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10-06-2013, 06:06 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Monday).

Morning everyone.

Dillon woke me at 6am with a soft bark so down I came and let him out and he lays down then comes in and is now snoring on his bed again. I have been having a catch up on last nights thread most of it forgotten over the last few minutes and a peaceful cuppa.

Not much on here again today unless the pocket book money turns up in the bank. They sent the letter last week saying how much Gorden had made from sales and said payment in mid June. Which isn't very helpful.

This I have remembered.
Happy Birthday Kazz. 21 again. How lovely you have Bella to help you celebrate.
Enjoy your day.
Chris (((hugs))) I hope things are easier today.
Malka I hope you are feeling better today.
Linda I hope you and the family and Loki are ok I don't recall seeing you yesterday. I am hoping that's because you were having a lovely day out.
Mini I hope you are feeling better today and that you use today to rest.
Bev I hope Charly is still making a good recovery,
Hello to Harvey who I missed last night. Hope all is well with you and yours.

The stories of slugs and snails and Hedgehogs made me giggle especially the one of Harvey with his dressing gown a spade and carrying a hedgehog on it. Wouldn't you just know you would meet someone.
I lob my snails over the fence onto the bit of messy land next door bought and has done nothing with yet.

To anyone today I have missed and who may be unwell or have problems get well soon and hoping problems disappear very soon.
For any unwell pets wishing them well soon.

Have a safe and happy Monday. See you all later.
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10-06-2013, 06:22 AM
Morning Lynn morning all
ESP in the air between Dillon and the muppets this morning as also up at silly o,clock ,pee ,brekkie ,n back to bed
Same old same old here today ,nothing new there
Very dull here looking like rain ,no t shirts today then
Walking the munsters later owner at a meeting ,having them as of Wed for a week ,fun time ahead with 5dogs in the house thankfully oh at hand to help out
Wishing all poorly 2and4legged get better soon
Have a great day
Take care stay safe xxxxx
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10-06-2013, 06:25 AM
Morning Lynn, Norma and everyone

Dave went off early, and I've been busy on the puter cos I have a major dilema on my hands now with that blimmin van water problem. I was awake all night worrying about spending almost £1K on it It's spiralling out of control, and Dave originally said that he was going to use the last of his money to get it done, but all of a sudden, now that I've arranged it all, it seems to be down to me to pay for it I've dropped a few hints like, where am I gonna find that kind of money this week without dipping into my savings, but so far, no response! I can't justify spending all this money, and when I think about it, the mess they're gonna make by doing this pipework and patio area, means I will also have to get the lawn returfed in the next 2 weeks ready for the chain of guests arriving from the 22nd.

I've mailed the guy doing it, told him Dave has serious financial problems and we can't go ahead with the whole plan, at this moment in time, but can he just sort out the muddy gateway and around the steps. I'm sure they can dig out and chuck some gravel in there so that I can bluff my way through this season and we can sort it properly in October when it's all finished and shut down for the winter. Far more sensible imo. Always summat to worry about, the buck definitely ends here that's for sure Plus the bank of H is always involved somewhere along the line and I'm just not doing it when I'm trying to clear the backlog of all we spent on this house.

Hey ho, that's my problem for the week, hope you don't have any yourselves, but of course, I didn't even look in here yesterday what with Dave and everything else.

Sunday lunch got ruined too, cos he went up to strim the grass as instructed by the groundsmen, and then he decides to fit an outside tap cos of course, they'd need water He didn't tell me about that bit though I kept my cool though, so no arguments about it, so he left today still in good spirits.

I might go straight up the park first thing and have a chat with the manager about this and see if their maintenance men can give me some ideas on this. I do hope the original guy gets back to me though, but I might have miffed him off by cancelling the whole job so late, but at least he'll have one day's work if not the two.

Hey ho, hope all is well with everyone, I will try and catch up with it all later if I can. Enjoy your day everyone.
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Lynn is offline  
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10-06-2013, 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Lynn morning all
ESP in the air between Dillon and the muppets this morning as also up at silly o,clock ,pee ,brekkie ,n back to bed
Same old same old here today ,nothing new there
Very dull here looking like rain ,no t shirts today then
Walking the munsters later owner at a meeting ,having them as of Wed for a week ,fun time ahead with 5dogs in the house thankfully oh at hand to help out
Wishing all poorly 2and4legged get better soon
Have a great day
Take care stay safe xxxxx
Morning Norma I like the way they get us up to let them let them out then go back to bed. NOT.
Weather ok here although I don't think we will see much sun again today.
Good luck with all the dogs in the house as of Wednesday if we don't see you for a week we know why.
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10-06-2013, 06:30 AM
Morning Lynn and all

I have been working all weekend, it's been extremely busy. I bought a pretty pair of earrings yesterday from the craft fair which was taking place in the visitors centre.

I came home to mayhem as Pip and Taz had a huge bustup in the afternoon, they are usually the best of friends. Pip was feeling sorry for himself, he isn't a fighter but Taz wouldn't give up. They are separated at the moment but things have cooled down so I will walk them later and then see what happens. There were no major injuries so hopefully they will settle down again.

I hope you all have a good day!
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madmare is offline  
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10-06-2013, 06:36 AM
Morning Lynn, Norma H, and all,

I have the plasterer coming this morning as in a couple of bedrooms the plaster has come away from the wall and fell out leaving two holes, so he has to sort that out.

I also have to start getting the promotion stuff out for the Great British Greyhound walk as there is less than 2 weeks till the big day now, lets hope we can smash all records this year of how many greyhounds are walking at once around Britain.

I need to find someone to put fencing up for me at my new house for peanuts. I can just about afford to get the fencing to Lily proof it but not to have it put up. Perhaps I should have a fencing party

Happy Birthday Kazz

Oh dear H it never rains but it pours doesn't it. Hope you get it all sorted one way or another.
Hope all those with illness in the family or problems find lots of improvement today and (((hugs))) to those that need them.

Take care all and have a good day.
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10-06-2013, 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Norma and everyone

Dave went off early, and I've been busy on the puter cos I have a major dilema on my hands now with that blimmin van water problem. I was awake all night worrying about spending almost £1K on it It's spiralling out of control, and Dave originally said that he was going to use the last of his money to get it done, but all of a sudden, now that I've arranged it all, it seems to be down to me to pay for it I've dropped a few hints like, where am I gonna find that kind of money this week without dipping into my savings, but so far, no response! I can't justify spending all this money, and when I think about it, the mess they're gonna make by doing this pipework and patio area, means I will also have to get the lawn returfed in the next 2 weeks ready for the chain of guests arriving from the 22nd.

I've mailed the guy doing it, told him Dave has serious financial problems and we can't go ahead with the whole plan, at this moment in time, but can he just sort out the muddy gateway and around the steps. I'm sure they can dig out and chuck some gravel in there so that I can bluff my way through this season and we can sort it properly in October when it's all finished and shut down for the winter. Far more sensible imo. Always summat to worry about, the buck definitely ends here that's for sure Plus the bank of H is always involved somewhere along the line and I'm just not doing it when I'm trying to clear the backlog of all we spent on this house.

Hey ho, that's my problem for the week, hope you don't have any yourselves, but of course, I didn't even look in here yesterday what with Dave and everything else.

Sunday lunch got ruined too, cos he went up to strim the grass as instructed by the groundsmen, and then he decides to fit an outside tap cos of course, they'd need water He didn't tell me about that bit though I kept my cool though, so no arguments about it, so he left today still in good spirits.

I might go straight up the park first thing and have a chat with the manager about this and see if their maintenance men can give me some ideas on this. I do hope the original guy gets back to me though, but I might have miffed him off by cancelling the whole job so late, but at least he'll have one day's work if not the two.

Hey ho, hope all is well with everyone, I will try and catch up with it all later if I can. Enjoy your day everyone.
Morning Helena. Sounds like you have a problem on your hands. Knowing you, you can sort it out but its the emotional stress of having to sort it isn't it that gets you down it makes you so tired.
Fingers crossed it all falls into place without too much hassle for you.
Thing is you have all week to get it sorted with Dave out of the way and you can have 5 nice lunches to make up for the spoiled one yesterday.
Keep your chin up we're all here when and if you need a rant.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn and all

I have been working all weekend, it's been extremely busy. I bought a pretty pair of earrings yesterday from the craft fair which was taking place in the visitors centre.

I came home to mayhem as Pip and Taz had a huge bustup in the afternoon, they are usually the best of friends. Pip was feeling sorry for himself, he isn't a fighter but Taz wouldn't give up. They are separated at the moment but things have cooled down so I will walk them later and then see what happens. There were no major injuries so hopefully they will settle down again.

I hope you all have a good day!
Morning Gerri oh dear not what you want to come home too after working all weekend. Thank goodness there were no major injuries. Hopefully they are over it now and it was handbags at dawn scuffle.
Enjoy the earrings you need somewhere to go now to wear them.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn, Norma H, and all,

I have the plasterer coming this morning as in a couple of bedrooms the plaster has come away from the wall and fell out leaving two holes, so he has to sort that out.

I also have to start getting the promotion stuff out for the Great British Greyhound walk as there is less than 2 weeks till the big day now, lets hope we can smash all records this year of how many greyhounds are walking at once around Britain.

I need to find someone to put fencing up for me at my new house for peanuts. I can just about afford to get the fencing to Lily proof it but not to have it put up. Perhaps I should have a fencing party

Happy Birthday Kazz

Oh dear H it never rains but it pours doesn't it. Hope you get it all sorted one way or another.
Hope all those with illness in the family or problems find lots of improvement today and (((hugs))) to those that need them.

Take care all and have a good day.
Morning Bev good luck with the plasterer and drumming up people for the walk.
Fencing party sounds good. As long as people don't come with their swords and fencing gear.
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10-06-2013, 07:11 AM
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Dull morning with promise of some sun later .... apparently
Decorators back again around 9 so I've just taken the side fence down for them to get round the back and removed the barricade I put up to keep the dogs away from the paint etc

Sorry you got woken up early this morning Lynn. A lack of sleep seems to have affected quite a few members for one reason or another.
-That must have been a shock to come back to and I hope the two dogs have made their peace with each other - good luck.
Bev - Another busy day for you then today, and I hope you can get everything sorted.
Helena - It sounds as though you have had a mixed weekend. I really hope you can sort the water/financial side out, but botching it and doing it later is always an option.

Must fly now as I need to sort things out for the decorators and go and buy a paper etc. See you all later.
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10-06-2013, 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Dull morning with promise of some sun later .... apparently
Decorators back again around 9 so I've just taken the side fence down for them to get round the back and removed the barricade I put up to keep the dogs away from the paint etc

Sorry you got woken up early this morning Lynn. A lack of sleep seems to have affected quite a few members for one reason or another.
-That must have been a shock to come back to and I hope the two dogs have made their peace with each other - good luck.
Bev - Another busy day for you then today, and I hope you can get everything sorted.
Helena - It sounds as though you have had a mixed weekend. I really hope you can sort the water/financial side out, but botching it and doing it later is always an option.

Must fly now as I need to sort things out for the decorators and go and buy a paper etc. See you all later.
Morning jenny I hope there isn't too much spilt paint today.
I will be looking out for the sun.
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10-06-2013, 07:21 AM
Good Morning all, seems Monday morning has brought lots of problems for everyone to contend with. I hope you all achieve what you need to satisfy yourselves so you can relax again. Backs bad still. Have a good day all, God bless.
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