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Lorelei0922 is offline  
Location: Devon, Uk
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10-10-2008, 07:50 AM

Starting again...


I moved to the UK from the US about 2 and a half years ago to be with my new Husband. We live in Devon with our 16 yr old Jack Russell Poppy, our 8 Ferrets (where i devote most of my time) and just yesterday an 8 month old Lurcher currently named Bob.. He needs a NEW name.. it doesn't suit and it sounds too close to POP which is what we call the JRT lol

I grew up in the US with Labs... Mostly my Dad and Brothers dogs that lived in a dog house outside. I didn't have much to do with the care or training of them.. they were just the family dogs!

When i moved to the UK my Husband had a lovely sweet lil Jack Russell Terrier who is absolutely devoted to my husband. This was my first experience with an indoor dog.. and while it took a little getting use to, she's a sweetheart all in all. She gets a lil jealous now and then in a sweet way. She will climb on my lap when i'm snuggling with my husband on th couch and wiggle her way between us...cheeky lil thing lol!

Now "Bob" is the reason i've joined this forum. I've never had a big dog in the house for one! Nor have i personally had to teach and train one to do as we need! So i would really welcome any sort of advice for how to procede because there are a couple things we need to nail down rather quickly if we're going to make this work!

He lived from 14 weeks to 8 months in a pub with 4 women... my husband thinks he'll take to me really well for this reason and last night he did follow me around everywhere. He needed a new home due to a Divorce and my Husband really wanted a Lurcher type to take ferreting with us.

Supposedly he's housebroken (is that to currently correct term?) We took him for a nice long walk yesterday afternoon, and though we know he wanted a good run, we weren't confident enough that he KNEW us to let him off the lead, and though he's an affectionate friendly dog, we certainly cant know if he'd be alright dashing around near other people walking dogs in the field. He did have another dog at his previous home as well so it should be ok??

Anyways He didn't have a pee.. nor a poo... even after an hour or so out.. we came home and introduced him to Poppy who it has to be said isn't that pleased to see him but she'll adjust i think. So long as he doesn't try to get on the couch with her. Had some dinner all around and let him get to know the house. Then no cue or anything we could see.... and he stands in the middle of the hall and PEEs!!!! didn't even bother lifting his leg.. just a great big puddle on the floor... sighs... maybe we missed a cue??? But he was taken outside several times in the back yard.. He had plenty of oportunities!!

Then this morning when my husband took him out around the block before work He DID pee but didn't poo... well you can guess what happened after my husband left for work, while i was getting dressed... Now i've had to pick up after poppy now and then when we've left her all day and she just COULD NOT wait.. but "Bob" is a big dog lol ICK!!

So thats #1... lol obviously

Equally important to me is barking, we've got terrible neighbors upstairs and while we have explained to them that we've got a new dog and it will take a bit to settle him in... their good charity wont last long especially if we wake their kids at night...

It has to be said He doesn't bark much.. usually only when excited like getting to know Poppy or wanting to play..but we need to find a way to teach him "quiet" !

Other than that, my husband knows basically how to teach basic commands i guess .. sit stay heel come i guess lol.. but i'd LOVE to teach him to be a very obedient guy! and i dont really know PERSONALLY where to start.. a class?? or a book?? eventually i'd like to see if we could do agility... i've heard that some lurchers can be good at it lol...but just a happy well adjusted dog would be good enough for me!

Sorry for the ramble!! just dont really know where to start with this one...

i'll have a look around the forum and try to find some answers!

OHH.. here's a couple pics of the dogs!

"Bob" Really welcome suggestions for new names!!


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10-10-2008, 08:30 AM
Hi Heather, Wecome to Dogsey
I have asked for your thread to be moved as you may get more response from the training and behaviour section.

I am sure many members will come along with idea's, and suggestions.

Regarding "Bob" sounding like "Pop" how about "Ben" - good luck with him he is gorgeous x
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Sez & Amber
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10-10-2008, 09:54 AM
He's gorgeous - I have a soft spot for lurchers

I highly recommend going along to a class if you can. It will be good socialisation for him, and will give you some bonding time as well.

For names, the first thing that sprang to mind was that he looked very kingly and kind of Egyptian (I think the association is Anubis, the jackal-headed god) and the second picture reminded me of Tutankhamun's gold mask (don't ask why... it just came to me ), so I want to submit "Tut" or "Tutan" as a name.
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10-10-2008, 10:07 AM
Gorgeous dogs
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10-10-2008, 10:37 AM
Welcome. I'm sure you'll find the answers you're looking at here.

It sounds like you have all the good intentions, but are not sure how to put them into practice. I think that joining a dog training class would be a really good idea. You will get guidance on the techniques for training your Bob. It's also a good place to ask any questions about how to do things you are not sure about. Just make sure you sign up to a good one which has a maximum number of dogs accepted (between 10 and 12 per class is a good number, less is better). You could try working towards KC Good Citizen Awards which gives you goals to work to.

Reading books is good too of course.

All the best
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10-10-2008, 10:50 AM
i like goals .. and check lists and that sorta thing lol...

so perhaps a class would be good for us...Hubby is rather an old country boy at heart and doesn't find much time or need for such things .. but perhaps if i tell him i would feel more confident in it he'd let me do it lol...

As we want to use him for hunting as well at some point we'll need to look at that side of things.. i'm thinking it might be best to get the "basics" down really strong before heading that direction? or are there other methods used with "working" dogs and so we should consider starting out with those.. if you understand what i'm getting at ?

thanks for the welcome everyone!
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10-10-2008, 10:58 AM
Re the house training.....I'd imagine its a confidence thing...he probably doesn;t have confidence in his new surroundings yet, Give him taim and start getting him out every half hour for 10 mins.

We had a young lurcher staying with us sho had house training issues, with her, we had her outside for a whole day...running about drinking water etc. Eventually she had to go outside, but it took about 6 hours and she did get very distressed. She was 6 months old and had never soiled outside the house. Once she had done it once and we had overloaded on the praise and some nice treats she was fine - she still had the occassional accident for a couple of months and would never go off property.

If you want to use him for hunting, you will have to get siome very good basics in (with regards to self control) and a class will help you with this....ring around and go and watch a few sessions to make sure you are happy with the trainer and methods . A class should also help with any confidence issues :d

Welcome to the board btw!
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10-10-2008, 11:27 AM
I've had several dogs who wouldn't go on strange teritory until they absolutely had to.Hopefully he'll soon learn the new routine & if you use the same command every time you let him out to go & if he goes repeat it as he is going & then heap praise he'll soon learn what is wanted.
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Razcox is offline  
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10-10-2008, 12:17 PM
Hello and welcome to dogsey!

Smashing looking dogs and where have i seem ears like that before? . . .

When we got Cassie she was a very nervous dog and we did have a few puddles and plops in the house. Time and consistancy was the key as well a a nice reward when she 'went' outside. We also use Cassie on the bunnies so feel free to PM for any info you like (it can be a sensitive issue so best not to upset people on the main forum)

As for a name well he does look very noble and i thought the same as Sez.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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10-10-2008, 12:36 PM
Hi, beatiful dogs, he is gorgeous, and like everyone says very stately looking and he does have some of the look of a pharoh hound.
As regards the toileting issues, this happened to me many years ago with a bitch I bought in aged about 17 months, we did everything to get her to go outside, but to no avail, the next morning we awoke to her having made a very large puddle in the (thankfully plastic) dog bed, I think it is a confidence thing like everyone says. Eventually she fitted in with everyone else and did what she had to do whilst on a walk, so just give him time, it is a big change for him in so many ways, YOU know you are OK, but he isn't that sure yet really is he?
I enjoy going training with my 2, and always have, its a social thing for doggies and owners alike, and there is always something new to learn. I am sure there will be leaflets at your vets with your local training class on, there usually is.
Enjoy him, he looks a lovely boy.
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