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Tang is offline  
Location: Pyla Village, Larnaka, Cyprus
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25-09-2013, 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by girliebiker View Post
Hope it all goes well for your baby, yes he will always be your baby. I can only echo what everyone else has said. I am sure Bella will be fine with upstairs or in boarding, it is not the first time she has been in there is it.

Please take time to breath Pat, Mart is in very good hands, he is very lucky to have such a loving and caring family.

Hugs to you and get Well Soon Wishes to your boy xx
Thanks for those kind words.

Well we've been up and visited Roger and he insisted I give Bella the run of the place and let her sniff everything and all that. Couldn't have got it more wrong about them being Veggies - his partner is from a pig farming family over here lol! So squeamish he won't be about a frozen chicken wing or two! Roger did look surprised when I confirmed YES she eats them frozen - doesn't even want them if they are not.

I've told them that sorry but she has always been allowed on furniture (their place makes mine look like a hovel and I thought mine was quite nice lol) but that I'd be arming them with all her lightweight acrylic blankets so they can 'cover up' fortunately I've got lots of black ones so it won't jar with their black and white 'theme' lol!

He said he would naturally contact me about anything at all re Bella but doesn't expect to have to. Asked sensible questions about how she is in the car etc. (oh dear Bella and cars!)

We both think that, if they go out to eat in the evening or have to leave her for any length of time in the day, it would be best if they popped her back into mine downstairs. That's where she is used to being left and has her favourite spots to doss on when alone (never ever goes outside when here on her own even with doors open) she is not in the slightest destructive so no worries she will chew or wreck anything other than her own toys. But have impressed upon them that, if there is any problems at all just to call Sharon at Petstop and take her over there - or even if they get any engagements they don't know about now and are worried about leaving her for longer than up to 5hrs. Sharon will take her for just a day or a night.

I am preparing a Bella Box.

I got my parcel and am tempted to open it but better ask Jen first as I will be back here before my birthday now. I stocked up on chicken wings and will cut them and bag them up in a bit.

Then I went into the 2 for 1 clothing shop where, if you only buy one they halve the price, and bought myself two nice tops to take with me. Got enough food and drink for myself not to have to go food shopping again before I leave.

Emailed my employer and put him in the picture - no work or sense out of me from 30 Sep to at least 6 Oct but after that as I will only be holed up with Mart I will be able to work a couple of hours a day. They've got some super computer and techie shops in Bath so I might even get myself the more lightweight laptop I've been promising myself while over this time and not much to cart back with me. Major airlines don't have stupid rules about only one piece of hand luggage. You can take hand luggage AND a laptop bag so I can get them both back.

I'm almost scared to call Martin now - if he's changed the 'plan' again I will still have to go over there so I can murder him.
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25-09-2013, 01:18 PM
Well sounds like everything is in place and ready to go. I am sure nothing will have changed and I did think the same when you said he said one way. Shows even if he is not admitting even to himself he wants you close.
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25-09-2013, 01:26 PM
Great everythings worked out as you wanted. Just the plane to catch now really
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26-09-2013, 08:24 PM
Just found this thread Tang (better late than never I suppose) and all I can say is that we will all be with you in spirit.........just think, this time next month it will all be over and done with and you will be back with Bella, happy in the knowledge that son is out of pain and doing well.

Worry is not something that you can turn off like a tap though is it
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26-09-2013, 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bitkin View Post
Just found this thread Tang (better late than never I suppose) and all I can say is that we will all be with you in spirit.........just think, this time next month it will all be over and done with and you will be back with Bella, happy in the knowledge that son is out of pain and doing well.

Worry is not something that you can turn off like a tap though is it
No not where your kids are concerned certainly. I've got a churning stomach constantly thinking about this op. They don't cut the spine (he's already had one done there) go in through his abdomen shove everything aside and work on his spine from the front. Supposed to help stop problems arising from scar tissue and bleeding into the scar. But it sounds horrific - I bet he will be very sore afterwards having all his insides shoved around like that.

Well it's all just about arranged now. Sis has made up our rooms. We will go to her by train on Tuesday evening and she is feeding us she is also taking us to the hospital on Wednesday. She has taken off work to do it. She is an absolute GEM. She said she will put me on her car ins so I can use hers and she will drive her husband's as he is in AUS for a couple of weeks visiting his daughter.

Tomorrow I will phone Sharon at Petstop just to put her in the picture so should the need arise for the blokes upstairs to take her there she isn't taken by surprise. Mainly so that if I do have to stay longer than two weeks she can go to Petstop then - at least she won't already have been incarcerated for two weeks previously! I will of course stay as long as I am needed.
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26-09-2013, 08:41 PM
The waiting for it to happen is just the worst isn't it, and thank goodness you have that lovely sister to help you get through the lead up and the actual day of the op. Yes, he will probably feel as if he has been run over by a bus for a day or two, but the actual site of the op may well give him very little trouble! These days the recovery period, even for spinal ops, seems to be scarily fast.

Now that you have sorted all eventualities out for Bella, hopefully you can relax a little bit as far as she is concerned, but obviously you are going to miss her. She had better give you the best welcome ever when you get back home........I bet she doesn't though
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26-09-2013, 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Bitkin View Post
The waiting for it to happen is just the worst isn't it, and thank goodness you have that lovely sister to help you get through the lead up and the actual day of the op. Yes, he will probably feel as if he has been run over by a bus for a day or two, but the actual site of the op may well give him very little trouble! These days the recovery period, even for spinal ops, seems to be scarily fast.

Now that you have sorted all eventualities out for Bella, hopefully you can relax a little bit as far as she is concerned, but obviously you are going to miss her. She had better give you the best welcome ever when you get back home........I bet she doesn't though
You KNOW she won't lol! One time she ran straight past me and over to see the huge pot bellied pig in it's mud wallowing pit that they keep there! The owner said 'oh she's just gone over to see Arthur she says hello to him every day!' little minx!

She does get excited when I turn up. Usually piddles on my feet with excitement as the door is opened lol! She is a remarkably resilient little dog. When we get home I always take her straight on one of her 'usual walks' right by us before coming up and then when we get back she behaves just as if she'd never been away. Doesn't hang round me or anything - barks and bounces for her treat and then buzzes off to bed like she always does when we get back from a walk.

If I still had my Cavvy it would be a totally different scenario. I'd be having kittens by now and she would HAVE to come with me. There is no way I could ever have boarded that dog. They don't call them 'companion dogs' for nothing. Superglued to me!
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26-09-2013, 08:52 PM
PAT,methinks the lovely guys upstairs won't want to give her back Hope you're ok
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26-09-2013, 09:02 PM
Well, at least with little Bella's reaction to boarding you need have no fears of her being distressed in any way. The fact that she comes home and carrys on as normal immediately speaks absolute volumes.........I did quite a bit of studying and research into behaviour when I ran those kennels for a few years, and it seems that those dogs that owners say "punish" them when they get home, by being stand offish and strange, are actually insecure about their role in life and feel that they have been ousted from the pack. It takes a little while for them to get back into the swing of things (often with over compensating by the owners which leads to more problems later).

I don't think that Bella is unsure of her role in the home
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26-09-2013, 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bitkin View Post
Well, at least with little Bella's reaction to boarding you need have no fears of her being distressed in any way. The fact that she comes home and carrys on as normal immediately speaks absolute volumes.........I did quite a bit of studying and research into behaviour when I ran those kennels for a few years, and it seems that those dogs that owners say "punish" them when they get home, by being stand offish and strange, are actually insecure about their role in life and feel that they have been ousted from the pack. It takes a little while for them to get back into the swing of things (often with over compensating by the owners which leads to more problems later).

I don't think that Bella is unsure of her role in the home
I actually chuckled out loud when I read that. Perish the thought. I'm dismissed for the rest of the evening having done her bidding by taking her down to pee by the wheelie bin (and wouldn't let her chase a cockroach in the car park eww)

Finding PetStop made all the difference to my decision to get another dog. And I make sure I sing their praises from the rooftops on all the pet sections of Cyprus forums and recommend them wholeheartedly. And the owner's best pal, Malcolm, airline steward, lives opposite me with his little dog Daisy - and I knew and have been friends with him since I lived here. (Didn't know about Petstop then didn't need them). If the owner sells up and moves I think I will have to as well!

When I asked my vet if he would recommend Petstop his reply was 'Petstop is the ONLY kennels in Cyprus I would recommend'. Nuff said.

But Bella is their best recommendation. No upset tum or anything - she comes out looking just like she went in. They walk them twice a day and also let the little dogs have free association once a day if the owners agree to it.

I'm always bumping into people who know Bella coz they help out walking the dogs there! They call her Queen Bella.
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