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25-03-2013, 09:01 AM
Morning all, its cold cold cold here today,and the wind is getting up .

Good news on the van H, hope its ready for your weeks stay.

Naughty Dillon, the boy is on his toes Lynn ,

Malka , hope you recover soon, look after yourself .

Morning Mini, jenny and everyone else, hope you have a good day with no problems cropping up.

ay safe folks..xx
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25-03-2013, 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Oh Malka that sounds dreadful, I hope you are better soon x
I am trying to stay up as I think the swelling might drain better than if I am laying down. Anyhow I have "signed in" so you all know I am OK-ish. Mind you I think I did the Steam Mop one first as the ReminderFox notification popped up as soon as I switched my computer on so had to do that. No problem as I write these silly rhymes and save them, got about twenty now I think!

Now doing the Introduction greetings and any Birthdays, and will try to read through as much as I can. Accidents happen and I am a permanent accident just waiting to happen!
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25-03-2013, 09:20 AM
Morning all

Sounds as if everyone is going to be busy today.

Malka I hope you improve and feel better as the day goes on

Put my breadmaker on first thing as usual(generally make a loaf each day) and...nothing! I had a feeling it was on its last legs. Sooo hubby had a quick look and reported that its kna**ered, a technical term apparently. Been trawling t'inters for about an hour and the one I decided on (russell hobbs 18036) is mostly out of stock except amazon. I really wanted to get it from asda or tesco or argos, mainly so I could stand in front of a "person" to complain if it went pear shaped! Looks like amazon then. I am pondering on it!!
Meanwhile, I've got a lump of dough rising on the kitchen table.

Have a good day everyone.
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25-03-2013, 09:34 AM
Good morning all, hope you are all safe and well.
I have been complaining of the cold but as Brian reminded me, just be thankful you live in the south west and haven't got the snow others have

Hope your cooker arrives soon Mini, nothing worse than having to wait around.
Gelly, I swear by Amazon. Very quick service and good after sales service too.

Take care Malka, and keep warm everyone else
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25-03-2013, 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
At least we have had no more snow, so we just need to get rid of all that we do have. Unfortunatly it looks like easter weekend we are in for a huge amount again. Lets hope not as Lily's working year starts then and we are at "All about Dogs" on the greyhound stand, outside in the elements on Easter Sunday and Monday so I am praying for a heatwave. What do you think my chances of that are .

Busy busy day today working, still at least its a 4 day week this week and next as I feel so tired this morning. When I woke at six this morning I really could have gone back to sleep for a couple of hours, but I had to get myself up and get Lily out.

Glad to hear Zenas foot seems much better now and pleased to hear all is coming together with the van.

Hope everyone is ok and of course all the doggies too.
Take care all and have a good day.
Morning Bev, I do hope you're wrong about that snow over Easter, and Zena's foot is fine, even though her boot and sock came flying off this morning as soon as we set off on the path, She seems ok on it, I've washed it and slapped on the Savlon and the sock. Hope Lily's foot is all better now too.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H, Lynn and all

The caravan sounds lovely H, you will be giving it a trial mini break, you will soon get ideas as to what to do with it.

I am still having problems with my van 12 volt system, I am wondering now if there is a blown fuse. The mains electric is working fine but I'm worried now that my battery has died, the led light isn't coming on which I am sure it should when the mains is plugged in. I didn't get the manual when I bought my van and it's getting old now and the manuals aren't online.

I hope things work out for you Lynn on the job front and the impending move. Poor Dillon doesn't know what's in store for him!

Praying for a warmer Easter, I don't envy you Bev if you are standing outside with Lily in these temperatures.

I have a meeting at work at 9am again, it's impossible to get there on time with the school traffic. They don't start going down until 9.45 and I have to go 200 yards against them, nearly got stuck in the mud last week!

Have a good day all.
Morning Gerry, I do hope that meeting brings good news for you this morning, I know how worried you must be with all the problems. I will ask Dave about your 12volt and see if he comes up with anything for you.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good Morning everyone, hope Malka is feeling much better this morning. Glad you are getting there with your van Helena. Hi to everyone else I will eventually get to know you all, it is about time. Have a good day, no more snow overnight at least that is something but more to come at the end of the week. Take care all. God bless.
Good morning Moyra, Well we all know you now, and I'm sure you've settled in nicely here on the sofa with us all

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Morning all! It's a Bank Holiday here (Greek Independence Day) bit of a laugh as the banks have been closed for yonks now!

Today is the day when we find out about the bailout, the Troika, the banks collapse, the price of a pint and all sorts!
Morning Pat, Yes, not good all round really is it,. and I hope and pray they make the right decision and not the wrong one which could send everything into complete meltdown over there.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and fellow members,

Helena - you sound so excited about the new van and as Moet says what a luxury being able to stay there while Dave does you lounge. Good news about Zena's foot

Bev - what a journey they had At least they let you know they had arrived safely. This weather has got to change sometime and if it doesn't change for the Easter weekend so many events will no doubt be cancelled. I hope work goes smoothly for you.

Lynn - Poor you having another early start with Dillon. I stayed up last night and took my dogs out for an actual 10 mins walk around midnight. Fortunately for their sake they didn't wake me and I woke them soon after 7. I hope you have a nice visit with Gill and wrap up well .... it's a trifle chilly out there.

Moet - I hope you get your van electrics sorted - its so frustrating when it isn't an obvious fix. I hope your meeting goes well - haven't school broken up for Easter now? They have around here but I know different parts of the country seem to break up at different times.

Well, I had a lie in until 7 ish which was hugely appreciated. It is snowing here (flurries) which it did all day yesterday but thank goodness it seems still out there at present so no biting wind. I think I'll bundle the dogs into the car and go over to our local woods just for a change of scenery. See you all later and keep warm.
Morning Jenny, ooooooh a nice lie in till 7 o'clock, stay warm on your walk, cos we had the snow flurries too on our walk and that wind is bdooly freezing on yer face!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members brrrr I wish it would warm up a bit.
I am expecting the arrival of a new cooker today, it is supposed to come any time between 7 and 2 but given the weather conditions we will have to see.

I am dreading losing my trusty old AEG cooker but as some of the parts required to repair it are no longer obtainable or prohibitively expensive I don't have any choice.

My decorating has come to a halt for the moment but I hope to resume again on Wednesday when I will be grandchild free

Enjoy your day everyone
Morning Mini,. I do hope the weather doesn't stop them bringing you your much longed for new cooker. What with the boiler, you're all set now for all that home baking with Hannah

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

I only got up to do the Monday Steam Mop bump and might not be around much now as my eye is closed and dark purple and swollen from above my eyebrow to below my cheekbone so having problems wearing spectacless as even if half way down my nose they dig into the swelling and hurt. Lump on side of forehead still massive and also dark purple.

Sorry but I cannot see the monitor properly so cannot really read it and cannot remember what anyone said.

Pesah starts at 5.30pm and it is 10.30am already and everything will start to close down from midday until Wednesday so have to just wait it out - I mean black eyes cannot last forever can they? Only it is getting worse not better.

Will try to have a quick look through Forum then go back to bed. Sorry.
Morning grandma, oh dear, you sound really bad there grandma, but we do appreciate you popping in to let us know you're still kind of ok. Is ice any good for a black eye I wonder? I once had a real corker of a black eye, where a boyfriend punched me when I was sitting in the back of a car and my head hit the window it had nowhere else to go, so his punch really impressed on my eye! Needless to say I dumped him, but I probably said the wrong thing You stay safe and try and get some help pleeeeeease.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, its cold cold cold here today,and the wind is getting up .

Good news on the van H, hope its ready for your weeks stay.

Naughty Dillon, the boy is on his toes Lynn ,

Malka , hope you recover soon, look after yourself .

Morning Mini, jenny and everyone else, hope you have a good day with no problems cropping up.

ay safe folks..xx
Morning Jackie, yes, this new one is exciting cos it's so big, and has proper bedrooms with proper glass wardrobes and everything, it's like a little doll's house, which I never had as a kid, so this makes up for it! Enjoy your day Jackie.

Originally Posted by Gellygoo View Post
Morning all

Sounds as if everyone is going to be busy today.

Malka I hope you improve and feel better as the day goes on

Put my breadmaker on first thing as usual(generally make a loaf each day) and...nothing! I had a feeling it was on its last legs. Sooo hubby had a quick look and reported that its kna**ered, a technical term apparently. Been trawling t'inters for about an hour and the one I decided on (russell hobbs 18036) is mostly out of stock except amazon. I really wanted to get it from asda or tesco or argos, mainly so I could stand in front of a "person" to complain if it went pear shaped! Looks like amazon then. I am pondering on it!!
Meanwhile, I've got a lump of dough rising on the kitchen table.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning Gill, Lol at o/h's technical term there, it's usually us women who come up with those types of technical phrases isn't it! Hope you get a replacement quick enough to bake today's loaf, how lovely to have your own home made bread each day. Now you got me thinking....

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Good morning all, hope you are all safe and well.
I have been complaining of the cold but as Brian reminded me, just be thankful you live in the south west and haven't got the snow others have

Hope your cooker arrives soon Mini, nothing worse than having to wait around.
Gelly, I swear by Amazon. Very quick service and good after sales service too.

Take care Malka, and keep warm everyone else
Morning Jen, yes, you're better off than most Jen and so are we really, except for light flurries and a bitterly cold wind. Summer starts next week-end, yayyyyy.....or maybe not!

Had a glorious walk along the clifftops, but this time we went t'other way cos of that man with his shepherd who set off just as we arrived It was a lovely walk, all DRY, no mud, lots of pathways, ssome stunning views (must take camera next time) and Zena had a ball as I called her up the slopes to investigate what was over the top.

Her boot came flying off just as we set off, but the foot seems ok, and I've now dealt with it back home.

Off to Mr S and Sainsburys now and oh yes, I am going to pop into Dunelms just to check out a few bits I'll need, such as mattress covers and pots and pans, and I will look at the rugs cos I want a nice one in the big lounge. Oh I'm soooooo excited about putting my own stamp on this place. Sadly, we've gotta have nets and I hate them, but Dave said he can't fit blinds cos there's no recess to the windows, and it would mean taking all the curtain track down and replacing that and I don't think he wants to do that, so nets it is for the time being, but nice ones, not these holy lacy things up there now.

Dave is going to the doctor's this morning cos it's a walk in, but he's already come back twice cos it's too busy, I wonder if it'll be third time lucky. He said he didn't want to cuddle up to people with colds in the waiting room and I can understand that. He has till 10.30 am to get in the queue.

Catch you later then.
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25-03-2013, 09:53 AM
Morning everyone

Another busy time for you H, with all the van stuff. I'm glad Zena seems to be okay now.

Lynn - argh, you and me again then with the 5 am thing. What's it all about? I thought Loki's was post-fit related but I'm not sure now. Last night we put a dark towel over the front door because it gets light earlier now and I thought maybe that was doing it but he was still up and pacing around, crashing into things - deliberately!

I hope your visit with Gill goes well.

Aw Mini - we have an AEG double oven and I love it. It was only bought in the last few years though.

Malka - sorry you are going through the wars - I hope you heal quickly.

We had a busy weekend with the children. It was too cold to play in the snow for long but we had an Easter bonnet to make for the school parade on Wednesday.

Loki is improving and was puppy-like this morning in the snow, barking at it and chasing snowballs.

Take care today and keep warm.
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25-03-2013, 10:49 AM
Good morning all.

Surely this wind has to run out of puff soon? It's been bending the trees now for four days and it's getting pretty boring. On the up side, the sun is trying to break through.

Same old for us, but no eating out today and Mcd's is closed and the wind is in the wrong direction to sit outside the cafe (we'd be blown away) so maybe just a coffee on the pier on our trek around.

Been sorting out a dentist for my youngest lad today. They never really leave their mam's do they? He lives a hundred miles away and I've had to sort it and when he goes for the 'big' job then I'll go over and stay a couple of days then bring him back here to mother him for a while . The costs are horrendous these days. Thank heavens that at least we have a cost free NHS for other things

Anyways, onwards and upwards.

Have a good 'un all.
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25-03-2013, 11:54 AM
Morning all. Sounds as though the van is taking shape Helena. You'll enjoy trying it out when you're chucked out of the house.
Hope your cooker has arrived Mini. I've had mine nearly 20 years now - had a new hob a couple of years ago but I love the bottom part & probably couldn't find another one like it now so I'm hoping nothing happens to it for a while yet.
The snow is slowly going here - the pavements & paths are mostly clear at least. Still bitterly cold wind though.
I've just been to town - mainly for some veg. Had a mooch round & was just on the way to the bus stop when my 2 buses sailed past. Nothing then for another 15 mins. Why they don't spread them out a bit more I don't know. I called in a charity shop across the road from the bus stop - just for a Warm really . Ended up finding a lovely shirt & a pair of Jeans £3 each. They both fit nice as well, except the jeans need a hem on but all mine usually do.
Malka your face sounds terrible. I hope it gets better soon. ((( hugs))).
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25-03-2013, 11:59 AM
Well I'm back from my walk ... minus my face and finger tips .... as they fell off from the cold wind about 20 minutes in to the walk

Helena - I bet it was cold on your walk too especially so early. It certainly sounds as though you have a huge choice of different walks you can do. Those 'walk-in-centres' are great but the one here is always so busy and as you say you are likely to come out of there with more germs than you went in with.

Mini - shame you couldn't get your trusty AEG cooker fixed but hopefully the new one will last for years and years.

Malka - Could you not have left Pereg and got a taxi to the hospital, got checked out and then be back in time for her meds? Surely if her meds were an hour late it wouldn't make an awful lot of difference? Have a rest and hopefully the swelling will go down soon.

June - your absence was noticed last night - I hope you are OK

LS - you too had an early morning wake up call it gets beyond a joke doesn't it. As was so appreciative that I wasn't up until 7. At least the mornings are lighter now although that will change a little when the clocks go forward next weekend. I hope Loki is OK.

Pat - I haven't heard the lunchtime news which will be on shortly but I hope the financial state of Cyprus can be sorted.

I'm off to M&S now - I still have a couple of vouchers from last November and was hoping to keep them until I'd lost weight ..... ha, ha, so figured I'd go and have a looksie anyway.

See you all later and keep warm.
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25-03-2013, 12:01 PM
All over here bar the shouting now. They won't be touching accounts under €100K. This package does not require the Parliament to vote on it so no chance of them scuppering it. 2nd largest bank bust and will be broken into good and bad and absorbed by 1st largest (my bank)

Hopefully the banks will be open again soon. But ... more important ... THE POOL TABLE!

Owner phoned again and expressed surprise that it was still here! Geez - I haven't even had a call from anyone about it. AGAIN I asked if I could advertise it for 500 buyer removes. AGAIN he said to leave it with him to find out first if a friend of someone's cousin's friend's uncle is having it and whether they've arranged anything.

Twit keeps telling me it cost £2K Cypriot Pounds when new. (About £2,400 sterling). But that was TEN YEARS ago!

It is in good nick but they will be lucky to get 500 euro for it now (equivalent to about 300 Cyp £)

Thing that's frustrating me is them insisting they don't want to just throw it away or give it away. But .... as long as it remains in my apartment THEY CAN'T BLERDY USE IT CAN THEY?

If it wasn't for the marble under the felt making it SO heavy - I would get a couple to help me put it out on the verandah. I might still do that as it's gone on long enough now considering he said it would be gone 2 days before I move in (a month ago)
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