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08-06-2012, 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
I haven't read the whole thread so apologise if anyone has already posted this.

I can remember reading, a long time ago, about an experiment that was done over Southampton using the very method you have described. It was either a virus or a bacteria, can't remember which. I was quite shocked at the time.

Yes, here we go:
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08-06-2012, 07:22 PM
Also, I'll tell you what is a telling sign that geoengineering is happening now. The clouds have just broken for the first time today, to show bits of blue. In these bits of blue, there is a mish mash of types of cloud, which look really strange, and what's even weirder is that some of these 'clouds', which definitely look like they were once trails from an aeroplane, are not moving along with the natural clouds!

My partner and I have just watched Cumulus clouds whizzing across the sky in the wind, yet these 'fake' clouds are virtually staying still! These 'fake clouds' are not made up of water vapour, so therefore heavier than normal clouds, this would explain their lack of movement!!
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09-06-2012, 09:10 AM
Project Cloverleaf!! (Just ignore the pratt coughing at the beginning!!).
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09-06-2012, 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Stormpants View Post
I'm 38 and have never seen this criss crossing before, neither have a lot of people, hence all the reports now.

Contrails from planes should not linger, unless you live somewhere very cold and humid like Alaska for example. I have seen planes leave contrails, which dissipate within seconds (or max 2 mins) and are no longer then approx 100 plane lengths behind the plane. Then I have seen chemtrails, which sometimes stretch from horizon to horizon and do not dissipate at all, but slowly spread out to form a white haze across the blue sky. Some trails also form clouds, which are like no other cloud you will ever see (please watch this vid:

Also, HAARP doesn't just cause rain. It can cause the jet stream to move (hence our bad weather right now!), our drought earlier on in the year, unseasonably hot weather in October/November and March this year etc. etc!

Anyway, I think I have given enough information in my posts and it's up to you guys to make your own minds up now.

I don't really appreciate the mick takes though, as some people are getting very badly affected by all this spraying and as long as people keep disbelieving and making fun, then it's just going to carry on to all our detriment!!

Research, research, research!!!!
Well I am sorry you don't like some of the responses, but lets face it you put up these conspiracy theories, that any good sci fi pic would be proud of, don't be surprised if some take it with a pinch of salt.

You want to believe it all, so be it, I find it all a bit farfetched , and I am also allowed to voice my thoughts.

I am joking about it because otherwise I might cry , thinking about how such theories are ruling some peoples lives.
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09-06-2012, 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Well I am sorry you don't like some of the responses, but lets face it you put up these conspiracy theories, that any good sci fi pic would be proud of, don't be surprised if some take it with a pinch of salt.

You want to believe it all, so be it, I find it all a bit farfetched , and I am also allowed to voice my thoughts.

I am joking about it because otherwise I might cry , thinking about how such theories are ruling some peoples lives.
Sorry, but this is NOT just a conspiracy theory!! Open your eyes and look at the skies sometimes! People need to take this seriously. I know it is scary and horrible, but ignoring the reality and burying your head in the sand will not make it stop!!

Do you really think that this is normal????!!!!!

I am just trying to make people wake up to what is happening to all of us and if everybody keeps denying it, then it will carry on and one day it will be too late to do anything about it, as the damage will already be done (it already is in some places!). Then how will you feel??
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09-06-2012, 12:01 PM
So let me get this right, because the weather isn't behaving as you think it should, because there're things you've never seen, don't understand, the proposed theory must be correct?
Ignoring the fact that the British isles, scratch that Earth has an unpredictable, and at times violent history.

I find it somewhat arrogant to presume we've got this world so figured out, that we can be the only explanation for anything that doesn't go according to our idea of normal Earth behaviour. The truth is there's so much about our world we don't yet know or understand, that i wouldn't be so quick to point the finger of blame.

With that said, i like hearing alternate theories, they can be interesting and entertaining too.
I will admit that I find something about people playing with our ionosphere a little unsettling, that part of me wishes they'd leave well alone, but I expect that's because I don't really understand it.

I don't by it I'm sorry, just like I don't by into the whole Dulce reptillians business either.
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09-06-2012, 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by tazer View Post
So let me get this right, because the weather isn't behaving as you think it should, because there're things you've never seen, don't understand, the proposed theory must be correct?
Ignoring the fact that the British isles, scratch that Earth has an unpredictable, and at times violent history.

I find it somewhat arrogant to presume we've got this world so figured out, that we can be the only explanation for anything that doesn't go according to our idea of normal Earth behaviour. The truth is there's so much about our world we don't yet know or understand, that i wouldn't be so quick to point the finger of blame.

With that said, i like hearing alternate theories, they can be interesting and entertaining too.
I will admit that I find something about people playing with our ionosphere a little unsettling, that part of me wishes they'd leave well alone, but I expect that's because I don't really understand it.

I don't by it I'm sorry, just like I don't by into the whole Dulce reptillians business either.
So, let me say again! Do you think the video I have just posted (of hundreds of trails going left right and centre, flying in ways that no commercial jets would fly in and in such close proximity that it would never be allowed!!! Not to mention leaving trails, that are covering the whole sky (and the sun - Solar Radiation Management!!) and not dissipating, like normal contrails should (in a few seconds/minutes max!). AND, not to mention the fact that they are way too low to even form!!!) is normal????

Come on!!!

And for the record, I don't believe in the Reptillian thing either!
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09-06-2012, 12:29 PM
I am not opening any of the links just in case the powers that be and the Illuminati(sp) are monitoring internet traffic ...
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09-06-2012, 12:43 PM
Actually my point was, we don't know enough about our planet to Truly be able to say what normal is.
And given that, along with its history, i would be reluctant to assign blame to us simply because the weather is being predictably unpredictable.

I never mentioned the planes at all, I was addressing your weather reference.

And frankly, my first question ref the trails would be aimed towards ruling out atmospheric influence.
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09-06-2012, 01:21 PM
Why are nearly all the videos accompanied by scarey/sci-fi music?
Hardly makes it believable or convincing. The music alone, to me, makes it seem like a joke.
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