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08-09-2006, 09:13 AM
Please believe Lottie - dogs do not reflect upon past behaviours. Theirs is a simple world. They live in the here and now, no thought for the distant future, no thought for the past.

Your cool attitude toward her will simply have communicated that you were displeased with her, she would have no idea why. If she was walking back home your 'distance' may have communicated that you were unhappy with the way she was walking, that she stopped for a sniff, that she looked at something, - any of the behaviours that she exhibited seconds after the incident she may have thought displeasing to you.

Dogs simply don't think as we do and they cannot reason as we do. The prolonging of 'punishment' ( getting late, can't think of another word) may have the effect that the dog becomes more submissive and eager to avoid displeasure, but it has no idea of what it has done wrong to bring this silent treatment down upon its head.

The offended, silent treatment works well with some people - never with dogs
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08-09-2006, 09:15 AM
I don't think I would worry too much about it. Dogs have little "tiffs" sometimes - it is normal canine behaviour. I would have given her a quick reprimand there and then, but that would be an end to it.
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08-09-2006, 09:19 AM
like the others said any action more than a few seconds later and she will not correlate the two at all.

Right, Takoda has done something similar...and if that situation was anything to go by it was all to do with the lead. I know exactly why Takoda did it (I was putting him onlead and another dog was close by) he doesn't feel great around other dogs onlead and so he reacted the way he did.

With Takara it may have been something as simple as kicking up a fuss with the lead being put on kinda like a teenage strop and where she would never vent her irritation at you she would one of her 4 legged friends. she probably was irritated at you and her mate just got the brunt of it.

I notice with Takoda if he isn't happy about something that is happening, he will never show any bad feelings to me but if Keena happens to be walking by he can sometimes snap at her, when the situation didn't even have anything to do with her. I know alot of his reactions now so most situations are easily diverted.

So maybe Taz was a scapegoat for Takara's disapproval?

So what do I do?...In the heat of the moment the only thing I can think of is to do the classic 'aah aah' (however that is remove him from the situation and then basically go through a series of commands which he has to perform before we continue with our walk. Sit, watch, lay down...anything...Not exactly a punishment but for a dog who is eager to get on with playing and having fun it's something they would rather not have to do, so punishment enough...and maybe it shows me as taking control of the situation in his mind which is always a good thing?...Also obviously if Takoda acts a bit big for his britches like that I think it kinda helps put him back in his place.

If this happens at home obviously you have the option of instant time out.

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08-09-2006, 09:38 AM
Thanks guys

Okay - feeling a little better because I went down and Takara is not at all bothered in the slightest. She reacted to me the same way as she always does - not overexcited to see I'm happy with her again but not in a strop. She seems to have taken the opportunity to have a quiet snooze

However - don't all have a go at me at once for this. I fed them, the same way I always do. Eddy's goes down first and Takara follows me to her bowl stand to have her's put down for her.
I know you say not to feed them together and I know that I made the mistake when Takara was a pup but we always feed Eddy and Takara together and they're always fine. However, this morning Takara had a go at Eddy because she wanted his dinner (even though her's was in my hand).
Their bowls are at opposite ends of the kitchen because otherwise Eddy gets a bit worried that Takara will get too close to his, and it always works fine.

She snapped at Eddy the same way she snapped at Taz. On both occassions I had to hold her back because it wasn't just a quick snap it was a prolonged 'attack' although she didn't want to bite, she was lunging for him. She was fine when I showed her her dinner and guided her over to her bowl and then she went over and licked Ed's lips after dinner as usual.

She's also lost a lot of weight lately and is eating food like it's going out of fashion, she's up to date with her worming treatment but still shows all the signs of having them.

What should I do?? It's obviously about possession but I think with Eddy it was because she's so hungry. Do you think she could be ill (you can see her ribs and I'm feeding her a bit more than usual) and that's why she has been so grumpy?
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08-09-2006, 10:23 AM
well here is a surprise...Takoda has been like that at feeding times also (they sound a fair bit alike) but I do not feed them separate.

Both dogs have to sit and wait while I get their food ready and I went through a stage of putting Keena's down first and if he took his attention off me I would use his food to get his attention back...Keena would be well stuck in as a result with Takoda paying attention to what is going on with his own food. They eat happily side by side with no rucks at all. I wouldn't have it any other way as I don't believe I should have to feed one dog in this room and the other some place else...Food is the biggest thing we have control over our dogs and so I found the problem to be quite easy to eliminate. Simply...If you don't act right, you don't eat!

It hardly ever happened but if Takoda got really silly I would just clip on the lead and take him away while letting Keena eat. Bring him back a few seconds later and make him 'jump through hoops' to get his dinner.

They lay happily on a sheet side by side eating their favorite breast of lamb so something worked.

With everything to do with Takoda, it's order first then if you are behaving then and only then we proceed.
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08-09-2006, 10:26 AM
If you are worried about her weight ect and think it may be something health related get her checked over to eliminate that possibilty and put your mind at rest.
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08-09-2006, 10:29 AM
Thanks myschievous

All advice is duly noted

I think it may be some of what you suggested. She could well be wound up with me because a few house rules have changed (courtesy of my mother) and she could be seeing how far she can go as well as taking it out on other dogs.

We really need to reinforce this NILIF business - I've been a bit remiss lately.

I'm feeling a little bit more positive now. I have a lot of time before I start uni to do lots of training and behavioural work with them so wish me luck!

I think Takara's going through another of those 'how far can I go' stages
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08-09-2006, 10:34 AM
Yep...So long as she is fit and healthy...a good bit of reinforcing the rules will work wonders...We do N.I.L.I.F here all the time. With Keena she is a clown and tries to humor her way out of being good and with Takoda he wants everything his own way, so it is a must for us.
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08-09-2006, 01:31 PM
hehe yes Takara sounds a lot like your Takoda!

We used to do it all the time and I've been a bit remiss because she was so good

I know it's my own fault - I'll get back to it!
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