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276 dogs removed from 'animal hoarder'

Officials in New Jersey have removed 276 dogs from a three-bedroom home in New Jersey, in what is being described as an extreme case of animal hoarding.

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Dogsey Veteran
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06-06-2016, 08:37 AM
words fail me ... the cruelty of man to his best friend never seems to lessen. What always gets to me the most is despite the fact these dogs had been so badly treated, they show no malintent towards their human rescuers. One would expect them to be savage in their fear and confusion. The noble dog is infinitely more noble than us as a species.
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Female  Gold Supporter 
06-06-2016, 09:46 AM
Read about this, all of them are well fed, no bodies or malnutrition found. They were allowed to breed indiscriminately, one was in the middle of giving birth when the team arrived and 20 more were found to be pregnant
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-06-2016, 12:34 PM
Yeah June, but as we all know cruelty is not just about being well fed ... it is appalling in this day and age that dogs could treated in this way.
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Female  Gold Supporter 
06-06-2016, 01:22 PM
Yeah I know they had never even been out in the world, but bear in mind I actually took one of my puppies back (took me till she was 17 months old) because she had never been out, just in the garden, because 'big dogs don't need to go walks' then I got 'I can do nothing with her' How strange, could it be you've never bothered When I went for her she was curled up in a ball in a corner, terrified, luckily I had been to see her a few times, she knew who I was and let me attach a line to her, which I threaded through the car and gradually got her in the car and put a harness on her (I was told she wouldn't let me, again how strange that she did) so she didn't ricochet around the car. Got home, kept her onlead (thank goodness) and she shot through the door, it was like being attached to a cannonball. Took me over a year to rehabilitate her, she has a smashing home and is a 'working' girl in that she helps her Dad (freelance environmental consultant) find what species are living on sites earmarked for development where there is a protest against the development. Hows that for a girl that was so scared of anyone or anything she would do wide detours around them when out. She now meets Council officials and Developers and he is apparently called The Man With The Dog!!! My point being is that woman would not be considered cruel, my puppy was well fed, so well fed in fact that she was double the weight she should be and weighed in at 60kg, I got her down to 36kg by the way. There are many kinds of cruelty, sadly, not all of them are recognised. Malnutrition and brutality being the top of the list Mental cruelty is not that widely understood
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-06-2016, 03:52 PM
I often wonder about the mental health of the hoarders. It isn't normal to do what they do no matter how well intentioned they feel.

Not only are the dogs let down in many of these situations
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-06-2016, 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Yeah I know they had never even been out in the world, but bear in mind I actually took one of my puppies back (took me till she was 17 months old) because she had never been out, just in the garden, because 'big dogs don't need to go walks' then I got 'I can do nothing with her' How strange, could it be you've never bothered When I went for her she was curled up in a ball in a corner, terrified, luckily I had been to see her a few times, she knew who I was and let me attach a line to her, which I threaded through the car and gradually got her in the car and put a harness on her (I was told she wouldn't let me, again how strange that she did) so she didn't ricochet around the car. Got home, kept her onlead (thank goodness) and she shot through the door, it was like being attached to a cannonball. Took me over a year to rehabilitate her, she has a smashing home and is a 'working' girl in that she helps her Dad (freelance environmental consultant) find what species are living on sites earmarked for development where there is a protest against the development. Hows that for a girl that was so scared of anyone or anything she would do wide detours around them when out. She now meets Council officials and Developers and he is apparently called The Man With The Dog!!! My point being is that woman would not be considered cruel, my puppy was well fed, so well fed in fact that she was double the weight she should be and weighed in at 60kg, I got her down to 36kg by the way. There are many kinds of cruelty, sadly, not all of them are recognised. Malnutrition and brutality being the top of the list Mental cruelty is not that widely understood
the cannonball reference reminds me of Hal that day he came To woo Cariad!!

Poor were pup ... Glad you sorted her. It's like Ben ... He was a vicious nightmare. Now I can groom him, even his tail, without murmur. We can now put Thornit in his ears without having to distract him whilst running past and squirting randomly at his ear and the vet can remove stitches without tranquilising him first and muzzling. It used to take 3 grown men to hold him down! All achieved by firm but gentle handling, consistency and
Discipline ... Setting the rules, boundaries and limitations to quote that person!!
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Dogsey Veteran
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07-06-2016, 09:51 PM
I think there is a definite mental health issue. Often hoarders start as people with good intentions and then they become obsessive, will not adopt out the dogs or cats, and things just go to crap.

And the woman involved reportedly had not left the house for something like 5 years. There's definitely a mental health issue there and it's sad that the dogs get mixed up in it. I hope that she gets the help she needs (and perhaps her husband too, not sure what his story is).
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