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18-07-2013, 05:14 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Thursday).

Morning everyone. Feels already like it's going to be another hot one.
Restful day for me today after yesterdays drive out to uncharted territories for the funeral.
I will be walking Dillon in a short while before the heats really kicks in. I think I may lead walk Dillon today I am wondering if him running through the long grass is making that healing dew claw itchy and why he is irritating it so much after we get back from walks. Worth a try he hadn't bothered about it till I started him back on the field again.
Gorden and I have discussed the house hunting Saturday again after he decided last night we should continue after speaking to Tom.
We are cancelling appointments for this Saturday and waiting to hear the news from them re: their application. They have been told they should know by next Wednesday. To me that doesn't sound like a done deal.
Shame as we found some really good ones you wait they will be gone by next weekend I bet. I don't want to go and find something make an offer then find its not happening for Tom and Lisa after all.

jenny I hope the boys are much better today.
I hope everyone else is well today human and furry friends and that you manage to stay cool.
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18-07-2013, 05:29 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Blimey, you're up early Lynn, but that's not surprising in this heat, cos I wanted to get up at 5 I didn't, but laid there till 5.30. Might check out the tides and see if we can hit the beach early.

Glad you've had a good discussion about this house hunting lark, maybe it's best to wait until they have that definite offer on the table in writing. I doubt you'd be able to actually put in an offer on anything you liked anyway, cos the agents nowadays check out your purchaser's status and if they didn't have that offer yet, then your offer wouldn't be accepted anyway. Not like the old days anymore, where you could go around putting offers in for everything you viewed like we used to do sometimes, get home and change our minds about all of them lol! I expect this is why they do it how they do nowadays, cos of people like me

I hope Dillon's claw isn't going to be a problem for you, but you're right about the grass, I'm sure there are loads of little critters in this grass with this heat, ready to pounce and bite or sting, look at me and my foot yesterday and that was just out on my lawn filling her pool.

Plasterers coming back this afternoon to finish the front so another day of no nanny nap, that makes 3 this week

I'm heading off up to the vans cos I know both lots of guests will have gone off early to Rye market and I can water the plants, cos I can't really expect them to have done it.

I hear this extreme heat is now heading further west so watch out Jen it's gonna get hotter for you today and hopefully, we're going to drag in some cooler air from the east, I can't wait, it's been really awful for too long now, far too hot for me and a furry dog.

Hope everyone is well today along with the doglets, and really hoping Flash and Rucksack are getting back to their normal naughty selves.

Enjoy another hot day everyone
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18-07-2013, 06:08 AM
Morning Lynn, Helena and fellow members,

The dogs both had a good night and no visits to the garden. I think they would be almost back to their normal selves if it wasn't so hot and humid. Both have just had their meds. Flash still managed to flick on of the abs across the room in spite of it being put down the back of his tongue and it was race to get it before Rucksack ate that one as well They have also had a good sized meal 3/4 of what they'd normally get. Neither have been to the loo yet (Monday=Flash and Tuesday=Rucksack), so surely this food that his been going in for the last day or so has got to come out at some time. It'll be then that I can really relax and know that nothing horrible is going to hapen

As soon as their food has gone down I will take them both out for a short lead walk ... more for change of scenery than anything else.

Lynn - Enjoy your lead walk with Dillon which sounds very sensible under the circumstances. I do hope his claw site is OK, I must have missed something over the past few days as I thought it was all healing well and he wasn't worrying it. Hopefully on Wednesday you'll be given the green-light to proceed at full speed to find a new home. By then more houses could well have come on the market and I can't believe anything is moving so quickly that you'll miss them. Fingers crossed

Helena - OMG I thought all the 'workmen' had finished your house revamp after all the work that Dave had done too. Just be thankful that you'll be able to be inside out of the heat when its being done. Enjoy your beach walk and hopefully those renters of yours will have had the sense to have watered any plants.

See you all later.
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18-07-2013, 06:09 AM

Lynn - such a worry about have you, have you not sold your house after you thought that yes you had. Everything crossed that the couple have indeed got the mortgage they need to buy it. It is a pity about the nice ones you wanted to see but there will always be more once you have definite confirmation that your house has been sold.

Nechda - you wanted to get up at 5am and I wanted another sleep after 7am but guess what - dead on 7am they came back. Yep - now there is a deep trench outside which nobody can get across and after they did along three bungalows then then dumped humungous mounds of stones and stuff in the road. Just when I had decided to go to the doctor as she is here 8-10am on a Thursday.

They are now a bit further up the road but the noise is horrendous - luckily Da Booga only got upset when they were immediately outside. I have taken some photos of the humungous yellow JCB which I will post in a minute. What a horrible sight to see just metres from my poor little bungalow Positively terrifying!

Hope everyone has a far better day than it looks like I am going to get, but hey ho, one day it will be finished... but no idea when
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18-07-2013, 06:18 AM
Morning Lynn, H and all,

Lily is walked and I am getting ready for another long day working. Roll on the weekend when I have it all to myself.
Ash will be back this weekend and their house is ready for them mid next week. I thought they would wait till the following weekend for Ash to come back and pick up Charly and her stuff, but he is talking apparently about driving back after work midweek as soon as the house is ready and getting her and driving back the same night. I know he can't wait to have her there with him but I think it will be too tiring for him to do such a long journey through awful traffic and then have to be up at 5.30am the next morning for work. At least once she is there it will save him driving all this way every weekend to see her and they will be able to get down to Devon some weekends and sort out his house there. he is thinking of renting it out for a while.
I will really miss them both and it will be very quiet with just me and Lily as Lily is not very good at two way conversations .

Lynn I think you are doing the right thing waiting before viewing again. Silly to waste all that petrol till you have a firm offer from your purchasers.

Have a good day all.
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18-07-2013, 06:44 AM
Morning everyone,

Lynn sorry Dillon has taken to chewing his dew claw op site making it sore again. Seems a shame you are back in no man's land on the house evening if it is only until Wednesday, that's long enough.

Helen, poor you no nanny nap again and then a dusty clear up by the sounds of it when they are done. Still it will be all done then wont it?

Bev, you wear me out just listening to what you have to do all too much for me. I wilted some time ago and haven't recovered since.

jenny, hope both dogs come up with the goods when you take them out. Then you will be able to relax again.

Malka, have they gone and blocked you in again so you cannot get out. I cannot believe what you are having to put up with. So it means you cannot get to the doctors that is bad.

Well folks have a lovely day and hopefully a cooler one if possible. I have had enough. I have taken Amber out for her quick run about this morning chasing her ball but that will have to do until late afternoon. She is missing her lunchtime walk but it is just too hot for the pair of us.
Have a good day, God bless.
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18-07-2013, 07:05 AM
Morning Helena I am up early these days it is hot by 6.30am so like to be back with Dillon by 7am.
He then makes do with some short energy spurt games and hunt the treat in the garden if it isn't too hot. In the house if it is.
I hope the workmen aren't too noisy and it isn't too dusty today.
Look after that foot that got bitten.
Morning jenny glad you and the boys have had a good night I hope they produce something for you today. They haven't eaten much recently so maybe that's why its longer to see any fall out. When they do fingers crossed its all back to normal.
Morning Bev. I am just amazed at how you are managing in this heat with everything you have to do. You put me to shame.
You will miss charley when she goes and it will feel very quiet in the house but its surprising how quickly you get use to it.
Morning Moyra I think you are very sensible to miss out the lunchtime walk. I couldn't believe when driving home yesterday that some people were walking their dogs in the heat at 2-2-pm.
Morning Malka. Those blooming workman do they not know how naughty you are about visiting the Dr. When you do decide to go they block you in.
I hope it isn't too dusty and noisy for you and Pereg.

Update re: house hunting. It would seem the mortgage in principal is a green light to EA's that a person or couple has the means to start searching for properties and are serious about purchasing every EA's dream and house vendor. Especially first time buyers like Tom and Lisa.
The mortgage application is the next step so yesterday they applied for finance to purchase this address so we can expect a call re: a survey in the next week more than likely and if the survey and their credit is ok we have lift off. So we are going ahead now with the viewings Saturday.
I am going to have ask Anne if I can leave a spare key for her to let the surveyor in so I can take Dillon out of the way when he visits. Gorden is busy all next week so no days to arrange a convenient time if they want to get in next week which of course they might not but best be prepared.
Better get our deed of covenant change for the windows in process then and find a solicitor. Michael did say he knew one from when he was an EA and would recommend.
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18-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Morning to all of you I missed earlier

Had a lovely walk in the woods, we met the gang again, all 5 gsd's, had a chat with the owners who I know so well now cos he is Dave's new accountant, plus I'm on the committee of the association he is treasurer of. Funny how since moving here, I see and talk to more people than I ever did over at the other place, and I've found some really nice friends here.

Got back, Zena's pool was all filled up and ready for her to launch herself into, and she scrabbled away in there diving for the frisbee at the bottom, she's sooooo funny this girl

Now she's taken herself off to her favourite spot to do guard duty until I go off out and she has brekkie. Best thing we ever did was to get that big gate installed in the archway, cos she has the whole front terrace, she's very safe cos I padlock that gate so nobody can just open it and walk in, and she can scare the heck out of everyone who dares to walk up my steps She does let the neighbours come and go as they please now, which is good, and anyone else who walks up and down the road with a dog, just as long as they don't come on "her" bit

Oh dear Malka, what a carry on you've got there again, but I'll have all the drilling and dust again later on today, so take comfort in that you're not alone! At least I can get out though unlike you, but hopefully, you'll find a way of getting over to the doc's. Maybe a phone call to that lovely taxi driver, he can come and lift you over it perhaps, you're only a little sparrow of a thing aren't you

Jenny, so pleased to hear the boys are good now, just need them to produce a nice poop and you'll be happy.

Sorry, lost it now, Zena's barking, somebody's coming I think it's the poor postie

Think I'll put another one up, so you can see what a lovely cool spot she has here
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18-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Jenny - glad the boys had a good night and hope you managed to get some sleep. Once they have done normal poos I guess you will stop worrying so much.

Bev - I know you will miss Charly and Ash and I know what it is like with just a non-conversational dog, but I am sure Lily will be happy to be chatted to and if she is anything like Pereg she will "answer" with her eyes and her tail.

Moyra - umm yes, you could say they have done it again!

Lynn - Doctor? What doctor? A very good reason for me not going yet again!

See the pics I posted My wake up call... and yes it is noisy and yes it is dusty, but Pereg is now ignoring them [there is another JCB doing more stuff outside now] after having told them in no uncertain barks what she thinks of them!

What a performance about Tom and Lisa's mortgage and should you still carry on with the proposed viewings. It gives me a headache just to think about it.
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18-07-2013, 07:28 AM
Morning all

Sorry that things are up in the air Lynn and hoping Dillon's dew claw isn't itching too much.

I too am hoping that this heat will pass it was very difficult while we were caravanning. Poor Zena must really feel it with that coat.

I would have thought your workmen could have made arrangements to enable you to get out Malka, especially as you are at a disadvantage to begin with.

You are going to have to teach Lily the art of conversation Bev, time goes by so fast, one minute they are at school and the next they have gone. I hope they are both very happy.

Fingers crossed the dogs are back to normal Jenny, so worrying when they are poorly.

I have missed so much while I have been away, I had an intermittent connection with the internet so dropped in when I could.

I am off to my cousins to continue with the decorating, stupidly double booked myself today, but it was the only day I had free this week. I am supposed to be at work this afternoon to celebrate my collegues 35 years service with the council, they should give her a medal!

Had a fab time at Stoneleigh, never seen so many tattooed ladies and gentlemen or custom cars towing caravans. They were a lovely bunch of people and we got to chat dogs and cars with a fair few of them. It took ages to leave saying goodbye to everyone! We are hoping that we will all be there at the same time next year.

Have a good day all, stay cool!
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