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20-11-2009, 08:31 PM
We fostered a springer bitch while she looked for her forever home (we had her from 12 weeks to about 7 months old) and she was spayed while she was with us. She stayed in the vets overnight to keep her still and rested as she wouldn't go in the crate at home if Oscar and Sabbie were running around. I

t was much better for her as by the day after she was more up for chilling out with the others and getting cuddles. If she had gone home after her op she would have spent the whole night trying to jump onto our bed or running madly with Oscar and terrorising Sabbie.
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20-11-2009, 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
Helena - This is just what happened with us (As you know our two were done almost three years ago, they were nearly two y.o. at the time)

They did not stay overnight, the vet didn't suggest it and I think OH would not have agreed to it anyway.

When we got them home they were still under the anesethic, slowly they came around but even Rianna (who is the affectionate one) didn't try anything loony like waging tail or trying to run around, both were subdued the first day and night.

The vet did warn us to keep them calm and quiet and to keep checking on the stitches. To help with protecting the stitches the vet suggested a kind of pullover for the bottom part of the tummy which OH made out of some old clothes. Both Bara and Rianna wore this with no problems and even when we started gentle walks, somewhere I've got a picture of Bara in the forrest with this 'thing' around her

From memory I think it was 3 weeks before the stitches were removed, over here I was told they use very strong material for the sutres (Is that the right word)

Personally I think if Dave is calm and quiet around her she will OK but only you can make the decision, I'm sure your vets are honourable people but she will have to come home the next day and the stitches will still be fresh and must not be stretched or the wound could open for at leat a week or two so what will one night do

OH made all the decisions (Except about the best time to have it done which she didn't actually do but that's another story ) She felt it was essential for both Bara and Rianna to have someone they knew and trusted when they came round from the anesthetic.

Good luck on Monday, I'm back in hospital that day too

Just saw that in your case it's an animal hospital where Zena is going with staff on duty all night, that is quite important 'cos it means she'll be monitored through the night.

In our case it was just the normal vet type practice and if they had stayed overnight they wouldv'e been in kennels and no one to stroke them and re-assure them when they came round. I think that was probably why OH decided to bring them home the same day.
It's more for the healing process with me H, the first 12 hours being critical, the clotting, the pain relief, and because I've read so many stories on here about some of the dogs crying all night, probably in pain, I just couldn't bear it, I'd be rushing her back down there complaining they'd done something wrong!!!

One of my friends said the same about having somebody there that they know for when they come round, but then I spoke to my breeder about that and she advised me not to be there, coz it can be a bit scarey! She obviously knows me well by now then!!!!

Dave is now against leaving her in there, but I'm afraid I'm all for it from what I've read now in this thread, oh I don't know, decisions, decisions, I will probably leave it up to the vet when I see him on Monday, see what he thinks hey?!

Regarding Dave being quiet around her, he IS quiet, that's the thing, but he HAS to come home from work, I can't stop that (sadly!!!) and this is when she goes ballistic even though we shove a slipper in her mouth to stop her jumping up, she gets sooooooo excited wriggling around him making silly noises! Even when he's sitting quietly in his chair at night, she sometimes launches herself at him, and she's so quick, could I stop that in time??!!! I might be booking me and Zena into a hotel for a week I can see it coming!!!
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20-11-2009, 08:53 PM
Tala was speyed recently and she was very quiet and sleepy after the op. The vet said it can take a week for some dogs to recover from the anaesthetic but it has taken longer than that for her to get her energy back. She has been happy to go out for a walk but has been sleeping a lot in the house. The stitches normally come out after 10 days but Tala had a keyhole spey so she only had internal dissolving stitches.

I really feel for you as it is so hard to do this. Up until the last minute I was undecided about the op and the reality only hit me about an hour before she was due at the vets and I started feeling sick. I arranged to meet a friend to take my mind off it and I think it's probably best not to ring the vet until mid afternoon when it is all over and you can find out it has gone well.
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20-11-2009, 09:00 PM
Thanks for that Talassie, and I feel sick already let alone for Monday!!! So Tala had the keyhole, and yet it took that long for her to recover completely, and there I was thinking keyhole would be such a quick and simple process they wouldn't even know they'd had anything done! That wasn't an option for me in the end because of the hernia, and my vets don't do it, they told me about one who did, but he was too far away, and I worried about any emergencies for afterwards.
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20-11-2009, 09:15 PM
It was just two small incisions and she was allowed to run around after 24 hours but not to swim (so I have had to keep her away from all the puddles cos she likes to lie in them when she gets hot!) She has had a few plays with other dogs. I think it must have been the anasthetic that knocked her out. I suppose every dog reacts differently.
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20-11-2009, 09:17 PM
I've had quite a few bitches spayed and one of those did have a hernia repair at the same time. She and the others never stayed in overnight, it wasn't suggested, and they all recovered easily. After the initial pleasure at seeing you when your in the vets to pick them up they soon become sleepy again at home and rest. Its later the next day they start to liven up as a rule and when its difficult to keep them quiet.
I personally wouldn't want mine left in as at home they are more settled, and you can let them out to the toilet whenever they need it rather than them sitting uncomfortably in the vets busting and having to wait till someone thinks about it.
My vet always told me no walks for the first 3 days, 7 if you can keep them that long without one, and any walks until the stitches come out must be short and on lead.
I'm afraid some of my nutters ended up having a very short lead walk twice a day on the 2nd day. They would have done themselves more damage charging round the house. I did take them into the garden to the loo onlead too as they would have charged about if not.
I know its no good saying don't worry because its natural, but I am sure she will be fine.
I'll give her some special cuddles tomorrow to help her through it..
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20-11-2009, 09:34 PM
Oh H - I feel for you xx and I just want to say "it'll all be ok" but I was worried sick too with Tilly the other week.
You are norty for frightening yourself looking up stuff on the internet I guess I was lucky because I didn't know Tilly was getting her hernia done until afterwards when the vet said "BTW we did her hernia too" (It didn't even cross my mind )
I personally think if you left her in overnight, you would be more worried? Tilly literally didn't move off the mattress I'd put on the living room floor for 10 hours when we brought her home. I tried to take her into the garden for a wee, but she couldn't make it, (she didn't wee for 20 hours I was getting a bit worried about that) she didn't want to eat & could just about lift her head to have a drink which I held & kept giving her. She did whimper & I was nearly crying at the sight of her, but I just layed with her all night & the following day & night. When she did try to attempt the step down to the garden the next day, she soon found out it hurt, I even felt her pain when she was trying to poo - you could tell she was struggling. But then as if by magic she bounced back & I wondered why I worried so much!!!
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20-11-2009, 09:44 PM
I had zanta speyed at 6 months and she had a hernia done as well. She was fine coming home she was a bit subdued and did whimper on and off during the night, so I slept downstairs for the night.

She was a lunatic but was quiet for a couple of days. She had dissolvable stitches even with the hernia op.

Good luck for Monday it is such a worry.
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20-11-2009, 10:04 PM
Isla had an emergency spay a couple of weeks ago and I have to say the anaesthetics and procedures are so advanced now I really don't think there's any need for a bitch to be kept in overnight - especially if they're young and healthy.

I'll be honest and say I didn't worry at all with Isla, she was picked up at about 17:30 the day of the op and she was settled comfortably on the settee all night, then coming to bed with me as usual. The hardest part was keeping her quiet over the last couple of weeks. Actually that's not true, the hardest part was keeping Oscar from pestering her to play!

Her stitches came out on Monday and we're just bathing it twice a day as it hasn't healed perfectly, but that's the only problem we've had tbh.
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21-11-2009, 12:46 AM
When I had my last bitch speyed I tookher at 8 in the morning & my vet said to collect her at 6pm. At 3.30 they rang me & I panicked but they said come & get her she's stressing, yelling & disturbing the whole place. I could here her drom outside. I picked her up she climbed in the car came home & slept from then till 9 next morning. Needless to say I had very little sleep.
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