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11-08-2011, 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by hectorsmum View Post

I know where your coming from as my MIL was a Deputy Head and she got suppended for telling off an unruly child which the parent kicked off over.

But schools have a habit of not communicating with parents and their own staff , not just on behaviour issues but on attendance too. I have had,in the past, letters from school asking where my son was after he had broken his hand in school and was in hospital having an operation. I kept the school informed every day, but they didnt pass on any of my messages thus me getting threatening letters from them.
This is the sort of problems that needs to be sorted asap.

Social problems need to be addressed in this country as well as parenting issues before this country can move forward.Wether this is by encouraging the benefits class to work and better themselves or by teaching more social respect for others. I dont know!

Governments need to stop being so condesending to the country and flouting their wealth in our faces.
the country's wealth need to be distributed more for the health of the countrys morals.
Goodness knows what they will do but it needs to be something and sharpish. I think they have totally lost touch with the ordinary person in society.
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11-08-2011, 02:31 PM
Put a cap on immigration.

Only pay out for one child (young mothers) if they have more than one child, then they dont get any more benefit.

Make parents responsible for their children's actions.

Give back discipline in schools, police .

Stop giving aid to every county going..

Stop benifits for any one that refuses to work,(excluding those who cant work) or put then to work in the community, if they dont turn up, stop their benifits.

We need to go right back to old fashioned values of respect and morals.....something sadly lacking in much of today's society.

We need to get young girls to understand, that if you have a child and expect the state and the rest of the country to support you for the rest of your life, it aint going to happen.

One strike and your out.... have as many children as you like, but find a way to pay for them yourself......... if that was the case, they would stop churning out child after child.
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11-08-2011, 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post

They would not leave this country alone, they would see this country as a soft option
But then why don't we take action when action is needed, not just assume they are going to come after us? So we should wait until the terrorists attack us & kill innocent people & then do something ? Should we give in to blackmail/ransom ?? as the "pacifist countries" do ? looking back in history, those countries who stood/stand on the side lines become a haven for the aggressors/terrorists

So many children in the third world do not make it to their 1st birthday, this is a very subtle form of racism. Education is the key TBH & we as the"developed"nations forget what we failed to do when we "owned"these countries, treating their people as our chattels & imposing our standards & morals on them by force. A very sad part of our history that is easily forgotten
I agree it is very sad, and it breaks my heart when I see these poor little children on tv, but surely instead of asking for £5 to feed one child for a week, they should be asking for more and using it to educate and for contraception?

The money being asked for is not being requested by government, but by the charities like UN Save the Children/Oxfam etc It is not their remit to do what should have been done by the governments of this country(& others)in the past

Wonderful perfect world, but this would cost money & would it work ? Well it didn't in the USA in the past & it probably wouldn't work here
But surely it's worth a try...if the country as a whole is fed up with the way things are, then why don't they try and see if something works rather than just dismissing it because it didn't work elsewhere?

It doesn't work anywhere, "one volunteer is worth 10 pressed men"(Quote I think from Nelson)

If you mean the Euro support, we do not supply any extra EU money as we are not involved in the Euro

I mean what I keep hearing on the news, that such and such a country is about to go bankrupt and we have promised millions of pounds...surely the news reporters aren't lying?

Reporters lie ? Of course not the media are all as pure as driven snow, or are they ? They never break the law do they, perish the thought that they would hack/tap phones/e mails would they ? The Eurozone countries that need to be bailed out are bailed out by the other Eurozone countries-GB is not a Eurozone country. The failing countries will get EU aid to help their economies but that is divorced from the Eurozone

Well that's me told better pack my bags & go back to the country of my ancestors, I'm not "English"but from an immigrant back ground,. So only immigrants are causing all the problems ??? If we boot out all immigrants the NHS for one will grind to a halt. Looking at some of rioters, they were definitely not immigrants, especially those under 16 !!!!(girl aged 11 has been charged), I've seen so many claims that the "blacks/eastern Europeans" are the cause. Hm would they really be wearing EDL regalia ????
I didn't say I have a problem with immigrants...far from it, I know from when I was a recruitment consultant that the polish workers were, more often than not, far more reliable and harder working than their English co-workers...what I do have a problem with is the immigrants arriving here and not trying to find work, they come over here and sign on immediately because they know they can, or they go straight into illegal work...I know that for a fact as I was unlucky enough to be unemployed for a while and was witness to conversations between their interpretors and the job centre staff. Why should they be allowed to come over here and be given benefits when they haven't put any money in the pot? I am not talking about those seeking asylum either.

I also didn't say that immigrants are causing all the problems.

Illegal immigrants cannot & do get state benefits, immigrants from any EU country who go to seek work in another EU country can claim reciprocal benefits & have been able to do so(as do certain Commonwealth country immigrants) for over 50 years. They have always had to prove that they are actively seeking work.

There are lots of GB born & bred work-shy claimants who come from generations of claimants for whom life on benefits is a way of life

We sadly live in an"I'm alright Jack-I want it now"society, few people want to take responsibility for their actions. The parents blame the schools-instead of realising it is their responsibility to establish their children's characters/behaviours.

What would i like this Government to do ? Resign & hold another election so that we can have an elected Government, rather than a negotiated between ex Public school boy pals one we have now

That sounds a good idea, but what about all the voting cards that were rigged...sent out to people that didn't exist so that the wrong people were voted in? Surely it will just happen again?

I don't know what the answers are, but we need someone to sort us all out.
You have proof of this vote rigging do you ???? If so you should report it to the police for investigation
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11-08-2011, 03:19 PM
I have just read some of the posts on this thread and I am appalled.

Not only at the level of ignorance but the level of bigotry displayed.

Mirrors are very useful.................
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11-08-2011, 03:21 PM
Where do you start ?

So much has been lost over so many years,just seems from what I have experienced it's all about self, self, self.

Exclusion in schools in my experience does not work,parents need to work with schools,and have a good home/school relationship,disicpline needs to be brought back.

Respect and consideration are also missing,other people very rarely consider the impact there behaviour has on other people,for example you only have to look at the amount of posts we have on here concerning idiot dog walkers who take no responsibilty, nuisance neighbours who think they have a right to behave in any fashion they see fit without any thought to other people and this carries over into the wider community.

Luke is claiming JSA and he went to a work based interveiw yesterday and they are actually considering getting him into a workplace to gain experience and further qualifications,the employer will meet his travel expenses and he will still be entitled to benefit from what he has been told,this is what the government should be doing for those who want to work but are struggling through lack of qualifications and experience.
It's not easy for some young people especially those who have learning difficulties but it's far too easy for some young girls who decide to get pregnant whilst at school and immediately after leaving school,if this happens then sorry the parents should be supporting them not the state and if the house is overcrowed then tough,why should other families suffer and wait years for social housing for young mother's who have not done a days work in there life to be given proirity - it's wrong!
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11-08-2011, 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Put a cap on immigration.

Only pay out for one child (young mothers) if they have more than one child, then they don't get any more benefit.
So a "young" woman whose husband/partner leaves her with two or more children should be penalized for his actions ?????

Make parents responsible for their children's actions.

Give back discipline in schools, police .

Stop giving aid to every county going..
Which counties do you have in minds ? Yorkshire, Lancashire ???????

Stop benefits for any one that refuses to work,this already happens

(excluding those who cant work)who decides who is "fit for work ?? or put then to work in the community, if they don't turn up, stop their benefits.COLOR="Red"]this already happens[/COLOR]

We need to go right back to old fashioned values of respect and morals.....something sadly lacking in much of today's society.

We need to get young girls to understand, that if you have a child and expect the state and the rest of the country to support you for the rest of your life, it ain't going to happen.This doesn't happen, single PARENTS have to start looking for work when their youngest is old enough to go to school

So the man who gets them pregnant is innocent & has no responsibility for his offspring or are these young girls who get pregnant without a man being involved ???

One strike and your out.... have as many children as you like, but find a way to pay for them yourself......... if that was the case, they would stop churning out child after child.

& the victims of abuse/rape etc have to punished of course don't they ?
Lets bring back capital punishment(in public) for stealing a loaf of bread, horse thieves,etc basically anything that involves the lower classes. lets put women(especially the younger ones)in their place at the bottom of society.
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11-08-2011, 03:46 PM
Blow up the world, will probsbly cost a lot, but it won't matter cos we'll all be dead
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11-08-2011, 03:49 PM
Good to see the schools now being blamed for this.

Never mind that we all bust our asses trying to teach some kids who come into school without a clue about ANY acceptable social behaviour how to behave in a civilised fashion - I've seen a 4 year old attempt to cut a classmate's throat with scissors, I've been assaulted by numerous infant kids (and yes, it IS assault and teachers put up with it for far too long), I've had to get a knife off an 8 year old. Fine, good, part of the job - but I am NOT going to take the blame for some feral yobs rioting, and I'll fight anyone who tries to lay that blame on teachers.

So you've got an axe to grind because the school office made a screw up? Deal with it - people are human and humans make mistakes - don't go linking that to the riots and blaming the teachers.

No wonder good teachers walk away from the profession, no wonder mental health in teaching is appalling (I can track back many of my difficulties - including those that lead to me being unable to have kids of my own - to the state teaching left me in - for parents and kids who didn't care and just openly resented everything that was trying to be done), teachers feeding and clothing these children and getting nothign but abuse for it... we cannot mend it all when kids go home to completely boundaryless homes, when parents undermine and threaten violence, when kids come in with the most sickening horror stories of what's regarded as normal in their house (the one from a lovely lovely but desperately muddled 4 year old regalling essentially his mum having a miscarriage, catching the products in a tub and showing him them in great detail will stay with me till the day I die).

Perhaps it explains a lot about how screwed up society is (and I don't think we can fix the state the UK's in to be brutally honest) when it's perfectly acceptable in ALL sections of society to openly resent the educators, and acceptable for a blooming fair chunk of society to "get down that school and give that silly cow what for."

Oh and by the way - hubby works for an energy company - their domestic retail branch makes a loss - their profits only come from the industrial supply market (doesn't make what they charge any less palatable - but it's a misconception I thought I'd clear up).
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11-08-2011, 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by dizzi View Post
Good to see the schools now being blamed for this.

Never mind that we all bust our asses trying to teach some kids who come into school without a clue about ANY acceptable social behaviour how to behave in a civilised fashion - I've seen a 4 year old attempt to cut a classmate's throat with scissors, I've been assaulted by numerous infant kids (and yes, it IS assault and teachers put up with it for far too long), I've had to get a knife off an 8 year old. Fine, good, part of the job - but I am NOT going to take the blame for some feral yobs rioting, and I'll fight anyone who tries to lay that blame on teachers.

So you've got an axe to grind because the school office made a screw up? Deal with it - people are human and humans make mistakes - don't go linking that to the riots and blaming the teachers.

No wonder good teachers walk away from the profession, no wonder mental health in teaching is appalling (I can track back many of my difficulties - including those that lead to me being unable to have kids of my own - to the state teaching left me in - for parents and kids who didn't care and just openly resented everything that was trying to be done), teachers feeding and clothing these children and getting nothign but abuse for it... we cannot mend it all when kids go home to completely boundaryless homes, when parents undermine and threaten violence, when kids come in with the most sickening horror stories of what's regarded as normal in their house (the one from a lovely lovely but desperately muddled 4 year old regalling essentially his mum having a miscarriage, catching the products in a tub and showing him them in great detail will stay with me till the day I die).

Perhaps it explains a lot about how screwed up society is (and I don't think we can fix the state the UK's in to be brutally honest) when it's perfectly acceptable in ALL sections of society to openly resent the educators, and acceptable for a blooming fair chunk of society to "get down that school and give that silly cow what for."

Oh and by the way - hubby works for an energy company - their domestic retail branch makes a loss - their profits only come from the industrial supply market (doesn't make what they charge any less palatable - but it's a misconception I thought I'd clear up).
Who on here is blaming the schools ? My OH was a teacher and has worked in education for over 20 years and HM was just stating that something happened. We are certainly not blaming the schools. A people will of course blame teachers I am sure but they are not to blame as most of us know.

My OH left teaching for the reasons you state and we still have friends who are teachers well one two have left on medical grounds. I have stood in a supermarket and defended teachers when someone suggested that inset days were an excuse for a lie in for teachers I soon put them right.

The majority of the blame lies with the parents.
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11-08-2011, 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by JoedeeUK View Post

So a "young" woman whose husband/partner leaves her with two or more children should be penalized for his actions ?????

No, those who would be penalized would be the young girl who sees having babies as a way to a house, and benifits...churning about 5 babies by 5 different fathers.

this already happens

Does it, you could have fooled me,

who decides who is "fit for work ??

The same panel that does so now...

This doesn't happen, single PARENTS have to start looking for work when their youngest is old enough to go to school

What when they have churned out 6 kids by 6 different fathers you mean.

Having to look for work, and actually getting a job are poles apart.

& the victims of abuse/rape etc have to punished of course don't they ?

Jezzzz, where did that come from

Lets bring back capital punishment(in public) for stealing a loaf of bread, horse thieves,etc basically anything that involves the lower classes. lets put women(especially the younger ones)in their place at the bottom of society.
Is stealing and wrong doing exclusive to the lower classes.

Lets face it , a bit of fear of punishment might go a long way to instill a but of respect and morality to some of society
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