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30-12-2009, 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Emrad View Post
There are vegetarians out there that will not eat anything that had to do with an animal. Killing for food I get many cultures do it but to kill for profit and give no thought to the animal is beyond me.
No I don't feel 'murderous rage' when a cat kills a bird as you said it is instinct and most often make a meal out of it. They are not able to have the cognitive function of a human and that is the difference.
Revenge is not blood lust it is a very emotional response, you do not want to harm anyone innocent though do you? As they do those horrid acts to animals for profit not for revenge or need and not giving one thought to an animal having the ability to feel pain. That is not blood lust they want it to make money, selfish greed that is foul at best. Why does an animal that can not speak be tortured and for it to be allowed to continue.
I don't think that even the most dedicated veggie is going to allow himself or herself to starve to death Emrad! If they are literally dying of hunger, they would kill with their bare hands.

OK, maybe my analogy of the cat and the wren family is not a good one. Let's assume that like me, you have a daughter ... if some low-life scum raped your daughter, are you telling me that you would not want to do some kind of physical harm to him if you had the chance to? I believe revenge IS blood lust ... if someone hurts your son or your daughter, your revengeful feelings are blood lust ... an overwhelming desire to physically hurt that person.
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30-12-2009, 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I don't think that even the most dedicated veggie is going to allow himself or herself to starve to death Emrad! If they are literally dying of hunger, they would kill with their bare hands.

OK, maybe my analogy of the cat and the wren family is not a good one. Let's assume that like me, you have a daughter ... if some low-life scum raped your daughter, are you telling me that you would not want to do some kind of physical harm to him if you had the chance to? I believe revenge IS blood lust ... if someone hurts your son or your daughter, your revengeful feelings are blood lust ... an overwhelming desire to physically hurt that person.
There are options of native fruits and vegetarian matter to eat even without civilisation. If people are literally dying of hunger in third world countries why are they not eating each other???? They see that as unacceptable.
I think we have a different interpretation of blood lust, I see it as senseless killing, for fun not out of necessity. As for my daughter (which I dont have) I would be angry and who knows what I would resort to but to me that again is not my interpretation of blood lust. To do something to an innocent for pure pleasure and for their own gain makes it blood lust and so morally wrong to me, for necessity to live I see it as survival and purpose To get a nice bit of fluff on a coat is just so wrong and the greed of it all is repulsive.
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30-12-2009, 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
I agree with your theories, but its not changing a culture. Whaling, eating dogs, fur farming etc... is still as strong as ever. Whilst I admire your stance and understand your thinking, I just thing all of us arguing will make not one drop of difference, it hasnt! Years and years its been going on, it always will.
Just an example of how other countries can help reduce the practice and through petitioning made the country they live in stand up and make a decision and there are many more with statistical evidence to show countries refusing to allow the end product so the shelves reduces the practices so less animals will suffer at the hands of these 'people'
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30-12-2009, 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Mini, I threw my hands up and admitted to "my blood lust" didn't I !! And I DO NOT succomb to it, I am now anti fox hunting, anti killing anything in the name of fun. All I said was that the thrill of the chase is a deep primeival instinct that lies inside ALL of us ... we are animals after all ... and it IS exciting to ride to hounds. I just choose not to do it any more for the reasons I have already stated and will not bore the bum off everyone by repeating yet again !!

If we all had to live on our wits, living in the wild ... no supermarkets, no electricity, no nothing, just pure basic survival, believe me you would all of a sudden discover YOUR blood lust. Civilisation so-called is just a very thin veneer on us all. The difference between you and I is clearly I am prepared to admit it, and you're not !

Gnasher, please don't seek to impose you 'values' on others or presume you know how another person would react in a given situation.

I can tell you now I would not discover any hidden 'bloodlust' if I had to survive without the supermarket.
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30-12-2009, 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
You actually speak a good version of rubbish! Which pack did you watch kill a Fox? Where was it and when?

When you talk of going to ground and being torn to shreds you REALLY are speaking with no knowledge of the circumstances at all whatsoever, zip in fact. I used to work my Terriers to Fox, do you know the purpose of an earth dog? Ill enlighten you, its to hold the Fox at bay, that means backing it up and baying (barking) at the Fox untill its in one position, then the dog is dug to and removed, the Fox is then shot point blank. It "may" get tossed to the Hounds which will break it up, but its dead, so its irrelevant isnt it. They are dug out only on the land owners request if they want the Fox gone. Id like to know how close you were to this kill to, I mean Ive been following over 2 decades and still havent seen one by the Hounds, you must of been VERY VERY close to know that it wasnt killed pretty much instantly, so close in fact Id like to know how you managed it!! My knowledge that they are killed instantly is from seeing one being killed on hunt land by a juvenile hound when the Fox came onto the land, he was caught and killed in an instant, and that was a half gown hound! Oh yes the Foxes are that scared they "pop" over and visit the pack to get acquainted first!

Please get your facts right because you are demonstrating ignorance in every sentence.

With regard to other pets being killed, please balance this up with FACT, and please include a comparison to how many PETS get loose and kill other animals, like dogs, cats Rabbits etc...
i don't know why you feel the need to resort to rudeness whenever someone challenges your views. obviously if you agree with foxhunting, you are not going to say 'oh yes. we actually enjoy seeking out, hunting down, and then tearing apart an animal'. to be honest i would have more respect for you if you did.

i have seen hunt footage and really, with google at our fingertips there is plenty more footage available. no-one needs to be ignorant these days. and no-one actually needs to attend a hunt to know what goes on.

i can only think that you feel the need to justify something that is cruel and unnecessary because you maybe feel some shame in being part of it.

if you honestly believe that every fox hunted down and killed is done so in a second, then you are seriously deluded.
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30-12-2009, 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Emrad View Post
There are options of native fruits and vegetarian matter to eat even without civilisation. If people are literally dying of hunger in third world countries why are they not eating each other???? They see that as unacceptable.
I think we have a different interpretation of blood lust, I see it as senseless killing, for fun not out of necessity. As for my daughter (which I dont have) I would be angry and who knows what I would resort to but to me that again is not my interpretation of blood lust. To do something to an innocent for pure pleasure and for their own gain makes it blood lust and so morally wrong to me, for necessity to live I see it as survival and purpose To get a nice bit of fluff on a coat is just so wrong and the greed of it all is repulsive.
This is a pointless and fruitless (no pun intended!) discussion ... I am purely making an analogy here, I didn't think I had to dot the i's and cross the t's !! Let's assume for whatever reason there are no edible plants ... we are back in the days of pre-farming, when there would have been a few berries, fruits and nuts to eat at special times of the year, but otherwise we were meat eaters. I am merely saying that the veggies would not remain veggie for very long ... otherwise, they would be dead.

Cannibalism is a completely different story ... it is a no-no in all societies simply because if you eat the flesh of your own kind, you will end up with dreadful diseases and madness - akin to feeding cows to cows causing Creutzfeld Jacob disease (sorry, I don't know how to spell that) ... nothing to do with the rights and wrongs of eating your own kind. If it were perfectly OK for human to eat human, with no ill effects, then humans would eat human meat rather than die.

To say that if someone raped your hypothetical daughter you would be angry is just such a ridiculous understatement as to be unbelievable !! If your mother or other female relative were raped then, the rage you would feel, unless you are made of stone, would be all-consuming and murderous. It would be an instinctive response to the harming of someone near and dear to you, and is purely natural and should not be sneered at. It is part of what makes us a particular species of animal known as homo sapiens.
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30-12-2009, 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I don't think that even the most dedicated veggie is going to allow himself or herself to starve to death Emrad! If they are literally dying of hunger, they would kill with their bare hands.

OK, maybe my analogy of the cat and the wren family is not a good one. Let's assume that like me, you have a daughter ... if some low-life scum raped your daughter, are you telling me that you would not want to do some kind of physical harm to him if you had the chance to? I believe revenge IS blood lust ... if someone hurts your son or your daughter, your revengeful feelings are blood lust ... an overwhelming desire to physically hurt that person.
That isn't bloodlust either. Bloodlust is a desire for bloodshed. I don't see that given your scenario, if someone who was starving to death made the decision to kill and eat an animal, they would desire the blood of that animal on their hands.
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30-12-2009, 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Gnasher, please don't seek to impose you 'values' on others or presume you know how another person would react in a given situation.

I can tell you now I would not discover any hidden 'bloodlust' if I had to survive without the supermarket.
Fine, you are a super human being then, so far advanced above the rest of your own species then that you would most likely never survive in a situation where society fell apart, and the world as we know it now was no more.
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30-12-2009, 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
That isn't bloodlust either. Bloodlust is a desire for bloodshed. I don't see that given your scenario, if someone who was starving to death made the decision to kill and eat an animal, they would desire the blood of that animal on their hands.
Of course they would !! Clearly, you have no idea of what it is like to be hungry, really, really hungry. I don't, but I can imagine.
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30-12-2009, 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
This is a pointless and fruitless (no pun intended!) discussion ... I am purely making an analogy here, I didn't think I had to dot the i's and cross the t's !! Let's assume for whatever reason there are no edible plants ... we are back in the days of pre-farming, when there would have been a few berries, fruits and nuts to eat at special times of the year, but otherwise we were meat eaters. I am merely saying that the veggies would not remain veggie for very long ... otherwise, they would be dead.

Cannibalism is a completely different story ... it is a no-no in all societies simply because if you eat the flesh of your own kind, you will end up with dreadful diseases and madness - akin to feeding cows to cows causing Creutzfeld Jacob disease (sorry, I don't know how to spell that) ... nothing to do with the rights and wrongs of eating your own kind. If it were perfectly OK for human to eat human, with no ill effects, then humans would eat human meat rather than die.

To say that if someone raped your hypothetical daughter you would be angry is just such a ridiculous understatement as to be unbelievable !! If your mother or other female relative were raped then, the rage you would feel, unless you are made of stone, would be all-consuming and murderous. It would be an instinctive response to the harming of someone near and dear to you, and is purely natural and should not be sneered at. It is part of what makes us a particular species of animal known as homo sapiens.
Gnasher, do you not understand that we are all different? I think we can surmise how we would feel now, in advance and knowing our daughters/mothers safe but unless one is in that situation it is hard to be sure.

For instance, while someone might be baying for said rapists blood and go off and shoot him dead/batter him to death without a worry, someone else might be considering that if they did that, they would probably be locked up and the daughter would have no mother to pick up the pieces.

What I'm saying to you is that people react to different things in different ways.
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