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07-06-2010, 11:27 AM

Feeling a bit down about Georgie today

He's not ill, he's eating, wee'ing and poo'ing, but he drank nearly a whole big bowl of water last night which is very unlike him, but I know it was quite warm, and he tends to drink a bit like a camel, you hardly see him at the water bowl.

Anyway, I think he's getting to that stage where he's had enough if you know what I mean? When I look at those pictures I've taken of him lately, I see that very same look that I know only too well The hot weather hasn't helped, he seems very tired, too tired, and today for the first time ever, he didn't want to come out with us on our 2nd walk, and quite honestly, I wasn't going to take him anyway, but usually when I tell him he's staying here, he kicks up a fuss, but today, he was quite happy to lie down again

His tail is disappearing, all the hair is going, it's thin, and at the end it's very pink, not sore, but pink, and half way up there is a big lump Somebody told me this morning that they have a gland there, half way up there tail, does anyone know what this is then please? I was umming and arring about taking him to the vet, but then they'll probably say, he's got to have his tail off or something, and there's no way we'll be putting him through that trauma at his ripe old age with the life he's had with his skin problems, and having lived on steroids and ab's.

I know two years ago, when the vet reluctantly had to put him back on steroids because of his quality of life, he did say at that time that we'll be killing him off slowly now, we can never cure him, we can only maintain him, so I suppose, all in all, he's had a much better innings since that day than what we expected.

I'm going to rest him up a bit now, he won't ever be coming out on our 2nd walk with us (although of late, I've tended to just go up the green for this walk and let him just mooch about whilst Zena plays with her ball). I notice on our early morning walk, that although he keeps up, he's finding it hard going, and we do stop a lot to give him a rest.

I couldn't possibly make the decision now, that's totally out of the question, he's happy enough as he is, BUT, I've just got that awful gut instinct lurking, especially when I take his head in my hands and look into his eyes He's been very restless at night too Dave has told me (he does the night shift!). One minute he wants to be outside, then he wants to come in, then he can't settle, but he said he doesn't seem to be in pain, and he certainly isn't in pain from where I'm standing, otherwise he really would be whisked off to the vet.

I dunno, it's just a sad day for me here

I think Zena has sussed something too, coz she's keeping out of his way a bit, she isn't instigating any play, she's just letting him be peaceful and that's not like her with Georgie When I give him cuddles, he's licking my hand, instead of doing his normal grunts and moans that he does, maybe he's asking me? OH God this is not good, you always think they'll go on forever don't you until you see a dramatic change like this

Hey ho. A very strict eye will be kept on him, he's on a small steroid daily dose anyway, so he can't have anything else, and steroids will supress a certain amount of pain IF he is in any. I honestly think he's getting like my old mum did near the end, whenever I asked her where she hurt she would reply "oh, everywhere" and it could well be like that when everything is giving up hey?

Thanks for listening, I needed to get that down, now I'm going to give him a big cuddle whilst Zena is sleeping
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elaineb is offline  
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07-06-2010, 11:32 AM
awwwww no Helen, don't even go there...not yet...not Georgie...maybe he has a water infection or summit

How old exactly is he mate? am in all day if you want to ring..Oh christ hang on phones not working..bloody hell!!!! and carl is off sick so I can't get to the shops either. I dunked the handset in a glass of coke...don't ask

Just keep doing what your doing with Georgie, you know him best of all and you will know when "that" time has come round..not for a while yet though, fingers crossed...come on Georgie buck up man!!!

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07-06-2010, 11:40 AM
What can I say H? Poor Boy.

I hope you are wrong and he rallies round, I will be keeping my fingers crossed here for you both xxxxx
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07-06-2010, 11:52 AM
Know where you are coming from exactly, going through something similar with my eldest - my advice - take each day as it comes and love him lots [as I know you do] xx
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Heather and Zak
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07-06-2010, 11:53 AM
Oh Helena, I am so sorry to hear this. I know what you mean about the eyes, it's as if the spark has gone isn't it? I always think they are telling me they have had enough, I just know that was what my GSD Khan was telling me. There is a gland in the tail I think it's a scent gland, but not sure. Hopefully it is just the heat, I really hope so. You have been through this before so you will know when the time is right for Georgie. And Zena also senses things are not right bless her. *Hugs* to you all.
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tillytheterrier is offline  
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07-06-2010, 12:00 PM
Poor you. Its awful to see our best friends getting old. Nothing I can say to make you feel better but big hugs to you and sloppy terrier kisses from Tilly. xxx
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07-06-2010, 12:09 PM
My heart sank as I read your post, Dear Georgie, it's is so very sad to hear how he has deteriorated I do hope it was just a hot day that he felt more tired than usual on.

Only you will know when the time is exactly right Helena. It truly is the worst decision on earth us owners have to make, it wrenches my heart even thinking about you & Georgie

In the meantime try and make the best of the precious time you have left together.

Huge, huge hugs to you and I hope you have many more days with gorgeous Georgie yet. xx
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07-06-2010, 12:12 PM
Awww Helena (((hugs))) to you all.

I am hoping it is the heat too. But like you say you just know don't you when they are not right ?

Hoping he bucks up soon.
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Helena54 is offline  
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07-06-2010, 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by elaineb View Post
awwwww no Helen, don't even go there...not yet...not Georgie...maybe he has a water infection or summit

How old exactly is he mate? am in all day if you want to ring..Oh christ hang on phones not working..bloody hell!!!! and carl is off sick so I can't get to the shops either. I dunked the handset in a glass of coke...don't ask

Just keep doing what your doing with Georgie, you know him best of all and you will know when "that" time has come round..not for a while yet though, fingers crossed...come on Georgie buck up man!!!

Thanks mate, yes I know about the phone now!! Tcht, what you like!!!

Now it never occurred to me about a water infection, but thinking on what you said, I did notice that yesterday morning he did the loooooongest wee in history (or maybe it was THIS morning ), and I said about it to Dave and asked him if he had let him out in the night, but he said he had.... numerous times but he didn't do anything, SO, I wonder, I think I'll take him to the vet in the morning. I wonder what other symptoms there'd be though, coz he doesn't seem to have any symtoms other than being very tired. You could have hit on something here mate, so thanks for that! He'll be 12 on June 10th!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Lionhound View Post
What can I say H? Poor Boy.

I hope you are wrong and he rallies round, I will be keeping my fingers crossed here for you both xxxxx
Thanks Lorna, You never think about days like this until they arrive do you somehow xxxxxx

Originally Posted by Velvetboxers View Post
Know where you are coming from exactly, going through something similar with my eldest - my advice - take each day as it comes and love him lots [as I know you do] xx
Thanks VB. Do you see what I mean then? That's comforting to know, although of course, I'm so sorry you're having to witness the same thing. It's almost as if they've had enough isn't it, and no matter how much you try and coax them, you get given that "look" and I know it so well. There's still some sparkle in those eyes though, even though they look very sad, and the fact that he's ready to go out first thing in the car gives me hope. All the best with your eldest, how old is yours?

Originally Posted by Heather and Zak View Post
Oh Helena, I am so sorry to hear this. I know what you mean about the eyes, it's as if the spark has gone isn't it? I always think they are telling me they have had enough, I just know that was what my GSD Khan was telling me. There is a gland in the tail I think it's a scent gland, but not sure. Hopefully it is just the heat, I really hope so. You have been through this before so you will know when the time is right for Georgie. And Zena also senses things are not right bless her. *Hugs* to you all.
Thanks Heather, it's such an awful time, but you never know, I suppose it could be some kind of infection but I've never witnessed a urine infection in any of my previous dogs so don't really know the signs to look for. I'm going to have to Google this one, as well as speaking to my vet over the phone before I take him. He'll be as bright as a button if I take him to the vet I just know he will, coz the minute I pick up that collar he'll go off on one!!! It's quite noticeable how Zena is reacting to him, giving him his space, but wanting to be near him and then looking over at me inquisitively, she knows more than I do perhaps

Originally Posted by tillytheterrier View Post
Poor you. Its awful to see our best friends getting old. Nothing I can say to make you feel better but big hugs to you and sloppy terrier kisses from Tilly. xxx
Thanks TillyT, it happens to all of us I know, and having seen it with mum, I'm recognising a few pointers here, as if everything is giving up if you know what I mean, and I know he's a dog, but he's an old dog and they could feel much the same when they get old.

Yes, I'm gonna ring my vet! Thanks guys.xxxx
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Velvetboxers is offline  
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07-06-2010, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Helena54

Thanks VB. Do you see what I mean then? That's comforting to know, although of course, I'm so sorry you're having to witness the same thing. It's almost as if they've had enough isn't it, and no matter how much you try and coax them, you get given that "look" and I know it so well. There's still some sparkle in those eyes though, even though they look very sad, and the fact that he's ready to go out first thing in the car gives me hope. All the best with your eldest, how old is yours?
I do - only too well. Rosie had "lost" the spark from her eyes last week - she forgets where she is and does her wee outside and then comes in and does her pooh - not all the time but sometimes. I know exactly what you mean by that "look". I had even gone as far as to make the appt for the vets last Friday and then something on Friday morning - maybe it was the heat, I dont know, thoughts of having her in the car to the vets [hours journey] just didnt seem right, it would have distressed her so. Just as well I did as that afternoon the "spark" came back. Rosie is 10 1/2 now. She is having trouble eating - checked her teeth and I think its arthritis in her neck. She does have a raised feeder but think I will swop it with Harvey's - his is taller, to see if it helps. Even if there was something wrong with her teeth, she is much too frail to go through an anaesthetic.

How does your boy cope in the heat?
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