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21-02-2010, 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by hectorsmum View Post
teenage daughters are a nightmare but it does get better.

mine was the same as yours, so i sympathise loads.

i know shes still young and vunerable but i do think sending her to her dads is the right thing for both of you. she might calm down being away from you and you will see that you did right.

i would let her make her own decisions on what she wants when she leaves school, and you need to back her. if it fails then just be there for her but dont, whatever you do, tell her 'i told you so'. be sympathetic and ask her what else she wants.
letting them make these decisions makes them feel more grown up and the angst starts to stop.

dont forget teenagers 'know it all' and we need to let them make mistakes because thats the only way they learn about the real world.

also if she rings you, or visa versa, tell her you still love her and that sending her to her dads is not a punishment but time out for both of you and you will meet up soon.

good luck and dont beat yourself up, you've done the best thing.
I think this is brilliant advise and i couldnt say it better myself.
Dont beat yourself up about this we all do things we regret, but i think her actions clearly show she knows you love her.
I think it sounds as though she has complete trust in you, that she can hurt you but that she knows at the end she can come back to you. Be comforted by this.

I remember being overwhelmed at that age and trying to take my own life, i was very angry and very scared, it was my mum who told me against all my protests (and there were many), about being alright, that i wasnt and she took me to the samaritans, all they did was facilitate us speaking and hell did it make things a lot better, dont get me wrong things after that took a longer to be "normal" if theres such a thing, but i just needed my mum to control something i felt so out of control about.

In other words, calm down, go and get her and grab some help in what ever form that may be, i think it will help you both.
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22-02-2010, 04:29 AM
Hectorsmum said it so well, i just wanted to say, your daughter is at the stage where she is invisible and bulletproof, and she knows everything and you know nothing.
You may have said you 'kicked her out' but really it is time for you to get your head around what happened and for her to cool off, I think it is good that you have stuck to it as there are consequences for her actions and that does not mean, I will send you abusive messages, then start realising I am at my Dads, hmmmmm I want to come home, I will send a nice text now, and if you let her back straight away, it shows her you will let her do and say what she wants.
In the ideal world you wouldn't of hit her, but they know how to wind you up and you were obviously trying to get some space from her and she wouldn't let that happen, so what happened after that is the result.
I don't think you should agree with her all the time and there are rules she needs to follow as it is yours, and OH's and sons house and you dont have to play by her rules to get along, it is give and take.
My cousin left school (he lives with his dad) and they were fine about it and he could continue to live there as long as he got a job or did a course, well the job didn't last long so he is now doing a course that he likes as he is interested in computers.
School isnt for everyone and it is hard to see the point of the 'boring' subjects when you are that young.
Maybe she does have some behavioural issues, and it could be worth getting her assessed (if you think she does, as if they arent dealt with properly it can make them all the worse) you would know better than anyone if it is more the teenage issues or something underlying, her hitting a window when angry and biting her brother, sounds like there could be more to it, there are so many things it could I am not going to guess.
Try not to feel too bad, there are worse ways you could have dealt with it, and these things aren't always easy to deal with, give yourself time to think what you expect from her and have a talk with her, when you are both calmer, it sounds like she had problems before this and so it is not going to be solved over night.
Everyone in your house has the right to feel safe also, so biting and hitting people is not right, she needs to understand that it won't be accepted at all. Talking to a professional, as a family, as an individual would more than likely help as well.
Hope you get a goods night rest and try not to feel guilty you are human too and there is only so much you can take also.
Hugs to you
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rune is offline  
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22-02-2010, 08:35 AM
Is it linked to her periods? Sometimes that can be a huge factor and can be sorted by a doctor or maybe even vitamin B.

You sound like maybe you and she need to sit down with a mediator and lay down a few rules along with a few compromises and she needs to know what will happen if she breaks those.

Not easy----wishing you luck.

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Tillymint is offline  
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22-02-2010, 10:31 AM
Thanks everyone for your advice - it really helped.
yesterday was so hard as I just wanted to hug her & I felt so guilty. She phoned me in the afternoon whilst I was out walking, so I kept it brief - she didn't say much & I said I'd speak to her later & her battery went so she couldn't ring me.
I then saw she was on book of face in the evening so I made the first move & had a private chat on there with her which was actually quite good because we could both say what we wanted in words without interupting each other.
I basically said that I'll always support her & reminded her that the only real thing I ask of her is some respect.
I said that I will think about letting her come home on Tuesday & when I've decided I will let her dad know.
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