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08-09-2013, 05:54 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread. Sunday.

Morning everyone.
Been awake since 3.30 and up at 4.30 totally irrational thoughts running through my head and Gorden spread eagling across the bed and me hanging on the edge. So I thought s*d it just get up.
Not sure whats on the agenda today but something I suppose.
Its a tad chilly here at the moment I am hoping it will warm up.
Lovely clear sky at around 5am when I let Dillon into the the garden and lots of stars.

Helena I am hoping the warm salt water and sucking yesterday did the trick and you have some relief from the tooth ache today and manages some sleep last night.
Pat are you taking a rest today after your mammoth session yesterday ?
It wore me out just reading about it.
jenny safe trip to visit mum. It was 15 years for us this year too losing our dad last month.
June good luck when Cruz comes to stay today.
I think you are going to be busy.

Hoping everyone has a good day. Stay safe.
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08-09-2013, 07:12 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Just reporting in from the *sick bay* - there are 3 of us in here atm, me with me teef, Jen with her ear and something else and now Jenny with her foot, there's no room in here for anyone else so please stay healthy you lot!

Everything became fine by yesterday afternoon, I thought it was all over, I even managed a whole jacket spud, a banana and wheetabix yesterday for pills and all was well. Then I was awoken at 5 am it was all starting again I had to get up and do another hot salt flush and take more painkillers. I must have taken soooo many yesterday, I felt a bit odd last night, like I was drunk, I was even falling over a bit lol! When I'm sitting in that dentist's chair on Wednesday I shall remember all these days of sheer hell and I will feel no pain (I hope!) On the bright side, I've now lost 6lbs this week!!!

Lynn, when you move to the new house, get double beds in all those bedrooms you've got there and when Gorden decides to spread eagle himself you can just take yourself off to the spare room. This is the reason we have our own beds, to get a good night's sleep. Hope there's nothing troubling you both today and that you've had a good chat about this house you're moving into now. Still thinking of you with

Jenny, so sorry about your foot, but at least you have your son to help you out with it if he can.That was good thinking on your part to get him into physio for your old age I was only saying to Dave last night, this is the time I wish we'd had kids, cos I shall be all on my own this week with no friends to call on like I had at the other house, and Dave all the way over the other side of the county, and I'm going through all this. Hey ho. Hope it isn't too painful and that you can manage a short walk

Jen, didn't notice you around yesterday, and I hope that doesn't mean you're really suffering now with that ear and the other thing that I've forgotten. Maybe I'm wrong and I missed your post yesterday. Hope you're getting better like I

Lorraine, just read about your cousin, and I hope he's back home safe and sound by now.

June, I'm with Sally, I'm just waiting for the arrival of those new little furbabies, can't wait I don't really have any interest in how they get here, I just want them all

Only just got up, not going to hurry today, got all the time in the World, although Dave's been up since silly hour cos that's what he does, but he's considerate enough to put the headphones on to watch the telly and let me lie in, and boy did I need it this morning.

Enjoy your sunday everyone
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08-09-2013, 07:27 AM
Morning Lynn, and fellow members,

Lynn you do worry me . Have you had that heart to heart with Gorden yet about the move? Maybe you should just call the move off 'cos the worse thing is to regret ever selling your present house as I know you love the situation there. Maybe you should both just take a gamble on his work situation. Allegedly property values are going up all the time and they are bound to rise more where you are than further up so you could just decided to sell at a later date if work got difficult.
I really hope you get a good nap today ..... a day or rest and all that (((hugs))).
Lore - I do hope your cousin has been located and had simply burnt the candle at both ends.
Nippy - I do hope you are feeling better today.
Helena - I hope you haven't got toof ache any more, 'cos if you have you'll be going mad after so many days

I'm meeting my brother at Mum's this morning. It's the anniversary of my lovely Dad's death today (15yrs) and although Mum will have no idea we thought it would be nice to all be together.

Helena - You snuck in just before I pressed 'submit' . So sorry about your tooth again during the night but there is always a silver lining ...... you've lost nearly 1/2 a stone ............ FANTASTIC What a shame I'm not still down there 'cos you could have holed up in the little bedroom and Polly and I could have looked after you.

See you all later.
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08-09-2013, 07:28 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Oh my goodness sorry to hear so many in the sick ward. I nearly joined you yesterday after twisting my foot on a rutty bit over one of the fields Lily and i were walking over, but thank goodness its fine this morning. Hope you are all better soon.

I had the most wonderful afternoon and evening yesterday. After I finished work yesterday my sons the grandchildren etc come over, as they love this area and we all went for a great walk over furze hills which is literally 2 mins walk from my front door. (I will post some pics later), we had a great time over there and they were all climbing trees and having fun. Then we come home and went and got fish and chips from the nearby village. That was quite a task as we got there at 7.30 pm only to find they closed at 8pm, thats a quiet village for you .

Today I have to set off on a trek back past where I used to live to a curry's store to get my mum a Miele hoover the same as mine and take it to her. Then after walking Lily again i must sort Charly and Ash's bedroom as its still piled with stuff and get them their bed made up as they will be back tonight for a week. I can't wait and i know Lily will be very excited to see them again.
So thats my day, the sun is shining and its beautiful out there. Have a good one everyone.
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08-09-2013, 07:31 AM

Just popping my head round the door to say hello as I have been too preoccupied with Pereg for the last couple of days to think of much else. I hope to be able to catch up on things but a lot depends on how Pereg is today.
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08-09-2013, 07:40 AM
Bev - Nobody else is allowed to join the sick bay .... too many already I'm not sick just have a poorly sole to my foot I think I said yesterday I just love your 'happy' posts ..... things are getting better and better aren't they Enjoy your day and I hope you get the room all sorted .... a doddle for you compared to moving single-handedly
Malka - I do hope Pereg is settled today and you can both get some rest as you clearly need it after the last few day.

I'm off to walk the dogs now but will see everyone around lunchtime.
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08-09-2013, 07:53 AM

Reporting in but feeling lousy.
My UTI has improved but my ear is still giving me gip. It is very painful, I'm living on Paracetamol, and there is a discharge that makes my ear all crusty when I get up in the morning. I had hoped that the antibiotics would work both ends, but obviously not
We went to Brians brother's Ruby wedding bash last night. Good company and such lovely food but I had to come home at 9-30, couldn't take anymore.
Anyway I hope everyone else is improving, I will be back later to read through properly.
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08-09-2013, 08:28 AM
Your recent updates are a joy to read! EVERYTHING going well for you at the mo - this really is your YEAR OF CHANGE! So happy for you. Glad the twisted foot did not get worse. This is only a 4bed hospital ward so no one else get sick please! If I have to come and 'nurse' any of you you will discharge yourself whether you are better or not just to escape my not very tender ministrations!

You poor thing with your multiple problems. I doubt paracetamol is helping much either for those sorts of pains. When I had persistent ear prob that used to clear up when taking the ear drops but come back again - I was told they have to take a swab and identify the bug causing the infection so they know exactly what to fight it with. That did the trick but, after having a weepy right ear for about 18 months, I was left with a bit of dermatitis in it which I think will be there forever now. (Due to it being wet for so long apparently)

Oh there you are! Almost didn't see you standing sideways with the weight just 'dropping off' you. Careful you don't end up looking 'haggard' girl! You've been in pain with that tooth for too long now. If antibios are not sorting it after a couple of days (plus the fact that it comes and goes) I'm inclined to think something is touching on or aggravating the nerve - abs won't help that sort of pain and hardly any painkillers will relieve nerve pain either.

I hope the panic's off re your cousin. What a worry.

I think it's a lovely idea to meet up with your mum on the anniversary of your dear dad's death. Even if she doesn't 'understand' she was an important part of his life and it's fitting she is there with you two.

How's that plantar prob today? My sis actually had the risky op for hers it got so bad. I hope you can see it off with physio and other stuff.

Lynn, lynn, lynn, lynn!
What are we going to do about you? I'm getting really worried about you here. I think the reason you are not sleeping is you have too much weighing down on your mind. I know I was encouraging you to 'think positive' about the move a while back and drawing attention to the 'practical and financial' advantages of it but ...

It seems to me now that what you are experiencing is not just mild misgivings, doubt or a natural trepidation about the unknown or fear of 'change'. Seems far more serious than that.

I'm sat here thinking stuff like 'what if they go ahead and then GORDEN decides there's things he doesn't like about it (he will be too scared to say so on account of all your resistance and doubt) he'll probably think he doesn't have 'the right' to moan about anything concerning the move as it's been him FOR it and you AGIN it!

You will be the one sat in the house. Not him. You could end up making both your lives miserable if all your worst fears come to pass (or heaven forbid - it turns out to be even worse than you fear it will be now!)

I think you should make the decision about the move your number one priority in life right now and not shilly shally any longer or hold out hope that something will happen that will make it impossible to move forward with it (like finding out they plan to build a chemical plant in your backyard) or waddever.

Sometimes when decisions are difficult because of pressures upon us I think the only thing to rely on is GUT FEELING & INSTINCT. I cannot tell for sure of course, just reading the typed word with no face to face interaction but I haven't detected any lightening of mood in you at all - no lessening of the negativity at all. You sound totally depressed about it and sort of trying to put it out of your mind (which is a bit daft as it is impending!)

You should not feel like a person being dragged to the gallows at a crossroad in your life that should be an exciting (if slightly scary) time. Gawd woman - imagine what you will be feeling like if it doesn't even live up to your very low expectations of it now? I dread to think.

Speak to Gorden and don't keep putting forward reasons he can counter with a sensible response. Just tell him how utterly miserable you are about it all. I don't think you have to itemise the reasons or list them at this stage into pros and cons. Just make sure he knows just how unhappy, worried and scared you are about it all. If it's that serious you will have to put the thoughts of the money side out of your head. No amount of money saved will make you happy in a house you hate the very thought of moving to.
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08-09-2013, 08:44 AM
Good morning fellow members a lovely bright morning but quite chilly.

My brother came for a visit yesterday bringing masses of fruit and vegetables which I need to deal with today. So I am off to start on the pickled cabbage and beetroot.
Enjoy your day everyone .
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08-09-2013, 08:49 AM
Morning Helena blimey you thought you had got no pain and then in the early hours it strikes again.
Hoping you have a better day today. I bet Wednesday can't come fast enough in some ways but still a daunting thought having teeth out and then having no-one home to help you.
jenny have a nice day with your mum and brother and I hope the foot is feeling better today.
Morning Bev can you bottle some of your left over enthusiasm please and send it over. So pleased to read your day yesterday was so nice and its lovely to hear you so happy.
Morning Malka I hope you and Pereg are doing ok
Morning Jenny sorry to hear you are still feeling rough and what a shame you had to leave the party early.
Hoping you feel better soon.
Morning Pat you sound very chipper today.

We are talking and his attitude is it won't matter where we go or what the house or garden is like its me stuck with the not wanting to move at this time as being the problem which I will admit it is. I had hoped though that we would of found somewhere that would of given me a small glimmer of looking forward to going.
He did say we can take a gamble and stay here but what a big gamble that would be and would I honestly feel any better I honestly don't know. Just something else to feel utterly miserable about and to worry over. So I suppose sensible head on go mortgage free and suck it up for a year possibly and who knows I may like it.
Gorden will not worry about not liking something he will just get on with it and not worry about the now or the the future in respect to that and his vision is we sell up and move on in time if I really do not like it there .
We are still perusing other properties around the area just in case and before contracts are exchanged.
Hey ho there are worse off in life than me.
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