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11-08-2011, 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by rich c View Post
On the subject of National Service, I raised this with an ex-serviceman today and his opinion was much the same as mine. The armed forces, who we all hold in great esteem, do not have the facilities/manpower to act as nursemaids. Nor should they be asked to. Our armed forces are supposed to be highly skilled professionals, not a rag-tag bunch of unwilling conscripts!
My dad was a conscript, he possibly wouldn't have chosen to join the RAF had he had a choice, but he said it was the making of him...maybe the same could be said of others if they were given the chance?
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11-08-2011, 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by rich c View Post
On the subject of National Service, I raised this with an ex-serviceman today and his opinion was much the same as mine. The armed forces, who we all hold in great esteem, do not have the facilities/manpower to act as nursemaids. Nor should they be asked to. Our armed forces are supposed to be highly skilled professionals, not a rag-tag bunch of unwilling conscripts!
I dont think it needs to be a national service as we have known it, call it what ever you like.

There are enough retired x service /police men, who could be recruited to run such an organisation.

Look round the country at the old disused army barracks and such, you could find a secure place to set up that's kind of scheme.

Have a criteria for the inmates.... committing minor crimes, not getting off the dole, and so on, and give them a choice..either join up (in some cases forced) or loose your dole money.

If you get into trouble, you go to said centre and learn to be a human being again.

On the subject of the "young serial mother" I must live in a parallel world, where groups of young mothers (all teenagers) walk round all day in shopping centres.. with hordes of kids, nice new buggies and meeting up with like minded people.
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11-08-2011, 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by rich c View Post
On the subject of National Service, I raised this with an ex-serviceman today and his opinion was much the same as mine. The armed forces, who we all hold in great esteem, do not have the facilities/manpower to act as nursemaids. Nor should they be asked to. Our armed forces are supposed to be highly skilled professionals, not a rag-tag bunch of unwilling conscripts!
and a very highly respected bunch too by the majority of us, putting their own lives at risk for the benefit of this country and its people, and by chucking these scum into it wouldn't do the esteem we hold for them much good.

National Service could be a totally different department to the army recruitment programme though. It works in lots of countries, whereby ALL young men HAVE to do a certain amount of time in national service, it teaches them lots of things as well as how to behave in society, which is severely lacking in these hooligans. We need the real hardcore sergeant majors in charge of them too , somebody who's really going to sort them out! They won't need benefits either, coz they'll be getting free board and lodgings, so a bit of pocket money will suffice! Their benefit money can pay for it all too!

I'm with you Jackie!
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11-08-2011, 05:51 PM
A more or less independent cadet force like Jackbox suggests could be the way to do it. It would have to be totally separate from the regular army/airforce/navy though. The point is they have enough garbage to deal with without being asked to act as a dumping ground for societies castoffs. I guess that if any of the recruits into the young offenders scheme proved to be worthy then they could be offered a career in the regular forces but otherwise they should be kept well away! The other good point the ex army guy I spoke to raised was why on earth would you want to train violent yobs to effectively use firearms. You'd end up with violent yobs on the streets tooled up with illegal weapons that they knew how to use. Great.
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11-08-2011, 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by BangKaew View Post
The Corporations like immigration because it provides cheap and skilled labour. The UK's Arms industry likes war because they sell more arms. Part of the reason Africa is so poor is because our corporations bribe the african leaders to allow them to make all the profit from their resources. I could go on!
Good point! Much of it boils down to greed, and lack of respect for fellow humans, and the planet. Where did decency go?
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11-08-2011, 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
National Service could be a totally different department to the army recruitment programme though. It works in lots of countries, whereby ALL young men HAVE to do a certain amount of time in national service, it teaches them lots of things as well as how to behave in society, which is severely lacking in these hooligans. We need the real hardcore sergeant majors in charge of them too , somebody who's really going to sort them out! They won't need benefits either, coz they'll be getting free board and lodgings, so a bit of pocket money will suffice! Their benefit money can pay for it all too!
My hubby would sign up for being a hardcore sergeant major in charge in a heartbeat. As far as he's concerned the forces have become far too namby pamby with how they treat those who break the rules. And I don't dare get him started on the state of society in general
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11-08-2011, 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
With all this rioting/looting going on there seems to be a general pointing of fingers at the government and their lack of understanding as to what we really want from them.

I was just wondering what other people thought should happen are a few of my ideas:

I have said for some time that they should bring back national service. I realise that I don't have any children, other than an 11 year old stepson, and a lot of parents would be up in arms about this suggestion, especially with all the wars that we get involved in, but I'll be covering that too. My father did national service and so did many others, there will always be that element that rebel against it but I think, looking back, that it gave men and women a chance to learn a trade and discipline.
A lot of people appearing in court charged with looting are either too young for national service such as the 11 year old in the papers today or are in good jobs such as the teaching assistant and the graphic designer, social worker, youth worker etc. too old for national service and in established careers. My OH was in the army for 22 years and is totally against national service. Maybe some kind of boot camp for young offenders would be preferable to sending them to young offenders institution.
Although I think we should also start to teach a trade to those interested in that line of work from about the age of 14 rather than forcing them to stay in school and resent it. The country has become obsessed with university and it's not for everyone but everyone should be given equal opportunities to shine.

I also think that we shouldn't get involved in wars that have nothing to do with us. I understand that if we don't stamp on these terrorists then we could be the next target, but if we didn't get involved then maybe they would leave our country alone.
I think if we're going to police the world we should submit a bill for our services tbh.

I keep seeing adverts for malnourished children, many of them orphaned as their parents struggle to move them from one place to another in order to find food/water. I don't have a problem with us giving aid to them at all, but I do have a problem that these poor people are still able to have much would it cost to provide contraception aids as well as food? If there was a curb on the number of children being born then there would be more supplies to go around. I understand that these people want children, but do they really want the heartache that goes with losing them in such a terrible way? At least if the contraception is provided they have a choice.

You can't force contraception on people and if we were to try maybe we should do it at home first. If they stopped having children without addressing the issues with water and food they would cease to exist. I think rather than keep reacting to famine situations we would be better off helping them to help themselves by ensuring they have clean water supplies and tools and implements to work the land.

People on the dole....if the government ordered that those capable of work were to perform duties in line with their capabilities then these people wouldn't have time to get bored, they would earn their dole money whilst possibly learning a trade. There are so many roads that need repairing, charity shops that need manning, hospitals that could do with more staff but budgets don't allow them to take anyone on. There are so many possibilities and I'm sure a lot of people that are on the dole would welcome the chance to prove themselves and feel worthy again.
I do think people should have to work in some way for their benefits, I also think they should be given more financial help to help them back into work, so that it is worth their while to work.
Companies that are making vast profits whilst the rest of the country struggle. Gas and electricity come to mind, why on earth are they being allowed to charge so much that they are making billions of profit, whilst some people cannot afford hot water or heating, or are in a constant worry because they owe so much to these companies and don't know how they are going to pay. The government should put a stop to it.
The price of gas and electricity is becoming horrendous but they are private companies so they have shareholders to satisfy, no different from virgin really, yet Richard Branson can do no wrong. Should the government put a stop to all companies making huge profits? Companies making huge profits also employ an awful lot of people either directly or indirectly.
Aid for other countries...we keep sending money that we haven't got to rescue other countries from bankruptcy....who is going to rescue us?
I thought it was the international monetary fund bailing them out, not us.

Immigrants - this really needs looking at, I have many foreign friends and am not racist at all. However, I do have a problem with people moving to our country and immediately going onto benefits or working illegally.

Obviously these are just a few of the things that have gone through my mind for some time now, and there will be arguments for and against...I don't have a problem with people identifying where I'm being daft and illogical but just wanted to get them off my chest
I think it's too easy to blame immigration for the countries problems such as lack of jobs etc. we have many immigrants who run their own businesses and contribute to society, pay their taxes etc, we'd be lost without them.
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11-08-2011, 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by BangKaew View Post
The thing about problems like this is that one can only really look at it from their own point of view or interest. The Government do on the whole look at situations from many view points. But then you can look at situations from a cynical view point. The Government needs money and they get most of their money from the corporations. If they have no money the people are not happy with the lack of services etc and the administration will soon be voted out. So in a way the government has to keep the populace content but they are beholden to the corporations.

Perhaps you could give me a breakdown of how much money the government has and its sources?

Because I fail to understand how the government gets the majority of its finance from corporations

The Corporations like immigration because it provides cheap and skilled labour. The UK's Arms industry likes war because they sell more arms. Part of the reason Africa is so poor is because our corporations bribe the african leaders to allow them to make all the profit from their resources. I could go on!

I do not know where you get this misinformation but you obvioously do not WORK for a corporation.

No corporation or ANY employer can employ anyone for less than the minimum wage. This is a fact.

They cannot discriminate between their workforce by ethnicity, nationality, sex or religion. This is a fact.

They cannot employ illegal immigrants. This is a fact.

There are HUGE fines if they do, and those of us that are involved in recruitment etc have to jump through a great deal of hoops checking the veracity of passports, visas and driving licences. This is a fact.

And as for your statement of why African countries are so poor it is so inane I can hardly bring myself to believe that anyone would write such drivel.

The increasing wealth gap is actually the gap between those working for corporations and those not. And if all administrations are beholden to corporations then that is not going to change.

Again how did you jumpt to this conclusion? What FACTS do you base this far fetched statement on?

Mussolini said that Fascism should more accurately be called corporatism because it is the merging of State and corporate power. Is it a coincidence for example that the Bush family supply most of the US Military through their company Haliburton?
And you patently know very little about the Halliburton corporation, one I am extremely familiar with.

Your post is but one example of the ignorance of which I spoke on my previous post.
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11-08-2011, 09:12 PM
Immigrants - when I was signing on I had to have a booklet and letter to prove that I was seeking work, the people that I witnessed did not have a book, there was no point, the staff were tearing their hair out especially as so many of them were being made redundant at the time. I knew a lot of the staff in the job centre as I used to work alongside them when placing staff in their vacancies, we would talk like friends talk Prior to that, when I was a recruitment consultant we had Polish and Portuguese suddenly appear to register for work, they couldn't speak English a lot of the time, they had nowhere to live...the only thing I could do for them was to give the the details of the gang-masters who would provide lodgings for them and set them onto work. Many had forged paperwork so we weren't able to register them anyway. That said, I also had some superb applicants, doctors and other well educated people who had to accept jobs over here as cleaners and factory staff as they were the only jobs open to them...some very hard workers indeed.
EU citizens have the right(along with certain Commonwealth countries(the white ones!)to come to the UK & claim JSA as long as they are looking for work & have paid into the benefit system in their own country, I worked in the UBO(now JC+)many years ago before we joined the EU & back then it was only the white Commonwealth countries that had reciprocal arrangements, after we joined the EU(or EEC as it was then)all the countries that were/are member states also had the same arrangements. UK citizens can also go overseas & claim for the same reasons. I used to see loads of Aussie's over here"seeking work"when really they were just having a holiday paid for by their benefits for a few months. The rules are much stricter now, I used to hate having to carry out the very complex interview, there is no point in them having false docs as their home country's are contacted for information to confirm their entitlement.
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11-08-2011, 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
My dad was a conscript, he possibly wouldn't have chosen to join the RAF had he had a choice, but he said it was the making of him...maybe the same could be said of others if they were given the chance?
When did your father do his NS ? Presumably between 1947 & when peacetime NS ended in 1960 ?

I have done my NS in Israel as I have dual nationality & was a reservist until I was 45, even though I have never lived full time in Israel.
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