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This is true of the Barkbuster Franchise as well. However there is a huge difference between people who are already qualified and experienced, like the gentleman you know, and others such as the lady in my area who has simply the Dog Listener course and advertises herself as a specialist with aggression
or the Barkbuster guy who traumatised a JRT by hurling a chain when it barked and turned it from a nervous dog into a biting dog
There are good and bad out there and unfortunately the bad ones can do a lot of damage.
That is very true. If I was going to engage someone to lay their hands on one of my beloved dogs I would interrogate them on the telephone beforehand about their experience. They would need to be really impressive with a proven track record before they even got to walk through the front door. Nobody is cutting their teeth on my boys!
The retired dog handler, who has unfortunately attached an unpopular label to himself, certainly knows his stuff and gets really positive results. He also makes himself available for follow-up calls and visits at no extra charge, but it hasn't been necessary.