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angelmist is offline  
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01-06-2015, 06:58 PM

Water Spays and first time tips!

Well we have decided to jump in at the deep end and have our first show (a champ show) in just 3 weeks time and I am soooo not prepared!! If anyone can offer any useful advice it will be much appreciated.

Also my big question is this: My dogs breeder said 'officially' only water sprays can be used on the coat for grooming, if I remember rightly hers was in a rather large can but I can't remember what it said or the brand, she is away on holiday at the mo so am not able to ask. So could I ask any showers here where you get your water sprays from or whether you use normal water in a refillable bottle?

Many thanks.
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01-06-2015, 07:12 PM
I'm assuming we are talking about your Pom here, not sure about the grooming routine for this breed, but can't see how using a water spray on his coat would enhance the coat fir a show, surely it will wet the coat and flatten it

As regards to showing him, have you been going to ring craft classes to get him used to being gone over by strangers, is he used to going on the table.....hopefully you have done all this and you are just nervous about your first champ show.

Have you done a few open shows to get the just of it.

The best thing for you to remember is relax, make sure you have everything you need, leads brushes ring clips and so on, you will find your ring number on your bench, so look in the catalogue to see what your number us, or if you have downloaded your pass and car park your number will be on there.

Get there early, and depending on the class you are in, watch by ring side to see how the judge likes to move you, try not to be first in the ring, go in last , this way you can watch the other exhibitors do their show first , this will help you to know what's expected.

Most importantly relax and enjoy !!!

P.s..what show are you doing ?
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01-06-2015, 07:14 PM
Just a thought, are you sure it's not hairspray she is using, it would make more sense if it was !!
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01-06-2015, 07:59 PM
Thanks for the replies Jackie. Lots to answer there!!

Yes this is for my pom. We have done some ringcraft classes which we started at 12 weeks old although I've missed a few weeks recently through illness etc but will be making sure not to miss the next few! He's happy on a table but isn't keen on having his mouth looked at (something I am working at) and gets rather excitable so getting a nice gait can sometimes be challenging, he's also recently developed a nasty habit of barking at bloody everything especially other dogs which I am trying desperately hard to nip in the bud asap.

We have done no open shows, I haven't even been to a KC show to watch - like I say we are jumping in at the deep end!!

The schedule says passes will be sent in the post but they haven't arrived yet and nothing downloadable by e-mail.

I am on my way to having everything I need I have been on a bit of a buying spree the last few days!

I'm not too sure of the grooming routine either if I'm honest, I had planned on having him professionally groomed prior to the show so all I would have to do is give him a last minute brush (nieve maybe?) only it turns out I couldn't find a groomer that would touch him so I took to being rather cheeky and contacting a local breeder through the KC (as my breeder is quite a way away and on hols) and asking for their help. The lady and her husband were amazing and lovely and invited us round for a chat and gave me loads of advice, she very kindly cut him for me in a step by step way so I could see exactly what I need to be doing (much more than I had realised) - que me running around buying myself grooming equipment! She also said water sprays are officially the only grooming product your supposed to use but many people use other things too. I don't really know what water spray is used for or how it is used but just thought I should purchase some should I find out!! I'm sure my breeder showed me a water one and whatever the other spray was that she uses so there were two, I didn't pay much attention because I figured water spray wouldn't be hard to find (how wrong can you be!) and wasn't interested in 'cheating'.

The show is Blackpool Champ Show his breeder is showing his brother in the same class and the breeder who helped me out last week is showing in the following class so hopefully if I get stuck or my dog looks crap they can give me some last minute help!!

I can see this being a disaster!!
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01-06-2015, 08:57 PM
Do not go to a professional groomer before your show, you may find the don't have any use a on how to groom him for the show ring, best to learn yourself how to do it, if you gave someone to show you then that's great.....learn yourself , then you can't blame anyone else if it goes wrong, more importantly you will be grooming for the show ring..

I've learnt to do Figo, his breeder showed my advised on what tools to get, there is no way I would trust anyone to groom or clip him, I see to many porties clipped like poodles.

Your passes will come in the post if you entered by mail, you can only download if you enter on line.....higham press and fossa data, will enable you to do that, higham press links you to dogbiz, and fossa data has its ow, it's a simpler way to enter, and once you have registered with them, it's all there giving you the correct classes to enter.

A tip for showing his teeth, is add a que word, " teeth " when you want to look at his teeth, thus way he'll get used to showing them.

Not sure what day your on, but I might be there, I haven't entered Figo, but might go to watch, so maybe see you there.

What class is he in, judges are usually forgiving if it's puppy, they like to give the pup good experiences, so will accept a little naughtiness .

I would have thought the grooming will be to show clean lines, no stray hairs down legs , face, feet trimmed ear hair and such.

Just watch what everyone else is doing and'll soon get the hang of it.
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01-06-2015, 10:40 PM
I have never had a Pom, but I have shown other toy breeds. Do not let a pet groomer do anything to your puppy. Until you have learned how to do a show trim, it is better to do too little than too much and end up with a carved look. If you are at the show in good time, I'm sure the people you have mentioned will give your dog a look over before he has to go in the ring.
I've just had a quick look, and there is a three part video on Youtube, called Grooming the Show Pomeranian. However, it is American, and though the dog is being prepared for a Champ show, is not always in the perfect position to see clearly. It may act as a memory jogger for what the breeder showed you though.
KC rules state that no grooming product should remain in the coat when the dog is judged, so plain water is the safest thing to use. I would use one of those very fine misting spray bottles, and tap water, to lightly mist the coat before brushing it into the desired shape.
I hope you have a lovely day - I'm sure you will learn lots!
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02-06-2015, 06:34 AM
Thanks guys.

I am on Friday 26th Jackie, Minor Puppy Dog he will be 6 months and 1 week by then so only just old enough to enter.

I entered online but can't find an option to download and haven't had an e-mail with anything downloadable in, the schedule says all tickets will be sent by post, if they aren't here by next week I will contact fossedata.
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02-06-2015, 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by angelmist View Post
Thanks guys.

I am on Friday 26th Jackie, Minor Puppy Dog he will be 6 months and 1 week by then so only just old enough to enter.

I entered online but can't find an option to download and haven't had an e-mail with anything downloadable in, the schedule says all tickets will be sent by post, if they aren't here by next week I will contact fossedata.
if you entered on line, them you should be able to download your passes........ they usually only send by post if you enter by post.

Go to fosa data, click on enter on line, then log in with your name and password (as if you are going to enter a show) click next , then look at the top pf the page and it will say ..View My Completed UK Entries it will show you want shows you entered, and for Blackpool they will put up a link (under your entry) for you to click on and download your passes.

It may be that they have not processed that part yet, you usually get an e.mail to say "passes ready for printing!
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02-06-2015, 08:46 AM
Normally a good judge will take into account that you are a new shower and that the pup is young. The only thing I can say is be calm and don't do too much to the coat. If you use water use only a little from a spray bottle that can be bought from most kitchen shops. When standing in the ring keep a distance from the one in front and the one behind. When using your brush make sure that it is upside down so that you or your pup doesn't stand on it. Best to make sure you put it in a pocket or up out the way so you don't forget. If using treats make sure they are really small. Above all enjoy it and don't be too serious about this your first show. Good Luck. Jackie that should be fosse data. Bet your fingers got in a muddle like mine do sometimes.
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02-06-2015, 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by brenda1 View Post
Jackie that should be fosse data.
Yep.... typo error!
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