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05-08-2008, 03:41 PM

Really fed up.

Ollie has taken a sudden dislike to the Olliemobile.
He was fine with it Saturday jumped in on the way out to our walk and back in after our walk. The same on Sunday and yesterday, he jumped in ok, and out to pick up the Children.
When we finished out walk he would not get in so we put the ramp up and he still wouldn't so in the end gorden and I had to physically haul him in, not easy I can tell you.
Today thought we would pop out to post a letter and take him round the block, same problem in the end Gorden got in the back too and sat in there with him while we went round the block. We are wondering has he too much room ? does he feel insecure ? Why has he taken a sudden dislike to the car in the space of an hour ?
Gorden is thinking about putting the middle seats as far back as possible so he has a bit less room if we put the 3 seater in he will have no more room than in the Volvo, and he was spilling out of that.
I am so fed up because this was meant to be easier so him and I could go out on our own for nice walks, and I wouldn't have to make sure he was in properly and give him a shove to make sure he was.
Am I going to have to sell my Olliemobile ?

Not sure it is the Olliemobile since finishing our walk last night he has decided he doesn't like getting into cars. Have just tried the Volvo and he refused to get into that too.
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05-08-2008, 03:54 PM
Awwww Lynn he'll get used to it in time ,looks like your going to have to persevere in the meantime .Let me tell you,I'd love squeezing in the back for huge hugs with him, xxxxxxxxxx
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05-08-2008, 04:12 PM
try putting his fav stuff in the car,, but if he gets in dont start it or take him anywhere, if the car is in the garden and its a secure garden, go out and sit and read a book in the back of it,, take some nice stuff he likes,, {if its not to hot} when he comes in, just read your book give him a tasty bit,, sit for a min, dont make a huge fuss of him, then get out,, work it up over a day or two, then start the car before you get in, but dont take him anywhere,, just let the car run with you and him in it,

he may have found hes being thrown around a bit more at corners if there is more room,

I wouldnt go all fussy on him if he gets in, dont make a big thing of it,,,cos thats the normal thing to do, just sit quietly and give him a pat, x
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05-08-2008, 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Shona View Post
try putting his fav stuff in the car,, but if he gets in dont start it or take him anywhere, if the car is in the garden and its a secure garden, go out and sit and read a book in the back of it,, take some nice stuff he likes,, {if its not to hot} when he comes in, just read your book give him a tasty bit,, sit for a min, dont make a huge fuss of him, then get out,, work it up over a day or two, then start the car before you get in, but dont take him anywhere,, just let the car run with you and him in it,

he may have found hes being thrown around a bit more at corners if there is more room,

I wouldnt go all fussy on him if he gets in, dont make a big thing of it,,,cos thats the normal thing to do, just sit quietly and give him a pat, x
Thanks Shona had thought of that unfortunately the car is not parked in our garden, so we will have to bide our time and try to coax him in then do as you say but with the doors shut. He wouldn't get in for garlic sausage or gravy bones two of his favourite treats.
Gorden wondered if there is too much room and he felt insecure, but he wouldn't even get in the Volvo earlier but suppose if he is unsure he won't. He can't tell the difference in size just knows he is unhappy about it all.
Thought about a dog crate, but that defeats the object of more room especially height wise for him.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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05-08-2008, 04:38 PM
Lona does this as well, Cariad jumps in the car immediately, Lona hangs about, then runs back into the yard and into her kennel and peers out of it. Obviously she is being taken off for slave labour or something. Soooo I get the lead and put it on her and then take her to the car, Cariad still sat there like a queen having appropriated BOTH pigs ears I put in for them. I usually go through the process of putting both paws on the edge of the back, and she takes them off, I put them on again, and then catching her unawares give her a quick shove from underneath and she falls in after a bit of flailing about. Once she is in she is fine, and I can always get her in to go home again. When we were doing get in and out of the car for the Gold Award she refused point blank to get in the examiners car at all and we had to get her to go in mine, which she did immediately, and he commented that no one would ever be able to steal her!!! Just keep at him Lynn, like everyone says if you have a secure drive just sit in the back with a book and something he likes and ignore him whatever he does, and eventually he will jump in because that is the only way of attracting your attention. I know if I make it into a training session again with Lona I will have her jumping in and out on command, but they go in the car so infrequently that it is not really worth it.
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05-08-2008, 04:51 PM
We are going to try a couple of other things. Unfortunately we do not have a secure drive, and those suggestions sound really good but not one we can try.
We are going to push the middle seats back as far as they can go and see if he will go in by the sliding door, and if he does and is happy on the floor he can have that bit, if he likes the seats we will cover them and he can have a harness. The other one is put the back bench back in, not enough room in the boot with that in but there should be enough room between the back seats and middle seats again if he likes the bench we will cover it and he can travel that way. We are not defeated yet although 1/2 an hour ago I felt defeated. We will also test out the boot space with back bench in although Gorden feels it will not be enough space.
Thanks for all the suggestions put with the other ideas hopefully we will over come it. Just baffled how he was fine going out last night and then coming home he was such a pain and again today. Something must of happened that we were not aware of. He can be such a stubborn but sensitive soul.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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05-08-2008, 05:08 PM
I've no idea why Lona has suddenly decided that I am taking her into slavery when I want her to go in the car, especially when her sister jumps in and sits there as happy as Larry. They can be very strange when they want to be!!!
Try putting a long line on him and sitting in the back of the car, so he can't get into trouble but you are not tugging him about then so he doesn't feel like he has to pull against you. Don't know what it must be like with Ollie, but if one of my 2 decides they are going I don't have a prayer!!!
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05-08-2008, 05:16 PM
Is it a lot higher than the Volvo was Lynn? I'm just wondering if he's wrenched a leg or both jumping in/out of it perhaps??? If you can open the side door which should be lower I'm sure it will make a difference, but then if he HAS pulled a muscle slightly he will be very reluctant to jump into anything won't he? Can you try him on something else to jump up on??? That might be your answer. I'm sure it's not the car, it's something that's happened, that's my take on it. Good luck, don't sell it yet, wait and see with some trial and errors. Good
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05-08-2008, 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Is it a lot higher than the Volvo was Lynn? I'm just wondering if he's wrenched a leg or both jumping in/out of it perhaps??? If you can open the side door which should be lower I'm sure it will make a difference, but then if he HAS pulled a muscle slightly he will be very reluctant to jump into anything won't he? Can you try him on something else to jump up on??? That might be your answer. I'm sure it's not the car, it's something that's happened, that's my take on it. Good luck, don't sell it yet, wait and see with some trial and errors. Good
It isn't much higher than the volvo Helena, at home we park it so it is low our parking bays are on a gradient. When we get to the park he gets out same as he does from the Volvo jumps out Gorden says not much difference in height at all.
When we return to the car he is tired so we always get his ramp out Saturday he didn't need it he got straight in, it has nice large bumpers for him to get his paws onto.
Sunday he used the ramp, yesterday he didn't want to know with our without ramp. I agree though something has happened, but it must of been while we were travelling.
think like Shona he may of got thrown about a bit.
TW same as you if Ollie doesn't want to budge he doesn't you would of wet yourself watching me and Gorden wrestling him up the ramp and into the car so we could come last night. I was not amused.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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05-08-2008, 05:46 PM
Lynn, Lona backpeddles like a lunatic and I am dragged around like some old rag doll, the picture of you and Gordon trying to lift Ollie has given me the giggles
I don't know, you give them a nice home, good food, even buy them a car and this is the thanks you get
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