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tinkladyv is offline  
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11-03-2010, 12:35 PM
The latesyt from Many Tears Rescue:

10-3-10 update from Bill

We are still waiting for the results of the police investigation into the shooting of the 10 GSD's in Wales last summer (not that anyone really expects much to come from it), but in the meantime we are still spreading the word, collecting letters from various Vet practices around the country, and of course we are still collecting signatures on the petition. One of the most disturbing things that has come out of this entire thing for me is the blind trust that people seem to have for this group that is still allowed to shoot dogs with a bolt gun and then ram a rod into the hole to kill them, all in the name of animal rescue and welfare. People still do not beleive that they are even capable of shooting dogs in the first place, others want to defend them as they are the experts and therefore they know best. Still others keep asking- but what about a roadside accident where the animal is needing to be put to sleep as it is suffering so? Below is the response that someone received from their MP recently when questioning captive bolt shooting.

Thank you. It sounds horrible but I have no way of telling if an animal suffers more than if it is destroyed using other means. The RSPCA are the experts and I do not doubt that they have animal welfare at heart. I’m sorry but I’m struggling a bit with this as my squeamishness and natural inclination to question the practice may in fact be counterproductive if it actually resulted in more suffering rather than less.

This is my reply:

1. You call the RSPCA experts, but who has labeled them as experts? - I would argue that they have done so themselves- They wear uniforms and certainly appear and act like experts but an RSPCA inspector has no more official authority then you or I do- they do not have the powers of entry like the police or the local authority animal welfare people- they cannot cite you or fine you. Most importantly, they are not recognized by the courts as expert witnesses to the extent that if an animal is found to be suffering and they want to prosecute, they have to call in a Vet as an expert witness as their own inspectors are not considered trained or expert enough to secure a prosecution by themselves. They may appear to be experts, especially through their own media and PR departments, but I would rather have those who are fully trained and certified such as a Veterinary Surgeon making the decision to kill my pet dog.
2. If your old or sick dog needs to be euthanized as a Vet has determined that it is suffering and putting to sleep is the kindest thing- they do not pole the dog out of their office and shoot it in the head with a bolt gun then ram a rod through it's brain. Even if the dog is aggressive they do not do this- if it is indeed such a quick, kind, and acceptable way to euthanize a dog, then why do vets not do it?
3. A Captive Bolt Gun is a slaughterers stunning weapon. It is used in the food animal slaughter process, or for emergency slaughter (ie - farm animals for a mass culling because of disease- or for a severely injured and suffering animal from an accident or trauma) We are not debating it's use on such animals, but rather on companion animals. These animals were not bred and raised for slaughter, but as pets. In the slaughter industry there have been numerous studies as well as undercover expose's showing that mis-stunning regularly occurs. This, by personnel who do it all day long every day. By virtue of sheer numbers, they would certainly be considered more experienced then an RSPCA inspector, and they do not get it right - so why are we supposed to believe that an R$PCA inspector who does not do it all day every day would get it more right then the slaughter men? Is it just because they are telling us so that I am suppose to beleive them?
4. You state that "The RSPCA are the experts and I do not doubt that they have animal welfare at heart." I say- Did these experts have animal welfare at heart when they shot the 10 German Shepherd Dogs last June? I think not- Did they even try to remove the dogs to a rescue centre and assess them- NO !!!!!!!!! Did they have a Veterinarian examine the dogs to determine if they were suffering and needed to be put to sleep- NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. The RSPCA inspectors are not answerable or accountable to anyone but themselves. Even the police have to answer for their actions, but the RSPCA can make it's own rules and does not have to account to anyone. The RSPCA first denied they use this method and then only admitted it when caught out. Now they say they need to use it and cite roadside accident animals as the prime example. They say they only put an animal down to stop it from suffering.
They are funded by the public who are largely unaware of this practice and they do not admit to it and do not want it known.
Fact- Killing an animal with a bolt gun and rod is much cheaper then injecting it.
Fact- Currently they can kill an animal this way without ever consulting a Veterinarian.
Fact- Their story does not add up

Fact- I would trust a Veterinary Surgeon to put one of my dogs to sleep rather then one of these "experts".

I feel that these "experts that have animal welfare at heart" have been less then honest and have proven to me that they are not worthy of my blind trust in some of their animal welfare actions. Those 10 german Shepherds were slaughtered because nobody questioned this practice, so I will continue to question this practice until I know that the "experts" are no longer needlesly slaughtering dogs with bolt guns.

Sylvia actually called the R$PCA last month and tried to speak with Timm Wass himself. She could not get through to him, but left a message with his secratary saying that she felt bad that the local branches were possibly getting negative feedback and wanted to discuss the matter, but he has never even returned her call. That seems to be the way it is with them- their way or no way at all. Dog's Today will be running an article on the subject in their April issue, perhaps that will bring this whole situation back into the public light and we can finally see some changes.
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liverbird is offline  
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14-03-2010, 03:15 AM
There is a 3 page article in this months 'dogs today' magazine.
about the rspca using the captive bolt gun.
they want to hear public opinion.
emails please to;
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15-03-2010, 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by liverbird View Post
There is a 3 page article in this months 'dogs today' magazine.
about the rspca using the captive bolt gun.
they want to hear public opinion.
emails please to;
Il be making a comment i thinks
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26-03-2010, 05:10 AM
We have today 25/03/2010 received word from South Wales Police, who have been conducting a six month investigation into the rspca for the killing of ten GSDs after their owner dies, using the bolt gun. Apparently the CPS have declined to pass it to court. Which means we've lost.
Enquiry re: German Shepherd Dogs 24th June
2009 – Swansea

Thank you for your interest and correspondence regarding the above case. I am now in a position to update you that South Wales Police conducted a full and thorough investigation into the above subject matter and
allegations surrounding it. This was completed comprehensively and expeditiously by a dedicated team of officers lead by a Senior Detective.
As a result a full file of evidence was submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service requesting their advice.
The Crown Prosecution Service carefully considered the
evidence presented in this case and concluded that there was not a realistic proposition of conviction in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors.
The District Crown Prosecutor for Swansea and Chief Crown Prosecutor for South Wales also considered the file and ...were in full agreement with the decision to take no further action.

I appreciate you will be disappointed with this decision but
may I reassure you that this case was treated with the highest priority and no recommendations were submitted by South Wales Police and the file solely focused on evidence available.

Yours faithfully





I feel sick. the rspca have got away with animal cruelty again.
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26-03-2010, 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by liverbird View Post
Enquiry re: German Shepherd Dogs 24th June
2009 – Swansea

Thank you for your interest and correspondence regarding the above case. I am now in a position to update you that South Wales Police conducted a full and thorough investigation into the above subject matter and
allegations surrounding it. This was completed comprehensively and expeditiously by a dedicated team of officers lead by a Senior Detective.
As a result a full file of evidence was submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service requesting their advice.
The Crown Prosecution Service carefully considered the
evidence presented in this case and concluded that there was not a realistic proposition of conviction in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors.
The District Crown Prosecutor for Swansea and Chief Crown Prosecutor for South Wales also considered the file and ...were in full agreement with the decision to take no further action.

I appreciate you will be disappointed with this decision but
may I reassure you that this case was treated with the highest priority and no recommendations were submitted by South Wales Police and the file solely focused on evidence available.

Yours faithfully





I feel sick. the rspca have got away with animal cruelty again.

I know but dont give up, there is still lots of pressure gathering from dog lovers and its just been featured in another dog mag, Many Tears are getting more support from vets around the country. I do beleive that if we all plug away, this can be done, maybe not with regard the RSPCA, but def to stop the use of this tool on our companion animals.
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26-03-2010, 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
I know but dont give up, there is still lots of pressure gathering from dog lovers and its just been featured in another dog mag, Many Tears are getting more support from vets around the country. I do believe that if we all plug away, this can be done, maybe not with regard the RSPCA, but def to stop the use of this tool on our companion animals.
I'm Sorry I ever got the Internet I read everyday about all the cruelty that goes on??? why are people wanting to bring children into this sick world??? I worry for all my Children and Grandchildren and their Children
makes me wonder what it's all for we try and fight one cause, turn around and there is another one and another and another
I am just sat on a computer trying to right all the wrongs and getting no where fast, brick walls are so big and strong. it's very??? I dunno. I'm Sorry I wont give up I promise.
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26-03-2010, 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by liverbird View Post
I'm Sorry I ever got the Internet I read everyday about all the cruelty that goes on??? why are people wanting to bring children into this sick world??? I worry for all my Children and Grandchildren and their Children
makes me wonder what it's all for we try and fight one cause, turn around and there is another one and another and another
I am just sat on a computer trying to right all the wrongs and getting no where fast, brick walls are so big and strong. it's very??? I dunno. I'm Sorry I wont give up I promise.
Ah bless you
I know, i do the same and it does really get you down at times and i find myself with a list of prayer for god most nights, but look what has been done, hundreds of people are being shown the truth and taking action, The police did investigate it and the press are still talking about it, your little bits will do big things when they are joined up with all the other people who feel the same, have faith and just keep plugging away, we will get there
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26-03-2010, 11:31 PM
I wish I could believe there was a god
I know I hug my dogs more now than I ever did and I get scared every time the door is left open even tho I know they wouldn't go any where without me. I'm Terrified they will be lost or stolen, I remember Bailey ran out of sight in the park when he was just a puppy I was frantic with worry I stayed in the park for hours searching for him when it got dark I was too scared too leave in case he was still there, I went home and he was on the door step I still have nightmares of what might have happened to him. He's chipped and had a tag on but it's no guarantee I would get him back. at one time the rspca could be trusted to help/advise/ when anything happened to your dog, now one of my biggest fears IS the rspca.
that's scary.
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01-04-2010, 04:16 PM
The latest from many Tears:
30-03-10 Midge Ure who adopted Mya from Many Tears is a supportive of our campaign to get this law changed. Please join him and add you support. You can also print off our posters and put them in your car or local shops to gather more attention to this.

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liverbird is offline  
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01-04-2010, 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
The latest from many Tears:
30-03-10 Midge Ure who adopted Mya from Many Tears is a supportive of our campaign to get this law changed. Please join him and add you support. You can also print off our posters and put them in your car or local shops to gather more attention to this.

thanks for this
I will print some off
are we allowed to print these as well and distribute them around.
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