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19-12-2012, 08:34 AM
Morning Lynn, morning all,

Still pretty dark here now, but I know that by lunchtime the rain will set in probably until tomorrow afternoon .
So I'll walk my boys after my Tesco run but it will be on-lead after their they both ran off yesterday. (Back to basics with Rucksack's recall which has always been so good)

Lynn I'm glad your night wasn't too bad - it's a bit like having a young child in the house when you have disturbed sleep again. I use to suffer really badly from tonsillitis and sore throats. What really helped was gargling with dispersable aspirin. For me it really did take a lot of the pain away.

Rosebud, I hope your day is successful. One day nearer to having a break

Helena, your intended walk sounds wonderful! Enjoy

I'll drop by later but I hope everyone has a good and safe day.
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19-12-2012, 09:35 AM
Morning Lynn, Morning All

I've just come back from walking Max then I have four walks for clients this afternoon. Then I can put my feet up for a bit.

Have a good day all
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19-12-2012, 09:55 AM
Quite dark and grey this morning, meeting my friend (who I 'lost' temporarily ) for lunch today, table is booked for 1pm and she will be here at 12 noon to have a puppy fix prior to lunch. Have stopped to have some brekkie. Babies aren't out as yet, Cariad has gone out though, probably needs a bit of peace with being in with the babies all night.
We are making Progress on our potty training, one poo on the puppy pad this morning and then when I came back there were another 2, so happy with that. Still no word from Ash's daddy, I do have his mobile number on an email somewhere so will text him if I don't hear within the next few days.
I do hope Gordon starts facing the right way today Lynn, tomorrow is the Big Day and I have got my fingers crossed it goes well for him. Dillon sounds as though he has settled down quite a bit for you, so at least one source of stress has diminished, just got Christmas and Gordon's interview to go then
Here is today's Puppy Fix and it is Che dividing the newspaper so Sasha can have a look as well while he looks at the footie

Not raining here yet, I was expecting to wake up to rain, so at least will be cleaning kennels out in the dry for a change, maybe even the rest of the paper bedding in the sleeping part will be dry - you just never know your luck
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19-12-2012, 10:37 AM
Well I bellowed at the dogs and they stopped! WOW! That is an improvement!
So they still have a bone each!

A walk on the beach sounds idyllic indeed; enjoy! Maybe soon will do that.

Dogs are asleep, cats are in the attic, wind has dropped, jams all dressed and ready to go ...I decorate with craft ribbon to make them really attractive..
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19-12-2012, 10:51 AM
Good morning fellow members it is cold wet and dark outside.

My kitchen is warm though with the smell of baking bread. Cheese flavoured bread sticks today. Sometimes I feel like I am running a bakery as the children eat everything as quick as it comes out of Nanna's oven I hope they remember it when they grow up.

Have a pleasant day everyone..
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19-12-2012, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all!

Lynn, since you told us a few days ago about Dillon getting you up, Rosie has stayed in bed until 7 am. Would you like to put up another thread about him then she may just stretch it another hour?

That sounds to be my kinda walk, Helena. Since I did me ankle in, it doesn't have full 'bend' in it so hills and steps would be a nightmare for me. Where we are, it's all flat and, like you, I can walk forever these days on the flat. I really do enjoy walking, more so since the 18 months when I couldn't walk because of the ankle - that was a nightmare.

Can't really see what the weather is doing at the moment as it's very dark. Forecast is for cloudy rather than rain though and I'm hoping they are right. Tomorrow's forecast is terrible - heavy rain all day.

Opticians this morning and need to pop into Tesco for some bread and milk. Other than that, just the usual for us.

Hope you lot have a good 'un
Morning Chris. I am glad Rosie is laying in longer I am looking forward to a 7am lie-in again. Maybe one day in the not to distant future I hope.
He is at this moment next to me with is head under the rug
Hope the opticians goes well.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn and all

Poor Gordon, I hope he can keep the sore throat at bay, good luck for the interview.

I had to smile at Dillon and the cushions as we have the same problem with ours, we have even had a couple of cushions destuffed.

I am envious H, I think I will have to take my two youngsters down to the beach, I am so fed up with mud and guns, next month it will be avoid the hunt, they don't care where they go and left a good few people up here very angry.

I had the same thing happen yesterday Rosebud with the bones, I am on the phone everyone is peaceful until Taz decides to go and get a bone (there were 10 on a low shelf) and they start bickering over the one bone!

What a character Pereg is, bless her!

It's still dark here but the rain hasn't arrived yet, it looks as if it will be a good few days of it too. I don't think the dogs will willingly go out today!

Have a good day all.
Morning Gerri. After getting back from Dillons walk I popped off to Sainsbury's and got some Tyrozets he has only had one and the throat is already feeling better.
Naughty Basenji's and the bones hope it is all calm now.
Have a good day.
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

It's going to rain to day I think so I'm going to walk Loki then go into town for some Christmas cards. I think we should make them though - the price of them!

Take care and have a lovely day.
Morning Linda. More cards ?
That would be a good project to get the children into card making.
Have a good day.

Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Good Morning One and All xxxxx

At the moment all is calm here but I think we have rain later so the weather forecast says.

Lots to do housework wise then out this afternoon with the gang.......more mud to mop up after that I daresay

Hope you all stay well and have a great day xxxxx
Morning Steph. Hope you beat the rain and don't have too much mud to clear up on the return from your walk.
Enjoy your day.
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,
This morning I have a visit from a housing officer about one of the nuiscance families up the road and then I am off to the hospital for my cardiology appointment, before coming back home to walk Lily and then off to work. Roll on Friday as I then have 5 days off.
Charly's boyfriend is leaving for Devon this morning to spend christmas with his family and for his sisters special birthday. Sounds like he will be heading into rain down there then Jenny.
I have to laugh at Dillons antics, I just can't imagine him being naughty he was a model of perfect behaviour when I was round
Enjoy your walk H and everyone whatever you are doing have a good day.
Morning Bev. Good luck with the outcome of the meeting today.
Good luck at the hospital and roll on when you get those 5 days off. I would quite like the calm days back Bev when we are through this very trying adolescent hopefully then.
Enjoy your day.
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,morning all

Miserable morning here,pouring with rain but not cold.

Luke has the dentist today,still not sure what they are going to do with that tooth

We have the man coming from the H/A to look at the window.Just took the voiles down in the kitchen and they are filthy so there going in the wash

Struggled to get Tom out of bed this morning,no college for Lizzie today and she's still in bed,so I've left her there she had a pretty hectic few days.

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal good luck with your appointment too and the appointment at the dentist with Luke.
Enjoy your day.
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn, morning all,

Still pretty dark here now, but I know that by lunchtime the rain will set in probably until tomorrow afternoon .
So I'll walk my boys after my Tesco run but it will be on-lead after their they both ran off yesterday. (Back to basics with Rucksack's recall which has always been so good)

Lynn I'm glad your night wasn't too bad - it's a bit like having a young child in the house when you have disturbed sleep again. I use to suffer really badly from tonsillitis and sore throats. What really helped was gargling with dispersable aspirin. For me it really did take a lot of the pain away.

Rosebud, I hope your day is successful. One day nearer to having a break

Helena, your intended walk sounds wonderful! Enjoy

I'll drop by later but I hope everyone has a good and safe day.
Morning Jenny. Naughty doggies. I was only saying the other day to Gorden its a bit like having a baby with all the disturbed sleep.
Thanks for the tip one to remember I got some Tyrozets over the pharmacy counter at Sainsbury's. So far so good now its just a swollen feeling now all broken glass and sandpaper feeling gone. So fingers crossed by bedtime the throat will e nearly back to normal.
He had no voice when he got up.
Enjoy your day.
Originally Posted by majuka View Post
Morning Lynn, Morning All

I've just come back from walking Max then I have four walks for clients this afternoon. Then I can put my feet up for a bit.

Have a good day all
Morning Jane. I hope the walks go quickly so you can rest those weary feet soon.
Enjoy your day.
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Quite dark and grey this morning, meeting my friend (who I 'lost' temporarily ) for lunch today, table is booked for 1pm and she will be here at 12 noon to have a puppy fix prior to lunch. Have stopped to have some brekkie. Babies aren't out as yet, Cariad has gone out though, probably needs a bit of peace with being in with the babies all night.
We are making Progress on our potty training, one poo on the puppy pad this morning and then when I came back there were another 2, so happy with that. Still no word from Ash's daddy, I do have his mobile number on an email somewhere so will text him if I don't hear within the next few days.
I do hope Gordon starts facing the right way today Lynn, tomorrow is the Big Day and I have got my fingers crossed it goes well for him. Dillon sounds as though he has settled down quite a bit for you, so at least one source of stress has diminished, just got Christmas and Gordon's interview to go then
Here is today's Puppy Fix and it is Che dividing the newspaper so Sasha can have a look as well while he looks at the footie

Not raining here yet, I was expecting to wake up to rain, so at least will be cleaning kennels out in the dry for a change, maybe even the rest of the paper bedding in the sleeping part will be dry - you just never know your luck
Morning June. Yet another wonderful puppy fix for us thank you.
Well done puppies. I hope you manage to get the puppy palace cleaned without the rain causing problems.
Enjoy your lunch with your friend.

I hope you hear from the chap who has paid for Che sometime soon does seem a bit odd. Hopefully he will be in touch soon and he has been really tied up with work.
Enjoy your day.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members it is cold wet and dark outside.

My kitchen is warm though with the smell of baking bread. Cheese flavoured bread sticks today. Sometimes I feel like I am running a bakery as the children eat everything as quick as it comes out of Nanna's oven I hope they remember it when they grow up.

Have a pleasant day everyone..
Morning Mini. I can smell the bread and cheese flavoured bread from here mmmmmm.
I am sure the children will remember the wonderful delights and smells from Nana's kitchen in years to come.
Enjoy your day.
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19-12-2012, 11:59 AM
Morning all!

Been a bit absent of late but things seem to have settled down here now after a crappy few months so joining back in again.

Wet and icky here today, the poor chickens looked like drowned rats!!! Just getting over a cold so not been up to much really just relaxing before heading off to work.

Tawneywolf those pups are so cute!!! Thanks for the puppy fix. Our new pup is past the super cute stage and into the odd looking legs and ears stage now
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19-12-2012, 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Razcox View Post
Morning all!

Been a bit absent of late but things seem to have settled down here now after a crappy few months so joining back in again.

Wet and icky here today, the poor chickens looked like drowned rats!!! Just getting over a cold so not been up to much really just relaxing before heading off to work.

Tawneywolf those pups are so cute!!! Thanks for the puppy fix. Our new pup is past the super cute stage and into the odd looking legs and ears stage now
Morning welcome back.
Sorry to hear you have had a rough time.
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