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mysti77 is offline  
Location: London, UK
Joined: Nov 2007
Posts: 72
22-12-2007, 07:40 PM

Another house training problem..

Hi, I have a dog that only knows how to use newspapers to use the toilet (indoors). I was wondering how to train him to use the toilet outdoors (grass). This will be his first experience with a garden as he's lived in a flat all of his life and his walks were always on pavements (no parks) or the beach and he never did his business then, only ever on his paper.

He also has access to his paper at all times, so goes when he wants. Any ideas on how to do this as he is now 7 years old. I'm wondering if he is now too old to change the behaviour.

Thanks for your help
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Meg is offline  
Location: Dogsey and Worcestershire
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22-12-2007, 07:55 PM
Hi Mysti and welcome to Dogsey .
It is never too late to train your dog to do something new but it will take time and patience though it should be easier than house training a puppy because an older dog has more control over its bodily functions so can wait 'to go' .

So this is what I would do..don't put any paper down and if you have had any down in what I am guessing is a new home make sure you clean the spot thoroughly with biological washing powder to remove any residual smell.

Teaching him to eliminate on command.
Treat your dog as you would a puppy taking it out on a lead at frequent intervals after sleep/food/play/first thing in the morning/last thing at night/every couple of hours to the spot you wish your dog to use. When he is in the middle of relieving himself use a chosen word like 'beclean' so that he associates the word with the action,the very second he finishes give a treat like a morsel of chicken and lots of praise You also need to watch him in the house for any indication that he wants to go out .

Pretty soon your dog will learn that going outside is very rewarding and he will wish to continue doing it, he will also relieve himself on command.

You could try taking the paper outside to the spot you wish him to use, but this is not so easy in the winter when everywhere is so wet.

If he has the odd accident while learning clean it up and say nothing, if you are cross with him you may make him afraid to go in your presence.
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Dogsey Junior
mysti77 is offline  
Location: London, UK
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Posts: 72
22-12-2007, 08:11 PM
Thanks for your reply. I'll try teaching him to eliminate on command and hope it works! Wish me luck!

Oh, and I know for sure not to be cross with him for accidents. I'm pretty sure that will confuse him because he probably won't think he's done anything wrong as he's usually so good with his paper and will probably not accident unless I miss the signs that he needs to go.

One more question, how often when he does get trained to go outside will I need to take him out. As he ususally goes whenever he feels I just need to ensure that I am around to take him out often enough. He's a small cross breed dog - 7 kilos (pomerian and goodness know what else).
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Meg is offline  
Location: Dogsey and Worcestershire
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22-12-2007, 08:22 PM
...he is 7 isn't he so he should be able to go for at least 4 hours and through the night .

You will learn pretty quickly how often he needs to go out, for adult dogs if you take them for a walk first thing in the morning they usually ok then until lunch time.

For now you can't take him out too often so that he never has chance to have an accident (obviously if he has just been out and relieved himself he shouldn't need to go again for at least a couple of hours).
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