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Location: Old Leake, UK
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16-12-2010, 09:52 AM

Atopica - some observations

I know there have been a couple of threads about Atopica but I couldn't find the answer to my question so thought I would post what I have found out from the vet today

After he was attacked, and the subsequent operation Henry had been chewing his feet really badly, I thought he was allergic to the bandages he had around his head for a couple of weeks but the blood tests came back showing he was badly allergic to certain grasses and hazel. He is having a serum made up which can take up to 6 weeks, he had been on a short term course of prednisolone which had stopped the itching immediately, but both my vet and I agreed that it was a measure purely to get Henry comfortable again whilst we awaited the blood results.

It took about a week for the steroids to get out of his system before he started chewing again, (he still has fur on all his feet, and you wouldn't know there was anything wrong unless you spent a lot of time with him and saw this frenzied chewing every so often), I took him back to the vets and we had a long chat, the vet suggested he go onto Atopica until we have got the serum sorted.

He has been on it for a couple of weeks now, (3 tablets once daily) and I'm thrilled with the results, the itching stopped after a couple of days, (not as quick working as the steroids), he lost the extra weight he was carrying and I was pleased he was comfortable again. I had made the vet go through all the possible side effects with a fine tooth comb so that I knew what to expect...I know I could read the information leaflet but I wanted to ask questions if any arose. Anyway, I knew that some dogs can get diarrheoa (sp) whilst being on the medication.

Everything was fine until last Saturday when he started passing mucky water rather than his usual firm poos, he also kept squatting and nothing came out. As he was his usual bouncy self and wanting his food I didn't worry about taking him to the vet, feed him just boiled white fish on Saturday and didn't give him his Atopica that day. We went to the dog show on Sunday, I wouldn't have taken him if he didn't seem 100% but he was fine, his poos were returning to normal and he was as bouncy as ever, by Monday they were just as they always were. I still hadn't given him any Atopica since Friday evening as he wasn't itching so I thought I would give his tummy a chance to fully recover. From Monday onwards I switched him onto his Arden Grange complete with minced rabbit and he has been totally normal and as happy as Larry.

On Tuesday he started to chew again so I gave him just 1 tablet and his tummy was fine and again on Wednesday, he has stopped chewing again. This morning though, he started whinging to go out at 3ish, I took him out and he passed a softish poo, nothing to worry about but his tummy was very rumbly, we got back home and he couldn't settle, he wanted to go out again so back we went, he squatted a few times but didn't pass anything. I slept on the sofa with him and didn't hear another peep out of him, I then took him to the park at 8 and he did lots of tiddles but didn't attempt to poo, his rumbly tummy has stopped, he had some minced rabbit for breakfast and he is fast asleep now. He seems very contented.

I wasn't sure whether I should stop the Atopica or see if the vet could give something to counteract the bad tummy so I phoned them to see what they suggested. This is the information that could prove useful to others. I was concerned that I would do Henry some harm to continue the medication if it was having that effect on his tummy, the vet reassured me that most dogs that are on it do develop a bout or two of diarrheoa (sp) but if you can work through it and they are not ill in themselves, it tends to solve itself and they don't suffer from it again.

He has suggested I put him back up to 2 tablets a day and see how he goes, reducing it to 1 tablet if it persists and then increase it once his poos become firm again. He said I am to take Henry to see them if I am concerned about his general health, (which I would anyway), but I won't be doing any permanent damage by continuing with the meds.

I just thought that might give others peace of mind if they experience similar symptoms, obviously I'm not suggesting you don't visit the vet if you are concerned, but just thought it might help
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16-12-2010, 10:21 AM
I am glad your mind has been put to rest over the Atopica Sheree.
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