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09-12-2012, 08:58 AM
Morning Lynn and all,
I was awake coughing till 4am then kyiro got me up at 5am for the toilet. I went back to bed and then Lily came and woke me at 7am, so now I feel rough. I have also managed to injure my wrist yesterday. Don't know what i have done as i can move it fine but I can't lift anything with that hand its too painful and won't hold out. I tell you I'm falling apart and if I was an animal i would have been put to sleep long ago .
I have to go to Tesco this morning as the pahamacist wants to check through all my medication and do a review. Could really do without that right now.
Charly and Ash were out last night at the corporals christmas do. It had strict dress code so Charly had to get a new dress that was below the knee, Ash told her to choose something and he would buy it for her. They have stayed over in Ash's digs as they would have both been drinking. They looked very smart when they left here though.
Hoping my son will come over and measure up for my blind for the kitchen today. He agreed to measure and fit it as my christmas present and my mum is buying it. But he is now being awkward about it saying he doesn't really come this way now so will have to make a special trip and trying to put me on a guilt trip. I told him not to worry as I didn't want him making a special trip but he said if he had time he would try and fit it in, but he could do without all the agro of coming over here. I do feel really guilty as I literally have no money to get even my grandchildren a little gift for christmas this year so can't really expect my son to put himself out for me when i won't be reciprocating. Mr cameron has squeezed me so tight my wages don't cover my outgoings for basics. Charly and I have decided we will just stay at home quietly on our own this year and not celebrate christmas as we can't get anyone anything or contribute.
Anyway you all have a good day at least its feeling milder today.
Glad yesterday went well with the grandchildren yesterday Lynn
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09-12-2012, 09:07 AM
Good morning everyone, so it sounds like we are all under this blanket of cloud then

Kazz I like your plan, because I love the turkey cold too but I'm not sure I would get away with no roast turkey Christmas day

Hubby not to good today, his gout has come back (I know, I know, I feed him too well ) He has some tablets left from last time so he has started them this morning. Gee it always starts when we have a lot to do

There will be 9 of us to lunch today, it's our eldest Gdaughter's 22 birthday. I have got a 'uuuuge loin of pork, apple sauce, sausage meat stuffing, loads of veggies and of course the roast spuds My mouth id watering already
Have a good Sunday everyone.
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09-12-2012, 09:29 AM
Morning all,

Well bit stuffed after that cake

Plan today is not sitting on me bum. Got a pile of ironing and an assignment to do....after I have some breakfast and a cuppa.
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09-12-2012, 09:56 AM

Less than five minutes left of the morning and I Do Not Know What Happened To The Morning.

Pereg was A Good Girl and did not get me up in the night, mind you we did not get to bed until nearly 1am [again] but I hadda get up a couple of times, old age being what it is. Fell back into bed after her 7am meds and hadda lovely kip until woken by the phone - "Why did you not answer your mobile?" - erm mobile shoulda been switched off and in any case it is in the salon and not in my bedroom so how the 'eck was I susposdid to 'ear it? Me being mutton an' all that.

Right - coffee time and ketchup time.

Have a goodun everyone!
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09-12-2012, 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone

It's so dark for this time of the morning, I thought it was the middle of the night when Zena came in to tell me her dad was up by planting a little kiss on my nose Couldy out there, so no sunshine for us today then, but at least it's dry. Nice of DD to pop in again last night on her way to bed and hoover up all those crumbs

Sounds like those grandkids wore you out yesterday Lynn, good job Christmas is only once a year then!

We're having a quiet, do nothing day today, and I know I keep saying it, but I really must get up to that van and check on that fire I left on last Wednesday, but I'm sure it's ok left on an Eco setting. Roast lamb for lunch, Tesco had a half price offer yesterday so I made the most of that and shoved one in the freezer for Christmas.

Hope everyone is well today along with their doglets, so enjoy your Sunday
Morning Helena.
Not heard any fire engines lately have you ?
Enjoy your quite do nothing day.

Originally Posted by lynnb View Post
Good morning all,
Wow is it dark or what, i thought my clock must be wrong but no i checked the downstairs one and it was right.
Number2 son is coming today to clear the guttering out,he's the only one in the family who doesn't mind heights well he's 6"ft 2". so he's used to being high up lol.
He will be bringing ollie so i will be getting a puppy fix and kisses.He's a typical lab and wants do everything and play at 50 miles an hour.Later i will be snoooozing.
Morning Lynn.
Enjoy your puppy cuddles. Then your much needed snooze.
Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Morning all

Lynn your day sounds lovley yesterday children are made for Christmas and vice versa. Memories are made of that special time.
Helena you are right I woke this morning and thought hey whats going on. Its the middle of the night? Then realised it wasn't at all - so got up Sal was asking for her walk so obliged and off we went (I have updated her health thread) got the papers on the way home and a couple slices of bacon for me. I have since had bacon toast with brown sauce. and coffee . Now considering the next thing for the day - my plans are putting up the Christmas lights outside as we put the tree up yesterday and I have to tell you all "IT'S BEGINING TO FEEL A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS"
I also have to go the farm shop and see what pork they have in as a change to the past is happening this Christmas we are having Turkey on SUnday 23rd and then Prok Christmas day as I adore Turkey sarnies and turkey and chips but working boxing day means I don't really get to enoy them. SO this year going in reverse and Christmas eve is always so busy here presents people dropping in me dropping out to drop in somewhere else, Mom would like to go to Church Christmas eve this year too so I will be going there not done that in years - Mom has started to go back to church lately after a period of absence (actually 30 years) since my Nan died. In fact seems more of us my be going than she realises as my nieces and sister in law are planning on joinging us Mom will be pleased (not tole her yet just in case) be like a Christmas present surprise to see them there for her.

Well thats is I plan on writing a Christmas card or thirty today too and now thinking need to get the ladder out.

If I have missed anyone posting while I am - sorry have a good day all.
Morning Kazz.
Nice to hear Sal is feeling well.
It sounds like your mum will enjoy her christmas trip to church. Good luck with the christmas cards I really must start mine.
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, its a dark one here too.
going to have a lazy one today apart from the ironing

Have a good one all, stay safe xx
Morning Jackie enjoy your quiet day apart from the ironing.
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn, Helena, Lynnb, Kazz and all who follow ,

What a drab day after yesterday's wonderful sun, but maybe we all see some sun later. I love it when the sun is out 'cos the dogs will lie in the hall where the sun comes in for hours - when there is no sun the race around playing tag instead

Hoping to put the tree up today. We lost most of our lights last year so it will involve doing a trip to buy some more. Like last year I'll have to block off the back of the settee which forms part of the dogs' race track, otherwise they'll race straight in to the tree ..... they won't be happy and I hope the don't do what they did once before and that was go over the back of the settee They'll be two soon, so surely they must be due to calm down very soon?

See you all later.
Morning Jenny.
Good luck with the tree and the house rearranging
enjoy the bacon sandwich.
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Lynn and all above

Again we have sunshine but still the snow is lying on the ground, not surprising as it was minus 12 C last night and up in the mountains which is only about 12 Kms away it was reportedly minus 27 C it has been a cold winter so far.

Lots of little jobs to sort out today, finish of the tree and try to get outside lights working, I'm not optimistic on that one but we'll see.

Best wishes to all of you.
Morning Harvey.
-27 .
Good luck with the lights.
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Cloudy & quite mild here this morning,

Not doing much today,apart from cooking a nice roast beef lunch and bit of housework later this evening,going to throw the hoover over the bedrooms,landing & stairs

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal.
Enjoy lunch sounds yummy.
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning all

Ahh Lynn, I'm sure your Grandchildren had a brilliant time with you.

We dragged down the decorations yesterday - talk about excitement. Carys is determined to decorate it herself but all the decorations are concentrated at child height. I will move them around a bit when she's not looking.

Christmas card writing today. Have a super day everyone.
Morning Linda. That reminds me of the boys when they use to want to decorate the tree I would then be behind later straightening it up.
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09-12-2012, 10:10 AM
Good morning fellow members the sun is shining and I am hoping for a quiet day.

I went babysitting yesterday evening and it turned out to be quite eventful when baby Hannah and one of the twins developed runny tummies
I was pleased to get home

Hoping to get my Christmas cards written today, I still send Christmas cards but have little else to do with that occasion these days.
Enjoy your day everyone
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09-12-2012, 10:11 AM
Dark this morning here as well and raining, so that puts my plan for getting the babies out back a day as I don't want them going outside when there will be wet girlies coming in and out, mind you Cariad may well not let them in with the babies, and they will have to go in the Little Kennel (its quite big, but compared to the Puppy Palace pales into insignificance)
Got Cheveyo's new family coming at 1pm so having some me time now as once I have got up it will be non stop.
Am getting a bit worried about a friend of mine, we always always meet for a lunch before Christmas and I have been ringing her for a few days now and got no reply. She moved over the summer and rang me to let me know she was in her new place, her and her BF had bought a narrowboat between them, they don't actually live together, but she had sold her house to finance her part of the boat and they were renting near to each other. I don't have her new landline number, just her mobile and it is ringing out, usually by now we have made arrangements where to meet and booked a table. I am beginning to fear the worst
Will keep trying her off and on, she could just be away and not taken her mobile I suppose, but wouldn't it be switched off, and would it keep ringing out if it was no longer connected????
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09-12-2012, 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,
I was awake coughing till 4am then kyiro got me up at 5am for the toilet. I went back to bed and then Lily came and woke me at 7am, so now I feel rough. I have also managed to injure my wrist yesterday. Don't know what i have done as i can move it fine but I can't lift anything with that hand its too painful and won't hold out. I tell you I'm falling apart and if I was an animal i would have been put to sleep long ago .
I have to go to Tesco this morning as the pahamacist wants to check through all my medication and do a review. Could really do without that right now.
Charly and Ash were out last night at the corporals christmas do. It had strict dress code so Charly had to get a new dress that was below the knee, Ash told her to choose something and he would buy it for her. They have stayed over in Ash's digs as they would have both been drinking. They looked very smart when they left here though.
Hoping my son will come over and measure up for my blind for the kitchen today. He agreed to measure and fit it as my christmas present and my mum is buying it. But he is now being awkward about it saying he doesn't really come this way now so will have to make a special trip and trying to put me on a guilt trip. I told him not to worry as I didn't want him making a special trip but he said if he had time he would try and fit it in, but he could do without all the agro of coming over here. I do feel really guilty as I literally have no money to get even my grandchildren a little gift for christmas this year so can't really expect my son to put himself out for me when i won't be reciprocating. Mr cameron has squeezed me so tight my wages don't cover my outgoings for basics. Charly and I have decided we will just stay at home quietly on our own this year and not celebrate christmas as we can't get anyone anything or contribute.
Anyway you all have a good day at least its feeling milder today.
Glad yesterday went well with the grandchildren yesterday Lynn
Morning Bev. Goodness what have you done to your wrist.
(((Hugs))) about all the other stuff. Our christmas will not be as full on as other years there a lot of others in the same boat this year. Mark and Tracey being one they are only doing the children this year.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Good morning everyone, so it sounds like we are all under this blanket of cloud then

Kazz I like your plan, because I love the turkey cold too but I'm not sure I would get away with no roast turkey Christmas day

Hubby not to good today, his gout has come back (I know, I know, I feed him too well ) He has some tablets left from last time so he has started them this morning. Gee it always starts when we have a lot to do

There will be 9 of us to lunch today, it's our eldest Gdaughter's 22 birthday. I have got a 'uuuuge loin of pork, apple sauce, sausage meat stuffing, loads of veggies and of course the roast spuds My mouth id watering already
Have a good Sunday everyone.
Morning Jen hope Brian feels better soon.
Enjoy your lunch sounds like a busy day for you.
Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Well bit stuffed after that cake

Plan today is not sitting on me bum. Got a pile of ironing and an assignment to do....after I have some breakfast and a cuppa.
Morning Lorraine.
Enjoy your day.
Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Less than five minutes left of the morning and I Do Not Know What Happened To The Morning.

Pereg was A Good Girl and did not get me up in the night, mind you we did not get to bed until nearly 1am [again] but I hadda get up a couple of times, old age being what it is. Fell back into bed after her 7am meds and hadda lovely kip until woken by the phone - "Why did you not answer your mobile?" - erm mobile shoulda been switched off and in any case it is in the salon and not in my bedroom so how the 'eck was I susposdid to 'ear it? Me being mutton an' all that.

Right - coffee time and ketchup time.

Have a goodun everyone!
Morning Malka.
Lie-in whats one of them.

Well I stand corrected about the weather here it is not warmish it is a cold wind. I did not realise till we started walking Dillon.
He is limping on his front leg. I did think yesterday evening he seemed a little uncomfortable on it but he always leaps about so I thought he had maybe just pulled something which of course he may of done. He seemd fine when we were out for our walk but seems to of stiffened up since being home and is limping quite a bit more now.
We have with some difficulty checked for glas it looked like someones windscreen had shattered where we walked but his paws look clear of glass and he didn't object to either of us running our hands over them and putting some pressure on and inbetween the pads.
He is eating normally and doesn't seem unhappy in himself.
I will watch and see how he goes.
We may pop out to the christmas barn in Stevenage later to try to get our christmas spirit flowing.
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09-12-2012, 11:17 AM
Morning, folks.

Got up to find Guinness has been sick in the night. Hope it's just a one off. Going to have to go out and get him a cheap spare bed, I can't get this one dry fast enough for his lordship. He's whining to go back into his crate even though there is currently no bed in there. I was going to get him a Tuffies wipe clean bed in time for Christmas, but with the unexpected expense of having to replace the car, that will have to wait.

I'm expecting war to break out later because Jon's going to be telephoning his folks to tell them we're not going up there for Christmas. My gran is in hospital with heart failure and might not even make it to the end of the week , and my aunt has cancer and this is almost definately going to be her last Christmas. My poor mum is running round like a blue a*rsed fly between them and I'm not leaving her to cope with it on her own.
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09-12-2012, 11:22 AM
I really hope your OH's family is understanding about this. I was in the same situation last Christmas and I got absolutely no support from my brother at all. I was left to sort everything out, I forced him to come over at Christmas by saying MY OH was taking us away for a few days (total lie because myself and OH had finished by then, but he wasn't to know) by then my mum was in hospital and passed away late January, so if I hadn't made him go to see her it would have been 2 years since he had bothered. I really understand what your mum is going through, and how lovely of you to care and help her. My boys were very good, but that is one of the times you wish for a daughter. Big hugs from here
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