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25-09-2016, 06:34 AM

Daily Thread, Sunday 25th September

Good morning folks, my sinuses are working overtime this morning.

How's everyone? Did you enjoy your day out yesterday Griff?

Hope LG doesn't get lost in the highlands, look out for him Norma.

Brenda glad you had a good turn out yesterday and more people are joining up for the next session.

Going to take all my medication and then get Amber out for her walk.

June, hope zen has disgraced herself overnight although there cannot be much more for her to destroy.

Have a good day everyone, stay safe and well, God bless.
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25-09-2016, 06:52 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Glad harvey is feeling better, have fun in the Highlands LG.

Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. We had a nice time with Michael walked along the canal towpath Regents I think then ended up at the Limehouse basin bit if a street market going on so sat on the wall eating our lunch and drinking coffee. After paying a visit to the Grapes pub which Sir Ian McKellan co owns. Sat on the little verandah watching the trip boats go by.
He is ok bit stressed as is Maca who had bee working in Spain and decided to fly across to Madrid to visit her parents for the weekend. Not sure from what he was saying they are in a good place at the moment. Maca was talking about moving back to Spain. Michael said if she offered he may well go too. We shall see everything crossed for his invite back to do a presentation to a company he applied to a job for and got through the first round and his wages being paid this week.
They are off to Vietnam for 2 weeks next Sunday courtesy of mum and myself and some money I gave him for Maca last year. When he booked it everything was fine it would cost a lot to cancel and maybe the time away is what they need.
Would be wonderful for them both if the other two things are sorted before they go away then they could really relax.
Mark and Dillon had a nice day together he said then when we arrived home Dillon got naughty.

June hope the swan is sorted now poor thing. God luck for the training today.
Hope you enjoyed your day yesterday to griff.

Hope everyone is well and all our four legged friends are to.
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25-09-2016, 07:19 AM

Good morning all, hope you don't mind me having my breakfast
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25-09-2016, 08:07 AM
What a beautiful picture Barry, you really do produce some lovely photos.

Lynn, Glad you had a good time with Michael.
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25-09-2016, 09:54 AM
Steve doing well with the tiling. I have to say he is an artist at what he does. We are both wondering whether the Bulgarian will be back tomorrow? He said he was going to the doctor with his chest. I have a horrible feeling that we will left to finish it all ourselves. Still no news on the brick wall that needs replacing other than it has been suggested it be replaced with wood panels?
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tawneywolf is offline  
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25-09-2016, 10:09 AM
Very heavy rain overnight, something woke me about 4am , not sure what, and I lay there thinking about it, decided to check the girls, and there was a wet Keshi outside the back door. Usually it is her dishing it out. Escorted her back to bed and went back to bed myself. Everyone dry this morning so no more altercations!
Moyra you seem surrounded by nincompoops at present. If they replace the wall with a fence who is going to paint the fence every year
Rain stopped here, due again around noon, then dry about 2 until teatime. Ideal for me as wasn't looking forwards to our 'dry run' in pouring rain. Hoping the forecast is right. My fingers are very stiff and sore today, and tomorrow we have rain all day, Lona at the vets for the results on the low white cell count, I'll take Kesh as well to weigh her and see how the diets going, her @rse has definitely slimmed down and she looks less like Godzilla from the back
Lynn, you must feel so unsettled with it all, hoping it comes right in the end. Glad you had such a lovely day yesterday.
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25-09-2016, 10:36 AM
wow Tumbleweed, that is an awesome photo
Moyra...hopefully he will go to the Drs and get sorted and come to work after....i am being optimistic on your behalf
Lynn, hope there is good news on the job front and hope the holiday away does michael and maca the world of good
TW, fingers crossed for good rsuts tomorrow
day out was o.k, went to see molly after and had a cuppa and came home, the driver on the bus was a mate of mine who i haven't seen for about 9months, was nice to see him and have a chat and he said how lovely it was to see me again. I spoke to Steve briefly at night and said i had seen my friend and he was then oh i am taking molly for a walk, call me i said mum was calling ireland so i didn't think i could call....she was only on a little bit of time and so i called him, he turned round after a minute and said i am going to go as i have just put a film on...i went mad and said he had told me to call so i did and then he was all oh i am off to watch a film.....which was being streamed so could be paused, he didn't seem to understand why i was annoyed and thinks he has done no wrong...apparently i am like jekyll and hyde??
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25-09-2016, 10:37 AM
June, do hope the results for Lona come back ok and also that the vet is happy with Keshi, not good that she was turfed out into the rain last night, wonder what that was all about.

Hope everyone is ok we seem to be running low on posters. It was raining when I took Amber out this morning and I think I should take her again before it starts again.
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Sue L
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25-09-2016, 10:47 AM
Good morning - just

I do hope you are both wrong and he turns ups to finish the kitchen for you if not charge the landlady for all the work Steve has done and will have to do. No doubt the idiot will get signed off work

Good you enjoyed the day out but he really ha no idea what he is doing in the way he treats you. Good thing you are only friends!

Pleased you enjoyed your day with Michael and do hope the holiday will put things right between them. Hugs to you you have so much on your plate at the moment. Lol at Dillon being naughty when you got home.

Hope the weather holds for training June and good luck at the vets with Lona tomorrow.

Overcast but dry here though a little rain over night. Teazle walked, some gardening done, cake made and dinner in the oven. Her ladyship is now telling me it is her dinner time and will I hurry up as she starving

Have a good day and stay safe.
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25-09-2016, 11:07 AM
I love how our dogs tell us when it is their walks time or when it is their dinner time. Amber has had her walk and she has also had her fresh chicken drumstick too! Bless her. Steve is getting on only has a short piece of wall left to tile, then he will also have to grout it, but he is doing a good job.
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