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11-08-2011, 08:45 AM

What would you like the government to do?

With all this rioting/looting going on there seems to be a general pointing of fingers at the government and their lack of understanding as to what we really want from them.

I was just wondering what other people thought should happen are a few of my ideas:

I have said for some time that they should bring back national service. I realise that I don't have any children, other than an 11 year old stepson, and a lot of parents would be up in arms about this suggestion, especially with all the wars that we get involved in, but I'll be covering that too. My father did national service and so did many others, there will always be that element that rebel against it but I think, looking back, that it gave men and women a chance to learn a trade and discipline.

I also think that we shouldn't get involved in wars that have nothing to do with us. I understand that if we don't stamp on these terrorists then we could be the next target, but if we didn't get involved then maybe they would leave our country alone.

I keep seeing adverts for malnourished children, many of them orphaned as their parents struggle to move them from one place to another in order to find food/water. I don't have a problem with us giving aid to them at all, but I do have a problem that these poor people are still able to have much would it cost to provide contraception aids as well as food? If there was a curb on the number of children being born then there would be more supplies to go around. I understand that these people want children, but do they really want the heartache that goes with losing them in such a terrible way? At least if the contraception is provided they have a choice.

People on the dole....if the government ordered that those capable of work were to perform duties in line with their capabilities then these people wouldn't have time to get bored, they would earn their dole money whilst possibly learning a trade. There are so many roads that need repairing, charity shops that need manning, hospitals that could do with more staff but budgets don't allow them to take anyone on. There are so many possibilities and I'm sure a lot of people that are on the dole would welcome the chance to prove themselves and feel worthy again.

Companies that are making vast profits whilst the rest of the country struggle. Gas and electricity come to mind, why on earth are they being allowed to charge so much that they are making billions of profit, whilst some people cannot afford hot water or heating, or are in a constant worry because they owe so much to these companies and don't know how they are going to pay. The government should put a stop to it.

Aid for other countries...we keep sending money that we haven't got to rescue other countries from bankruptcy....who is going to rescue us?

Immigrants - this really needs looking at, I have many foreign friends and am not racist at all. However, I do have a problem with people moving to our country and immediately going onto benefits or working illegally.

Obviously these are just a few of the things that have gone through my mind for some time now, and there will be arguments for and against...I don't have a problem with people identifying where I'm being daft and illogical but just wanted to get them off my chest
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11-08-2011, 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
With all this rioting/looting going on there seems to be a general pointing of fingers at the government and their lack of understanding as to what we really want from them.

I was just wondering what other people thought should happen are a few of my ideas:

I have said for some time that they should bring back national service. I realise that I don't have any children, other than an 11 year old stepson, and a lot of parents would be up in arms about this suggestion, especially with all the wars that we get involved in, but I'll be covering that too. My father did national service and so did many others, there will always be that element that rebel against it but I think, looking back, that it gave men and women a chance to learn a trade and discipline.
Not sure something as extreme as this, but perhaps youths that are not in education and not in work should be forced to do something for their benefits - ie not sit on their bum all day! There are loads of things that need improving - why cant they tidy the streets or help in community projects etc?

People on the dole....if the government ordered that those capable of work were to perform duties in line with their capabilities then these people wouldn't have time to get bored, they would earn their dole money whilst possibly learning a trade. There are so many roads that need repairing, charity shops that need manning, hospitals that could do with more staff but budgets don't allow them to take anyone on. There are so many possibilities and I'm sure a lot of people that are on the dole would welcome the chance to prove themselves and feel worthy again.
I agree. I think our country lets people out of work take them for a ride!
Why don't they work.. because why would they? I watched a shocking documentary where the family with 6 kids recieved a fully paid for 6 bed house, as well as around £30,000 a year to live off!!! For doing nothing!!! I will be impressed if I ever live in such luxury I realise there are a lot of genuine people who cannot find work, but there are also a lot of lazy people who think 'the rich' should pay for them. We live in a society where people expect to be looked after. There is very little personal responsibilty.
Personally I think we should have a benefit system whereby people with disibilities etc get money. Everyone else should recieve benefits for 3-6 months whulst looking for work, and after that they should have forced government employment or no money. I'm sure the US implement a system whereby you only recieve social security for so long.

Companies that are making vast profits whilst the rest of the country struggle. Gas and electricity come to mind, why on earth are they being allowed to charge so much that they are making billions of profit, whilst some people cannot afford hot water or heating, or are in a constant worry because they owe so much to these companies and don't know how they are going to pay. The government should put a stop to it.
I agree with the gas and electric example, but I think taxing the rich is the WRONG thing to do. If you take big businesses who provide thousands of job and bring in millions in revenue - you will put them off setting up in our country. Why would they want to pay the proposed 50% tax in this country when they can go to the USA and pay 30%. If we tax business we stop innovation in this country - it will become worthless for people to earn more - so why bother?

Aid for other countries...we keep sending money that we haven't got to rescue other countries from bankruptcy....who is going to rescue us?
Agreed. Why we give aid to China is beyond me. They are growing very fast. There is still a lot of poverty in China but mainly due to the rich/poor divide it seems. Would these countires help us out if it was the other way round? I think maybe not!

Immigrants - this really needs looking at, I have many foreign friends and am not racist at all. However, I do have a problem with people moving to our country and immediately going onto benefits or working illegally.
True. Also bothers me when they come and set up their own communities and refuse to be part of our culture. Dont come and use our schooling, NHS and other benefits and not join in. Apparently there was a poster in Poland I think it was - that said - need a free abortion - go to the UK. !!! Not sure if thats true but seems about right.
We seem to live in a time where people lack personal responsibility. Why should the government pay for you to live? People seem to think they do not need to take the hard jobs, the low paid jobs. Many induistries are filled with imigrants doing the work, that British people feel they are too good to be doing.
People are not born equal, but work hard in school, get good grades and you should be able to land a job to support yourself.
I think it is increasingly hard for young people. The price of houses seems to have sky-rocketed. Before we even begin our lives we are at least 30,000 in debt. House prices down here are crazy. I struggle to understand how I am ever going to be able to buy a house, but I would NEVER look to the government to do it for me. Why should I burden other tax payers.
All this looting is an example of people wanting something for nothing. It makes me sad to see what sort of people this country is made up of. These people seem to more and more be representing our country.
Rant over!!
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11-08-2011, 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by WhichPets View Post
We seem to live in a time where people lack personal responsibility. Why should the government pay for you to live? People seem to think they do not need to take the hard jobs, the low paid jobs. Many induistries are filled with imigrants doing the work, that British people feel they are too good to be doing.
People are not born equal, but work hard in school, get good grades and you should be able to land a job to support yourself.
I think it is increasingly hard for young people. The price of houses seems to have sky-rocketed. Before we even begin our lives we are at least 30,000 in debt. House prices down here are crazy. I struggle to understand how I am ever going to be able to buy a house, but I would NEVER look to the government to do it for me. Why should I burden other tax payers.
All this looting is an example of people wanting something for nothing. It makes me sad to see what sort of people this country is made up of. These people seem to more and more be representing our country.
Rant over!!
My take on the Eastern European workers is as I have a son who is a painter and decorator and gets priced out of jobs many times is they tend to live in communities and share the cost of bills etc., and because they take or send the money home where things are much cheaper they can afford to work for much lower wages. He gets no help from job seekers because he has been self employed for many years now except when he worked in retail many years ago.

Now I am not saying we do not have lazy layabouts because we do but my eldest son is very hard working honest and does a good days work for his money but he cannot afford to take the jobs and live in the this country for the wages that the Eastern Europeans do. So he mostly stays at home and looks after the house and the children while his partner works. He gets frustrated and bored because he would rather be earning a good wage and for Tracey to take some time off to have a rest. He has applied for many caretaker type jobs in local schools but so many people going for the job he very rarely even gets an acknowledgement of his interest.

Some times if they really need some extra money he will under price a job and work for nearly nothing just to keep his hand in and maybe help pay a big bill or but the kids something they need.

My younget son also works very hard he will not be able to affrod his own home for many years in fact he has moved out but he is renting a room nearer to work in a friends house he cannot think of settling down or a family even if he wanted to which he doesn't as of yet because of the high prices of renting on his own or buying.

Everything in this country needs looking at in my honest opinion we do have children living below the poverty line in many areas of the Uk. Gorden can tell you this he has worked as a Teacher and an Education Advisor for many years and has seen first hand the problems with some of these derprived areas.

There is no excuse for what has happened over the last few days but we do need to get some thigs back in order for everyone to move on. There is so much that needs sorting out.
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11-08-2011, 10:51 AM
The thing about problems like this is that one can only really look at it from their own point of view or interest. The Government do on the whole look at situations from many view points. But then you can look at situations from a cynical view point. The Government needs money and they get most of their money from the corporations. If they have no money the people are not happy with the lack of services etc and the administration will soon be voted out. So in a way the government has to keep the populace content but they are beholden to the corporations.

The Corporations like immigration because it provides cheap and skilled labour. The UK's Arms industry likes war because they sell more arms. Part of the reason Africa is so poor is because our corporations bribe the african leaders to allow them to make all the profit from their resources. I could go on!

The increasing wealth gap is actually the gap between those working for corporations and those not. And if all administrations are beholden to corporations then that is not going to change.

Mussolini said that Fascism should more accurately be called corporatism because it is the merging of State and corporate power. Is it a coincidence for example that the Bush family supply most of the US Military through their company Haliburton?
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11-08-2011, 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post

I have said for some time that they should bring back national service. ......... , there will always be that element that rebel against it but I think, looking back, that it gave men and women a chance to learn a trade and discipline.

Wouldn't work not enough facilities & action needs to start well before the age that NS would start. It needs to start before the children are school age

I also think that we shouldn't get involved in wars that have nothing to do with us. I understand that if we don't stamp on these terrorists then we could be the next target, but if we didn't get involved then maybe they would leave our country alone

They would not leave this country alone, they would see this country as a soft option

I keep seeing adverts for malnourished children, many of them orphaned as their parents struggle to move them from one place to another in order to find food/water. ........ At least if the contraception is provided they have a choice.

So many children in the third world do not make it to their 1st birthday, this is a very subtle form of racism. Education is the key TBH & we as the"developed"nations forget what we failed to do when we "owned"these countries, treating their people as our chattels & imposing our standards & morals on them by force. A very sad part of our history that is easily forgotten

People on the dole....if the government ordered that those capable of work were to perform duties in line with their capabilities then these people wouldn't have time to get bored, they would earn their dole money whilst possibly learning a trade. .................. the chance to prove themselves and feel worthy again.

Wonderful perfect world, but this would cost money & would it work ? Well it didn't in the USA in the past & it probably wouldn't work here

Companies that are making vast profits whilst the rest of the country struggle. ....... The government should put a stop to it.

Sadly this Government do not(as all their previous governments)believe in public ownership, it was Thatcher that sold off the Utilities(which are now nearly all owned by foreign multinationals), this government is planning even more privatisation to keep their supports & members happy, don't forget most Conservative MPs have multiple second jobs as directors etc of companies

Aid for other countries...we keep sending money that we haven't got to rescue other countries from bankruptcy....who is going to rescue us?

If you mean the Euro support, we do not supply any extra EU money as we are not involved in the Euro

Immigrants - this really needs looking at, I have many foreign friends and am not racist at all. However, I do have a problem with people moving to our country and immediately going onto benefits or working illegally.

Well that's me told better pack my bags & go back to the country of my ancestors, I'm not "English"but from an immigrant back ground,. So only immigrants are causing all the problems ??? If we boot out all immigrants the NHS for one will grind to a halt. Looking at some of rioters, they were definitely not immigrants, especially those under 16 !!!!(girl aged 11 has been charged), I've seen so many claims that the "blacks/eastern Europeans" are the cause. Hm would they really be wearing EDL regalia ????
We sadly live in an"I'm alright Jack-I want it now"society, few people want to take responsibility for their actions. The parents blame the schools-instead of realising it is their responsibility to establish their children's characters/behaviours.

What would i like this Government to do ? Resign & hold another election so that we can have an elected Government, rather than a negotiated between ex Public school boy pals one we have now
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11-08-2011, 11:31 AM
I heard about this latest petition on the radio this morning, and I'm all for signing it! Only 10,000 more signatures needed and it will get a reading in Parliament. This'll sort them out far better than taking them to court and giving them slapped wrists!

I think in future, we shouldn't just hand out benefits, to young, able bodied people who just don't want a job, they should be made to work for it, by cleaning up the streets etc. imo!

ETA: It seems the website is broken - too much demand....wonder why!!!
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11-08-2011, 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by scorpio (black) replies by JodeeUK (red) replies by scorpio (blue)

I have said for some time that they should bring back national service. ......... , there will always be that element that rebel against it but I think, looking back, that it gave men and women a chance to learn a trade and discipline.

Wouldn't work not enough facilities & action needs to start well before the age that NS would start. It needs to start before the children are school age

I also think that we shouldn't get involved in wars that have nothing to do with us. I understand that if we don't stamp on these terrorists then we could be the next target, but if we didn't get involved then maybe they would leave our country alone

They would not leave this country alone, they would see this country as a soft option
But then why don't we take action when action is needed, not just assume they are going to come after us?

I keep seeing adverts for malnourished children, many of them orphaned as their parents struggle to move them from one place to another in order to find food/water. ........ At least if the contraception is provided they have a choice.

So many children in the third world do not make it to their 1st birthday, this is a very subtle form of racism. Education is the key TBH & we as the"developed"nations forget what we failed to do when we "owned"these countries, treating their people as our chattels & imposing our standards & morals on them by force. A very sad part of our history that is easily forgotten
I agree it is very sad, and it breaks my heart when I see these poor little children on tv, but surely instead of asking for £5 to feed one child for a week, they should be asking for more and using it to educate and for contraception?

People on the dole....if the government ordered that those capable of work were to perform duties in line with their capabilities then these people wouldn't have time to get bored, they would earn their dole money whilst possibly learning a trade. .................. the chance to prove themselves and feel worthy again.

Wonderful perfect world, but this would cost money & would it work ? Well it didn't in the USA in the past & it probably wouldn't work here
But surely it's worth a try...if the country as a whole is fed up with the way things are, then why don't they try and see if something works rather than just dismissing it because it didn't work elsewhere?

Companies that are making vast profits whilst the rest of the country struggle. ....... The government should put a stop to it.

Sadly this Government do not(as all their previous governments)believe in public ownership, it was Thatcher that sold off the Utilities(which are now nearly all owned by foreign multinationals), this government is planning even more privatisation to keep their supports & members happy, don't forget most Conservative MPs have multiple second jobs as directors etc of companies
Aid for other countries...we keep sending money that we haven't got to rescue other countries from bankruptcy....who is going to rescue us?

If you mean the Euro support, we do not supply any extra EU money as we are not involved in the Euro

I mean what I keep hearing on the news, that such and such a country is about to go bankrupt and we have promised millions of pounds...surely the news reporters aren't lying?

Immigrants - this really needs looking at, I have many foreign friends and am not racist at all. However, I do have a problem with people moving to our country and immediately going onto benefits or working illegally.

Well that's me told better pack my bags & go back to the country of my ancestors, I'm not "English"but from an immigrant back ground,. So only immigrants are causing all the problems ??? If we boot out all immigrants the NHS for one will grind to a halt. Looking at some of rioters, they were definitely not immigrants, especially those under 16 !!!!(girl aged 11 has been charged), I've seen so many claims that the "blacks/eastern Europeans" are the cause. Hm would they really be wearing EDL regalia ????
I didn't say I have a problem with immigrants...far from it, I know from when I was a recruitment consultant that the polish workers were, more often than not, far more reliable and harder working than their English co-workers...what I do have a problem with is the immigrants arriving here and not trying to find work, they come over here and sign on immediately because they know they can, or they go straight into illegal work...I know that for a fact as I was unlucky enough to be unemployed for a while and was witness to conversations between their interpretors and the job centre staff. Why should they be allowed to come over here and be given benefits when they haven't put any money in the pot? I am not talking about those seeking asylum either.

I also didn't say that immigrants are causing all the problems.

We sadly live in an"I'm alright Jack-I want it now"society, few people want to take responsibility for their actions. The parents blame the schools-instead of realising it is their responsibility to establish their children's characters/behaviours.

What would i like this Government to do ? Resign & hold another election so that we can have an elected Government, rather than a negotiated between ex Public school boy pals one we have now

That sounds a good idea, but what about all the voting cards that were rigged...sent out to people that didn't exist so that the wrong people were voted in? Surely it will just happen again?

I don't know what the answers are, but we need someone to sort us all out.
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11-08-2011, 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
With all this rioting/looting going on there seems to be a general pointing of fingers at the government and their lack of understanding as to what we really want from them.

I was just wondering what other people thought should happen are a few of my ideas:

I have said for some time that they should bring back national service. I realise that I don't have any children, other than an 11 year old stepson, and a lot of parents would be up in arms about this suggestion, especially with all the wars that we get involved in, but I'll be covering that too. My father did national service and so did many others, there will always be that element that rebel against it but I think, looking back, that it gave men and women a chance to learn a trade and discipline.

I fully agree.

I also think that we shouldn't get involved in wars that have nothing to do with us. I understand that if we don't stamp on these terrorists then we could be the next target, but if we didn't get involved then maybe they would leave our country alone.

I keep seeing adverts for malnourished children, many of them orphaned as their parents struggle to move them from one place to another in order to find food/water. I don't have a problem with us giving aid to them at all, but I do have a problem that these poor people are still able to have much would it cost to provide contraception aids as well as food? If there was a curb on the number of children being born then there would be more supplies to go around. I understand that these people want children, but do they really want the heartache that goes with losing them in such a terrible way? At least if the contraception is provided they have a choice.

Contraception is a choice which I dont think these cultures would embrace.
As for the people who are starving, I do feel extremly sad for them, but their Governments should be doing more to help. How many Government Ministers do you see starving?

People on the dole....if the government ordered that those capable of work were to perform duties in line with their capabilities then these people wouldn't have time to get bored, they would earn their dole money whilst possibly learning a trade. There are so many roads that need repairing, charity shops that need manning, hospitals that could do with more staff but budgets don't allow them to take anyone on. There are so many possibilities and I'm sure a lot of people that are on the dole would welcome the chance to prove themselves and feel worthy again.

Some are on the Dole through no fault of their own. This Government are putting 14,000 Bombardier worker out of work soon! Why should they suffer?

Companies that are making vast profits whilst the rest of the country struggle. Gas and electricity come to mind, why on earth are they being allowed to charge so much that they are making billions of profit, whilst some people cannot afford hot water or heating, or are in a constant worry because they owe so much to these companies and don't know how they are going to pay. The government should put a stop to it.

It begs the question 'Who exactly is running the country?'

These companies have more power to control than any Government.

Aid for other countries...we keep sending money that we haven't got to rescue other countries from bankruptcy....who is going to rescue us?

I agree...this should stop until our own finances are in order.

Immigrants - this really needs looking at, I have many foreign friends and am not racist at all. However, I do have a problem with people moving to our country and immediately going onto benefits or working illegally.

These people dont contribute to the economy as they send their money back home, thats why they live in cramped conditions.
Also business' do prefer to employ Europeans over the British as they are easier to get rid of.

Obviously these are just a few of the things that have gone through my mind for some time now, and there will be arguments for and against...I don't have a problem with people identifying where I'm being daft and illogical but just wanted to get them off my chest
This country has become a 'Nanny State' over the years and a lot of self responsibility has been eroded by the Governments. This has got to stop!
Human Rights and the Health and Safety rules have got to be reasonable without the 'Grey' areas.
Capital Punishment needs to be re-installed as a deterrent, also stop the prisoner rights and lets get back to victim rights.
Schools need to be more stronger with disciplin working with the parents of disruptive children. Too many schools dont communicate enough with parents.

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11-08-2011, 12:54 PM
Some schools the parents are the problem. Trying to work with the parents is like hitting your head against a brick wall. Gorden has worked in two schools where one the parent (mum) came and attacked a female teacher with a fishing rod for daring to tell her child off he had to intervene as the only male there at the time the Head Teacher had left (male).

Secondly himself when a Deputy Head Teacher the times the children would say my dad will come and smash your face in if you don't stop telling me what to do. He would come home and say whats the point you discipline as much as you are allowed then they go home to mayhem and spend their holidays with the that type of behavior too. He also didn't doubt some of the parents would of probaby come and smashed his face in. These children were year 5 and upwards.

The problem has to stop at the parents. It is not the schools fault or the teachers children are in the hands of their parents till at least 41/2 years of age manners and respect should be taught from home nowhere else.

Teachers like police officers can only work with the tools they are given and the guidelines they are given.
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11-08-2011, 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Some schools the parents are the problem. Trying to work with the parents is like hitting your head against a brick wall. Gorden has worked in two schools where one the parent (mum) came and attacked a female teacher with a fishing rod for daring to tell her child off he had to intervene as the only male there at the time the Head Teacher had left (male).

Secondly himself when a Deputy Head Teacher the times the children would say my dad will come and smash your face in if you don't stop telling me what to do. He would come home and say whats the point you discipline as much as you are allowed then they go home to mayhem and spend their holidays with the that type of behavior too. He also didn't doubt some of the parents would of probaby come and smashed his face in. These children were year 5 and upwards.

The problem has to stop at the parents. It is not the schools fault or the teachers children are in the hands of their parents till at least 41/2 years of age manners and respect should be taught from home nowhere else.

Teachers like police officers can only work with the tools they are given and the guidelines they are given.

I know where your coming from as my MIL was a Deputy Head and she got suppended for telling off an unruly child which the parent kicked off over.

But schools have a habit of not communicating with parents and their own staff , not just on behaviour issues but on attendance too. I have had,in the past, letters from school asking where my son was after he had broken his hand in school and was in hospital having an operation. I kept the school informed every day, but they didnt pass on any of my messages thus me getting threatening letters from them.
This is the sort of problems that needs to be sorted asap.

Social problems need to be addressed in this country as well as parenting issues before this country can move forward.Wether this is by encouraging the benefits class to work and better themselves or by teaching more social respect for others. I dont know!

Governments need to stop being so condesending to the country and flouting their wealth in our faces.
the country's wealth need to be distributed more for the health of the countrys morals.
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