Location: South East UK
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 27,437
Thanks everyone, sorry I can't answer individually, but in a rush again to get back to the hospital (I think! don't know yet!)
Right, the doctor finally came and examined him. He said he needs a scan because of the site where the severe pain has been for the past 24 hours and of course, 2 weeks ago. Migraine's would not give him the pain here, at the back of his head at the bottom, that is what is concerning the doctor. He said the bottom of the brain can bleed due to stress or over exertion and he suspects this is what has happened
He took some bloods which he said will tell them an awful lot to go on, but he has to speak to his superier to get the scan ok'd, so I asked him if it was best if I came back home and went back again, and I think Dave couldn't wait to get rid of me coz by this time I had started me moaning about all that hanging around!!! Well, you know me!!!
I left him with some money for the phone, or a taxi IF they discharge him later he can either ring me or get a taxi home if he can't find a phone, but then when I chatted with the nurses on the desk when I left they said he could use their phone, BUT, they didn't think he'd be discharged tonight
I wish I still drank a lot, coz I'd be pouring meself a huuuuge glass of that vino, but one I am driving later, and two, I need a clear head to think straight. I need to breeeeeathe too, I'm in a right old state her now and poor Zena doesn't know where her dad has gone. I had stopped her going into his room since 6 o'clock last night, until he got dressed to leave for the doctors tonight, and she went ballistic at him, she loves him so much, she leaped on his bed and screamed her head off, and ended up scratching his neck to pieces which the doctor thought I had done lol!
I've locked up the driveway, left the car outside, I'm gonna have a quick shower, change into my jim jams and get something to eat, put me feet up, and just sit and wait I suppose, what else can I do
I've rung his family, so they're aware of what's happening, but in 30 years I don't think we've ever spent a night apart, it's gonna be a very long night for me, I might have to sit on here so watch out!!!!
Thanks everyone, you've managed to calm me down with your lovely messages.xxxx