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The naughty things we let our pets do in our homes..

Bearded man cuddling a dog in bed
We probably know we shouldn't, we tell ourselves we won't at first, but let's face it, owners often end up letting pets do something a bit naughty.
From letting them on kitchen tables, to letting them lick you (or even give you a bit of a frenchie).
New PR research from Zoflora claims almost a third of pet owners usually let their animals sleep in bed with them.
It also says six out of 10 dog owners admitted letting them lick their face.
So what better excuse to share cheeky pet stories? Here are some from you...
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Jan 2015
Posts: 535
30-04-2015, 10:25 PM
I admit Poppy sleeps on my bed (not in the bed). Very rarely does she lick my skin and never the face. I do remember once though I was cooking spaghetti and I took a strand and 'reinacted' that scene from Lady and the Tramp and our noses touched. I was humming the tune from it too...This is the night, what a beautiful night and we call it Bella Notte....Oh I was in fits of giggles.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Mar 2014
Posts: 974
01-05-2015, 01:07 AM
Cats on the counter, dogs in the bed, kits and dogs all kiss me on the mouth, sometimes I have several cats and Sophie join me in the bathroom and Levon has snuck in my car...guilty as charged
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Sep 2010
Posts: 855
01-05-2015, 11:45 AM
I wouldn't call it naughty.
We went through a phase where Cookie slept in his own bed at the side of mine or in his crate in the living room but it didn't last long. Not because of him really either...
We don't currently have a dog or cat, but we do have 3 ferrets. All three play on our bed (only 1 can get up by herself) and we will have the more cuddly too in for a bedtime cuddle but we don't sleep with them as we're worried we will squash them during the night.
As for face kisses, even my gerbil gives kisses. My male ferrets are big kissers and Cookie would knock me over and pin me to the floor kissing my face. He was hardly gentle and I will admit if I laughed or squealed I had to do it with my mouth closed or he would lick inside my mouth, made it impossible to tell him to get off which is why I think he did it! haha Was always my favourite greeting. Maybe I'm not right in the head.
My ferrets (especially the female who can climb EVERYTHING) are little s*ds for drinking water out of glasses, and running off with things that I've left out. I can't leave any food down at all, not even for a second.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 834
01-05-2015, 04:14 PM
What's naughty about it ?
I must admit to not being keen on dog snogs ! but nothing wrong with dogs and cats sleeping on your bed.
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