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Rosebud77 is offline  
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03-07-2013, 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

Morning all.
H I hope you get to enjoy a good walk with Zena.
Jenny I hope Flash will be okay today and that the vet can sort it out.
Gerry have a fab time.
Bev good luck with the job, a mansion eh
Rosebud take care today and try and rest, my daughter has ME. So I have some idea of what you are going through.
Everyone else I hope you have a good day, it's grey and overcast here
Nippy thanks. Old hand at this lark so no worries. maddening that the relapse could have been avoided by proper and prompt medical input but there we are. Just angst at the thought of being out of it at this busy time when we need the money so much for the work with babies.. please God this will not last.

BYW. I hope your friends are getting a full inquiry re the perforation ... She should have had a better ending than that. and the only way to curb these things is a full enquiry.
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03-07-2013, 08:27 AM
Morning everyone

Jenny - I hope you can get Flash sorted out at the vets; I can understand how worrying it is that he isn't drinking.

Loki had another fit last night, so it's eight now. I went to take him for a little walk this morning but he seemed unable to walk on the path and his back legs collapsed. Luckily we have a green in front of the house and he is able to walk on grass, so we just wandered round the green so he could do his business.

This has happened before after so many fits so he should recover with time.

My insect bite is bothering me and I think I have one on the end of my nose too! It's 'orrible, all red and shiny, not a good look. I thought it was a spot but I think it is a bite now.

Have a good day everyone.
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03-07-2013, 08:57 AM
Good morning all! Well I didn't actually get any sleep at all last night so will be taking it very easy today. But ... instead of just taking Bella out before sunup and coming back to doss round the pool - I had a brainwave. I donned my cozzie, took her for a quick couple of laps round the block to pee and then TOOK HER TO THE POOL WITH ME!

I'll do a little post about it when I've caught up.

I am pleased to hear you got your sleep but sorry to hear about Flash. I feel for you having to syringe water (or in fact having to do anything he hates) I hate that too - when they are feeling bad anyway and then you have to do stuff (albeit for their own good) that makes them feel worse and miserable - you feel like 'the enemy'. Hope the vet visit is productive.

I look forward to hearing more from you when you are not so 'open plan'!

How exciting the next 2wks are for you! Just be careful towing that van (I hate towing - esp. if it is windy). I'm glad the forecast for you is a good weather one. And many happy returns to Fiji - a decade old today!

I'm honestly thinking you are in danger of 'burning yourself out' before you move house or even before the wedding at this rate! If I burn the candle at both ends or just try to do too many things in a short space of time it just makes me feel ill. My daughter is just the same. I do have to 'pace myself' and am quite good at it and get really bothered if anything upsets my 'pace'! Like today - because I didn't sleep last night, I will be mucking about on the laptop, watching movies on TV, dossing with a book at the pool but nothing strenuous and certainly no WORK! And I'll be fine. Good luck with the job 'tryout'.

I am amazed at how you stay so cheerful under the strain of your poor dog being so poorly. You've managed to make me laugh - a bite on the end of your nose lol! My darling daughter gets spots in 'strategic places' like that - end of the nose, middle of the forehead or chin or, as she once said - 'I look like I've grown a third nipple' lol!

Very good news about Dillon feeling better today. As for the tenant in the house - I'm guessing they might be selling it as an income investment property with sitting tenant. As if they'd managed to get them to sign to say they will leave and have no claim (as they do for all children over 18 who live with you when you sell a house and any lodgers or tenants) they would have said so or even not mentioned the tenant? I had to get signed statements from both my lads (over 1 when I sold up in Berks. And from a non secured shorthold lease tenant when I sold up in Cornwall. The tenant was not then mentioned on the sales blurbs.

Have a quite funny story sometime about my brother wanting to buy a huge house with sitting tenant on top floor! But not now!

It is difficult to full time house hunt when you have a dog you cannot traipse everywhere with you or leave for too long. I was lucky with my last dog when I was looking in Torbay and travelling up from Penwith - she'd have travelled the world with me curled up on the car seat. It was my then 11 yr old daughter being at school that was the problem. It was like working full-time. Get up and get Jen off to school and then hit the road day after day.

That's why, when I found one I really liked I just offered them their full asking price there and then and insisted it didn't go on the market (it had not yet hit the windows or got any flyers) and as I was a cash buyer who didn't need a mortgage and had already sold mine (that's a big plus point for you too) they were happy to agree and I could stop the grind of looking. EAs weren't too chuffed but who gives a fig about EAs!

(I was very lucky with my buyer for the house I sold too - he lived in Germany and didn't need to move in yet and was leaving it to when it suited me and in fact was paying me 100 a month to store the furniture he'd had sent over which was stored in my basement! Best buyer I've ever had - even said I could continue living in 'my old house' for a while at a peppercorn rent if I couldn't find somewhere I really liked. He knew I loved that house and was sorry to leave and extended invites all the time for me and Jen to come stay there while he was away whenever we wanted to. We kept in touch until he sold it.)

I hope you too have reliable 'buyers' sounds as if you do and that you can just hang in there until you find the house that you just KNOW is the one for you! (I will admit to being in tears in the past because I 'just lost out' on some I had my heart set on).
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03-07-2013, 09:00 AM

This is worth signing up to (it's free) and gives you a good idea of what's selling, what's sold, how much for etc.

I've used it in the past and still do on behalf of my house hunting son who is looking for a 2bed in the Bath area (where you need a quarter of a million even for a studio flat!)
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03-07-2013, 09:53 AM

So much for early nights - lights out at half past midnight then from 1am I had sheer hades with Da Booga. Not a seizure although I thought it was going to be another Psychomotor one - she just had the heebie jeebies about something and would not settle. First it was climbing on me to try to look out of the window above my head but of course the trissim were closed. Then she went into the ensuite to look round there to make sure nobody was hiding behind the shower curtains - all clear so then the back room was searched - then the kitchen, then through to check the shower/loo room - then wanted out.

Good sniff round the front yard and what she can reach of the yard between mine and my neighbour's bungalows, leaping over the little wall to get there, but kept looking towards the back. Had a pee then came in - jumped on the bed when I got in but just stood there and would not lie down. Laid down, got up, laid down, got up, off the bed wanting out again...

...until at 3am I gave her a couple of 5mg Assival [diazepam] and about half an hour later she decided to settle.

No bark though as she can still only manage the slightest of squeaks, but I have just spoken with Ram and he said that as far as the night's performance was concerned it was probably somehow seizure-related, and he had no problem with me giving the Assival. As for the loss of voice, he said that as long as she was not ill [epilepsy is a condition, it is not an illness], is acting normally, eating and drinking [and peeing and pooing] normally, not to worry for the moment. But if she has still not gotten her voice back by Sunday to call him again.

Obviously if she shows signs of illness or distress I will take her straight there.

So another day where I have not even checked my emails yet - but did remember to put up the dates of July's Steam Mop Bonus Days as soon as I opened my computer.

Coffee and ketchup desperately needed now.
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03-07-2013, 10:23 AM
Morning all

Tang, I really hope you manage a snooze at some point today. My friend is the same, she didn't get to sleep till 5.30am.

I've been asleep since 2am, and woke up an hour or so ago, I'm still wanting to sleep though. I've got an assignment to write so I'll have a wee snooze and get on with it.

Brian bought me just the coolest purple flat shoes, they are purple with yellow trim and bright yellow soles. So I'm well delighted with them They arrived this morning and are very comfortable too.

Well off for a snooze before starting on the assignment. Tomorrow I'll be getting on with printing out the stuff I need for camp and packing it all up.
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03-07-2013, 10:29 AM
Ominous silence here as if heavy something is about to fall. I put the gate guard up ( field gate and a gap at the bottom so wee dog can get out) and the half door block while I sorted jams and the dogs were happy to come back in which is unusual. Wore their little selves out they did.

Small batch done and honey decanted so just labelling to do when I am up to it. I have to mind it is High Season and things will start to fly now. One day last year I sold 60 jars

Anyways back to the peace and lazy day gladly...

Hope all dogs peacen,, so blessed with mine who almost always are in rude health as long as there is no gunfire etc
Odd thing is that the time before last I did not get to collie until the fourth thunderclap and she made no fuss- until I arrived. The next time I waited it out and no sound from her ( I can hear them at any time at night)

So I am thinking she has learned to cope if I am not there. Then weakens if she sees me; have known kids like that too. Interesting. Although there is far less of that here thankfully
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03-07-2013, 10:34 AM
Hi all,

Back from the vets and was congratulated on keeping Flash hydrated using a syringe. He had a thorough check-up and all seems fine so we are all sure he has eaten something nasty. He has been put on Canikur-Pro (I've almost run out and the order I put in won't be here in time) and Antepsin to calm his insides. They are holding off on abs for the time being anyway as he hasn't had blood in his stools and the abs would simply wipe out the probiotics in the Canikur-pro. I've also been given a larger syringe as the one I had was only a 5ml one. I need to monitor his water intake as he should be having approx 400ml of water per day (150ml of that will be in chicken and rice etc).
My son is going in to work later than normal so that I can Rucksack out for a walk ..... it will be lovely just walking one dog for a change.
L.S. - Thanks. Sorry about poor Loki again. You must all be exhausted ((hugs)).
Malka - I do hope you and Pereg can get some rest today after you restless night.
Rosebud - Hope you are feeling better and are back up and about very quickly, I know how much your work means to you .... and those babies.
Pat - Oooh isn't it dreadful when you just can't sleep and for no apparent reason I hope after you pool visit by you and Bella this morning you can have a really quiet relaxing day. Maybe a day lying on you day bed with a good book and bar of choklit would help

Off to walk Rucksack shortly. See you later.
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03-07-2013, 10:50 AM
What a morning feeling was very despondent when ringing for appointments for Saturday. Firstly they all shut early on a Saturday.

Rang to make appointment for flint cottage on the way home for 3.30pm which wouldn't of been possible as there last appointment is 2pm. Only to be told it had sold so I mentioned it wasn't saying STC on their web site and agreed to have similar properties emailed. Just checked them and there it was on one of the list for sale. Rang and they had misunderstood I of course said the flint cottage duh which they mainly are round that way and they had a cottage called flint cottage. Anyway it is still for sale with a tenant but he knows when it is sold he will need to vacate. Have been assured it won't be a problem.
One other we were hoping to see has a tenant moved in it was for sale or let I am sure it didn't say that on the particulars.

So far we have 3 to view.
jenny I rang about the one you sent the link too the tenant has now vacated. We are going to see if we can latch it on on Saturday. If we can that will make 4.

Ok catch up time now.
jenny glad to read you now have a bigger syringe lets hope whatever it is Flash has eaten starts to flush its way through and he will soon be on the mend.
Pat thank you for the link will take a look later.
Linda sorry to hear about Loki and your nose. (((Hugs))).
Malka sorry to hear Pereg had a restless night.
Lorraine hows the hip ? The shoes sound lovely.
Moyra hope your back and knees aren't too bad today.

Blooming weather one minute it looks like it might chuck it down then the sun comes out it wants to make its mind up before I put the washing out or in the tumble drier.
Housework done admin done for Saturday off for a cuppa now.
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03-07-2013, 11:25 AM

These critters always have a surprise in store, don't they!

As always collie starts that loud barking CAT CAT CAT ( there she goes again) which means one of our cats is at the cat flap.

So I go down; her ladyship is lying in the far corner if you please, barking away and grinning as I have arrived.

I go to let big cat in, and collie follows me, so I pick cat up to carry him to the stairs. IT IS ONLY CAT AND HE LIVES HERE!I shout... and I walk towards collie, holding the cat low.

Collie backs off then turns tail and runs away.

The one time she cornered a cat, cat turned and biffed her on the face, no claws, and collie backed off

yet if they are outside, collie chases cat and cats runs.

I'm confused!
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