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08-07-2007, 12:53 PM
................Also for the record, when i worked in rescue, it *was* the case that old style coercive methods did disproportionately show themselves up amongst GSD owners..after all, GSD is the only breed i can think of whereby it has its own breed biased training club (BGSD), and i certainly had problems with GSD owners that had been thru those societies....treats frowned upon, choke chains, etc.
I even had chats with one BGSD as regards a GSD that wasnt dog aggressive before the club but was week in week out the class contained just GSD's that were learning to lunge and bark at each other on short tight leads or chains.
When i mentioned had they trained harness, she even looked at me liked id just said the weirdest thing on earth, and said "i dont think i've ever heard of a German Shepherd wearing a harness" (like they are some breed apart from dogdom)
I mean, compelling your breed to learn the worst from each other and not allowing it to be trained and mixed with all different breed types and characters....what, exactly, is that about ......................
When I first started dog training it was all chokers & force & tug & pull & push way back in the 1950's

I've been involved with the BAGSD(BAA as it originally was BTW) & for the past 10 years plus they have been against the use of chokers at their branches. They do not exist just for obedience training clubs, but for conformation, better breeding & better understanding of the breed not only by the GP but also the owners. They have been at the forefront of good training methods for a long time. I'm currently Show Secretary of one of their Area Obedience shows

As for using harnesses for"training"you have little or no control of a dogs head using a harness & doesn't "cure"pulling at all. A harness on a GSD other than for tracking or GDBA dogs is a potentially dangerous thing(seen it happen)

As for GSD rescue, using the "old"methods never worked on "damaged"dogs, doG knows I retrained & rehabilitated enough of them in conjunction with a GSD rescue & have seen first hand the results of the"old"school of training including the use of smacking & "tapping"on young dogs & puppies

As for other dogs affecting a non aggressive dog & making it become aggressive-sorry there must have been an underlying weakness in the dogs character. I had a GSD male(that I bred)he was a very dark dog(almost a bi colour)& all his life he had dogs attack him for no reason other than the other dogs were dog aggressive. I used him as a "stooge"dog & no matter what any other dog did to him he never ever retaliated or even growled, this included him being attacked in Obedience show stays on more than one occasion(once whilst he was sleeping in the C down stays)
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08-07-2007, 12:56 PM
Well we've got no idea if she is 14, 15 or older...I have no problems with the questions people have asked her like Patch mentions or else people can't help with advice, it's just the calling someone a troll and getting at them for 'i' instead of I before they have had time to get a real feel for the place.
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08-07-2007, 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by GSDLover View Post
I've no idea as my trainer has never tried to state that by seeing a few at shows and walking some, that he has an amazing insight into them.
He is allowed to have insight of breeds he has virtually no experience of because he`s your guru but Wys and presumably no one else can ? Double standards GSDLover...

Utter nonsense. Wys is of course entitled to her opinion. However, let's not forget that is precisely what it is. Her sudden focus on GSDs and GSD owners is based on not one shred of ownership, but some walking and some shows, oh and some past training. (All of which, let's not forget, is on Wys's word alone.) Come on, let's get serious here for a moment. If you feel that qualifies anyone to make such a sweeping statement about GSD owners, then that's you. It will come as no surprise to you that it most certainly is not enough for me.
With respect, I know her a lot better than you do. For her, `walking one` is not about just having a dog on the end of a lead, she observes more about each individual dog on one walk than most dog owners learn about their own dog in years.

There is a saying in the debating field: If you can't back it up with verifiable fact, keep it out of the mix. What you have "found" is immaterial in so far as we only have your word for it, and it can be slanted how you please to support your case.
Its called debate. People offer their own experiences - do you ask everyone to give you documented proof signed by witnesses of every experience a posters talks about ? Do you offer that yourself to back up your opinions ?
Now, I for one, find your blogs interesting but I don`t ask you for links or written witness statements to back up your thoughts and opinions

There is no end to the level of assumption you will jump to is there? Are you present at my daily training sessions? Do you have any idea of the full range of equipment at my disposal, which is pretty much all used? Your very statement tells me that you are not and you do not.
Your clear and often stated dislike and lack of understanding of what you think of as soft methods speaks for itself.
As for assumption, when it comes to your trainer who built a picture of himself and his methods for all to see, having seen for myself the results of his `training` on one dog, and what you say yourself in blogs about working with Blondi, I think I have a basis on which to come to my `opinions`

I have stated, at least twice before, I use methods from both ends of the training spectrum. I believe that you have a greater chance of success with some dogs when you allow your mind to be opened to all possibilities.
Please give a brief outline of clicker training, its aims and application as per your own specific experience. If you have tried it you will be able to answer easily.
Please also explain three of Blondi`s most used calming signals, what they are and what they indicate or what you perceive them to indicate.

I ask those in terms of giving you the opportunity to back up your experience of the ethos [ positive training is not just one method which you would know if you have indeed tried a range of positive techniques...].
Just giving you the opportunity to answer in the same way you complain of Wys having opinions you don`t think she has the experience to have

As do I. Does that then qualify me to advise others? Am I too then qualified to make broad sweeping statements about the owners of a particular breed? Even if I am, I think I'll pass on it, as it's a nonsense.
This is a discussion forum, we can`t all give encyclopaedic depths all encompassing insights, we have to generalise - its the differing opinions which give the broader picture of a breed, a training method, nutrition, whatever, and people take from those combined what they want, need, or consider applicable to their individual dog.

Now, wouldn't it be more fitting to create a "Reasons to lambast GSD owners" topic, rather than hiding your feelings in another topic, and dressing it as advice? My gut tells me that it wouldn't go down as well.
That is not whats been suggested at all, you really are reading things in to comments which are simply not there.

Not one person has said `all GSD owners are the same`, if they did I would be jumping on it myself as a past Alsatian owner plus the experience I have of living with my fathers working Alsatians, and the countless other Alsatians I have had the pleasure of knowing from friends dogs to behavioural to teaching Agility to teaching basic Obedience over the last goodness knows how many years.
Believe me if I thought I was being lumped in I would be getting very loud about it but all that has been said is that there is a prevalent training ethos within the breed, not that everyone in it rigidly uses that `style`.
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08-07-2007, 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Patch View Post
He is allowed to have insight of breeds he has virtually no experience of because he`s your guru but Wys and presumably no one else can ? Double standards GSDLover...
You have, I fear, completely lost me on the logic of that answer. Sorry, who is my guru? In fact, who is my trainer? Do you mean Rob Alleyne? If so, sorry but your point is beyond even laughable, but I'll be sure to pass your thoughts on to him, being as we share a similar humour.

Do you offer that yourself to back up your opinions ?
If I lowered myself to state, "GSDs dont often get back at their owners - they just take it." in an already heated topic, where there was more than one GSD owner partaking, you bet your life, I would have hard fact to support it first!

Your clear and often stated dislike and lack of understanding of what you think of as soft methods speaks for itself.
Not clearly enough, obviously. I don't actually resent them per se, and I repeat, I even use some of them. What I strongly resent is the one-sided blanket view that exists and is growing in the dog training arena. That being that the new 'soft' methods are the only way, or the best way. All other methods are now simply rubbished as being out-of-date and cruel. Absolutely ludicrous in my view.

As for assumption, when it comes to your trainer who built a picture of himself and his methods for all to see
lol I can see why you want to go down this route. I'm not going to defend Rob against you. I know he wouldn't feel the inclination to do so and so I'm sure I won't waste my time doing so.

Please give a brief outline of clicker training, its aims and application as per your own specific experience. If you have tried it you will be able to answer easily.
You're going from the sublime to the ridiculous now. I'm on trial? No, wait, my dog is on trial? No hang on a second, my dog and I and 'our trainer' are on trial? Methinks you have an over-inflated view of your own importance, at least your importance to me.

If I sat here and made a blanket statement like, I don't know, my GSD is the best all-round trained GSD out of all those I've ever seen, based on those I've walked, seen at shows and trained, I'd expect to have to defend myself. But I realise that even if that were true, the limited context of walking a dog and seeing a dog at shows will never show you a full realm of behaviour traits. Indeed I would expect you to find it as bizarre as I find Wys's blanket statement already outlined above.

Please also explain three of Blondi`s most used calming signals, what they are and what they indicate or what you perceive them to indicate.
Please, I hate to be flippant, but you're killing me now. Mind your ankle as you step down from that great height. Tell me you don't really think you are so important that I have to answer that to you. Do you? Or is it one of those "hah, you see, he can't answer it" type things that arrogant people such as myself commonly become victim to?

...we have to generalise - its the differing opinions which give the broader picture of a breed, a training method, nutrition, whatever, and people take from those combined what they want, need, or consider applicable to their individual dog.
Which is great, until 'we' start to garnish it to make it appear like fact. It is NOT fact that "GSDs dont often get back at their owners - they just take it", it is NOT fact that choke collars are cruel. It is NOT fact that tapping yer dog on the backside is cruel either. If it were not so frequently dressed up as such, then I doubt that you and I would have half the collisions that we do have.
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08-07-2007, 02:43 PM
Hi Guys - can you point me to the post where she says she is 14? We don't allow registration to under 18s (although I think I changed it to 17 a while ago).
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08-07-2007, 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Hi Guys - can you point me to the post where she says she is 14? We don't allow registration to under 18s (although I think I changed it to 17 a while ago).
Hi Azz, I've not seen a post where she says she is 14, I was just putting two and two together, she said in another thread that her best friend died in a fire, I remember this story on the TV and the girl that died was only 14, along with her name Hannah92, my thinking was this was her year of birth, I'm sorry if my assumptions have caused any anguish or annoyance to anyone, I was just putting two and two together.
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08-07-2007, 02:52 PM
I think people have just assumed 14 or 15 because of the '92 in Hannah's screen name.
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08-07-2007, 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Hi Guys - can you point me to the post where she says she is 14? We don't allow registration to under 18s (although I think I changed it to 17 a while ago).
Azz it doesn't say that in the FAQ.

Go into FAQ, and use the search sysytem to look for 'age' or 'register'. Right at the bottom of the results read what it says under 'Why should I register?'.
It says under 13 ok with consent.
That needs changing I think.
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08-07-2007, 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Hi Guys - can you point me to the post where she says she is 14? We don't allow registration to under 18s (although I think I changed it to 17 a while ago).
I've just been through every single post she's made (and you know how much I hate doing that! ) and I see no mention of her saying her age at all.

One thing I did find was:

when i went to collect my puppy from the breeder i was totally satisfied with the results of the tests, i got him from a professional breeder where many of my friends and relatives have got their pets from.
I don't know many 14 year olds who go to collect the puppy from the breeder, and who have friends and relatives that do the same. I think a LOT of assumptions have been made to be honest. Possibly by the lack of 'netiquette'.

There's only one sure way to find out. Each of us state how much pocket money we get a week.
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08-07-2007, 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by GSDLover View Post
I don't know many 14 year olds who go to collect the puppy from the breeder,
I don't know many professional breeders that do all the appropriate health tests and only register the dogs with DLR !
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