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Manchester United midfielder Anderson left nursing 10 Burnese pups

When Manchester United midfielder Anderson bought a pair of Bernese mountain dogs, he neglected to check the sex of the dogs. The dogs, which were apparently purchased from a large pet store in Salford, were actually a male and female and now 23-year-old Anderson has eight puppies in his care.

No doubt aware of the size the adult dogs can reach, Anderson has reportedly been asking team mates - who think the situation is “hilarious” - if they would like a dog as well as apparently approaching people in parks, hoping to find homes for the pups.

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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 09:37 AM
It's his own fault aswell as the pet shops.
Surely you know male + female = puppies!
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 09:40 AM
I would be inereted to know which shop ? It is rare to see Bernese sold other than through a breeder. So I suppose no hip sores or elbow scores ? and as for trying to off load them to anyone or to people in the park well.

He needs to get in touch with breed rescue so they go to the right type of homes with lifetime back up they are great dogs but can be difficult. You don't train Bernese like most other breeds.
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 09:56 AM
What a flaming numpty

I mean surely even idiots know you don't leave two entire opposite sexes together.
Some people never fail to amaze me
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 10:03 AM
And the fact he didn't even state what sex of dog he wanted when he bought them........
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 10:06 AM
I have posted a comment on the site.
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 10:35 AM
From what I hear Dogs Trust are going to be getting intouch,to offer help rehoming the pups.
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
From what I hear Dogs Trust are going to be getting intouch,to offer help rehoming the pups.
Thank goodness for that. Such cute puppies but in the wrong hands nightmare adults and big too.
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 10:39 AM
What a numpty!
I hope the paper is sensationalising it and he is not actually asking people out in parks etc.
Im sure the breed rescue has loads of people on their books and other rescues are not likely to have trouble placing such lovely dogs either.
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Dogsey Veteran
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06-12-2011, 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by WhichPets View Post
What a numpty!
I hope the paper is sensationalising it and he is not actually asking people out in parks etc.
Im sure the breed rescue has loads of people on their books and other rescues are not likely to have trouble placing such lovely dogs either.
I did wonder how much was sensationalised especially the bit about they grow into huge dogs and he will need a castle to house them all. They do but you don't need a castle.
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