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View Poll Results: Is CM improving as a TV trainer & offering more apt advice
Yes 45 52.33%
No 41 47.67%
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16-03-2009, 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by Harry25 View Post
I watched an episode about a week ago, he actually kicked a dog, so I have to vote NO.
OMG, if i had watched that one i wouldnt have posted this!!!!
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16-03-2009, 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Harry21 View Post
Am I the only one who don't like this whole softly softly happyness and sunshine approach to dog training?

Did you hear that woman dog trainer say about traing through being rewarded or bribed with food to get results. Aposed to CM expecting it by being the leader.

I think most people forget to treat dogs as dogs, and not human.
I get alot of "joy" from my Treat pot & tugg tugg. More joy than "jerk & praise" Tssting & foot tapping.This is because of the relatiinship of teamwork & trust that we have.

My dogs are dogs, they are expressive & happy to "try". They arent robots too scared to do anything incase they get something wrong.

Softly softly does treat dogs as dogs!!!!! & lets them be the best they can be.
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16-03-2009, 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by mishflynn View Post
I get alot of "joy" from my Treat pot & tugg tugg. More joy than "jerk & praise" Tssting & foot tapping.This is because of the relatiinship of teamwork & trust that we have.

My dogs are dogs, they are expressive & happy to "try". They arent robots too scared to do anything incase they get something wrong.

Softly softly does treat dogs as dogs!!!!! & lets them be the best they can be.
Me too, although no treat pot here, we work on ''praise'' treats, without the jerk and kick approach
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16-03-2009, 06:52 AM
Although i do think he is improving, im never going to train like that!!!! & obvisley there are images that are stuck in my head of pure misunderstanding verging on butality.

However i will keep watching now & see if hes left that side of his training behind now.

We can All develop as trainers afterall, even CM!!!

We all learn from our experinces good & bad, from others we see & our research, hopefully he isnt the "closed book" i would have put him down as training wise & is moving on.......

Now if he will just discontinue "that" collar.................
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16-03-2009, 08:10 AM
Yes, he's getting better... I don't have any channels here, which shows his programs....

BUT... Having your dirty laundry hung out, like he does - in order to keep up the ratings, he'll have to comply with the general training people...
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16-03-2009, 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Harry21 View Post
Well I don't think anyones disagreeing that animals have the same right to be treated faily and with kindness as humans, I'm certainly not. And as someone earlier pointed, CM dosn't kick/strike a dog in a violent manner. I'ts more to snap the dog out of it's mindset.
It certainly does. My Shamus will scream if someone puts a foot near him. The other day I absently reached out my (unshod) foot to stroke his tummy and he leapt away growling in fear. Yes he has a history - but so do most of the dogs in this wretched TV `entertainment`.
Poking and kicking a dog causes it to change it`s behaviour, certainly. But at the cost of trust.
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16-03-2009, 11:27 AM
I think it depends on the dog, as to whether it loses trust. My dogs trust me without reservation, yet I use the so called "prod" and "tsssssst" sound, occasionally, if they are rufusing to listen to voice command. I think the thing that needs to be remembered is the "prod" and "kick" as some call it, is not meant to physically hurt the dog, it's just to bring them round to what they are supposed to be doing. I would NEVER harm my dogs in any way. I think it's a bit OTT to think of Cesar as cruel for these actions. They are just methods to help train some dogs. Works for some. Not for others. Perhaps dogs with "history" need a different approach. My lot have no need to be scared of me or my family, as they have never been abused, just loved and adored, so maybe that's why CM's methods work for them. I meet so many people that speak very highly of CM's methods and how it has helped their dogs to become fab pets, so CM must be good at what he does.
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16-03-2009, 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
It certainly does. My Shamus will scream if someone puts a foot near him. The other day I absently reached out my (unshod) foot to stroke his tummy and he leapt away growling in fear. Yes he has a history - but so do most of the dogs in this wretched TV `entertainment`.
Poking and kicking a dog causes it to change it`s behaviour, certainly. But at the cost of trust.
Have to admit I shudder to think how Reah would of reacted to that if I'd of used him when I took her on.

It was a known fact that Reah would ATTACK any male when I first had her, just simply out of fear. She was petrified of broom handles, mops, even stepping over her....she'd scream like she was being murdered, wee all over the floor, poo everywhere, drag herself into dark corners (because she couldn't walk when I first had her) and any man going near her, in desperation to get clear away from them, she's bite, snarle,attack......I am sure if I'd of used the poke/kick method or even wrestled her by her collar/like CM shows......she would never of come the nine years down the road, to where she is today....calm, pleasant, liking men, accepting children, enjoying life,loving all other animals etc etc.,
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16-03-2009, 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Have to admit I shudder to think how Reah would of reacted to that if I'd of used him when I took her on.

It was a known fact that Reah would ATTACK any male when I first had her, just simply out of fear. She was petrified of broom handles, mops, even stepping over her....she'd scream like she was being murdered, wee all over the floor, poo everywhere, drag herself into dark corners (because she couldn't walk when I first had her) and any man going near her, in desperation to get clear away from them, she's bite, snarle,attack......I am sure if I'd of used the poke/kick method or even wrestled her by her collar/like CM shows......she would never of come the nine years down the road, to where she is today....calm, pleasant, liking men, accepting children, enjoying life,loving all other animals etc etc.,

Awww, that poor baby, Reah. Thank God she found a loving home and lovely people that could help her reach her full potential as a wonderful pet...............

I can see that CM's methods would defininitely not help in a situation such as Reahs. Would only make matters worse I suppose.
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16-03-2009, 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
Awww, that poor baby, Reah. Thank God she found a loving home and lovely people that could help her reach her full potential as a wonderful pet...............

I can see that CM's methods would defininitely not help in a situation such as Reahs. Would only make matters worse I suppose.
Unfortunately, not all dog owners are as intelligent Dogsey people and don`t fit the method to the dog, but blindly follow what the guy on the tele says.
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