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Helena54 is offline  
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21-04-2013, 06:20 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Sunday

Good morning to you all on Dogsey

Don't know if anyone noticed, but I went completely awol on Dogsey yesterday, purely because I just didn't have time to be on here until gone 9pm, and if I'd have read the daily I think I would probably have been sitting on here all night

I did manage to skim through and caught a few important snippets, so
Linda, I was so sorry to hear about Loki yesterday and you had mentioned about him being very quiet when you got back from you little holiday, so I'm really hoping you had a good night and Loki stayed fit free.

Bev, hope that headache has finally gone, but keep taking the pills, you might have done something to your neck like Dave does to bring it on perhaps? Hope it's gone anyway

Crystal, Hope all went well with the dressing change and that you aren't suffering too with headaches after than procedure.

Chris, it was good to read about Gary and his scan.

Bitkin, so sorry about your suspected food poisoning, I wonder if anybody else who went along to that "do" is suffering, might be worth finding out old bean cos caterers like that should be reprimanded. Hope Jimmi's paws are ok cos I noticed he didn't want to go out yesterday.

Lynn, hope those people you saw wandering about looking at all the houses might just want to view yours. I'm sure you'll get something this week before you fall to the bottom of that pile. Keep at 'em! I bet Dillon enjoyed his marathon walk yesterday and I hope he slept all night for you, but what a night you had the night before!

Jen, sorry to hear about Brian and I hope you don't catch it from him.

Jenny, hope the boys are ok and you're lapping up this glorious sunshine.

Taffsmum, so sorry to hear about Taff yesterday but I do hope he had a good night and is much better today.

See, I do keep up even when I'm busy! Sorry if I missed anyone, not intentional.

We never stopped all day yesterday, from 7 am when I walked Zena on my own to let Dave make a start. Then I did the change over at the van, they were late leaving, nice couple, and I had stress over the gas bottle which they said they changed, but I know it's empty!! Grrrr! This means the possibility of my current guests running out completely, but they're going up to check the new one is full ready to change over to it, and it'd better be at £70 a time!!

Then I had to venture into Dunelms and Sainsbury's to get Dave's bits that he desperately needs in his new van for the week. Didn't even get home until gone 1pm and since I don't have brekkie, I was starving, but Dave had thrown in a joint, so I did the rest.

The tv is on the wall, the fire is underneath, the skirting is done, and half the floor screwed down properly, so I'll put a piccy up later cos you won't believe the difference in there. The neighbour came round for a peek, and she loved it too and stayed for ages (much to Dave's disapproval cos he wanted to get finished!). Then the little boy realised his mum was here, so he raced up the steps to play with Zena. She had been barking at us through the conservatory cos she could see us standing in the lounge, but when we went into the conservatory to get out into the garden, she saw that it was the little boy and she suddenly changed from a barking lunatic, into this 6 month old puppy and couldn't wait for him to open the door lol! I told her no jumping up at him, but she ignored them both, raced into the lounge, got her ball and raced out into the garden with him to play, she adores this little boy. He gets a bit rough with her (cos he's autistic) and it worries me, but Zena doesn't seem to mind, but I made sure he knew not to scrum her, but to just play with her with the ball and all was well. Methinks Zena would like to live with him rather than me

Then we started hanging the curtains back in the lounge, then I hoovered it and started putting some of the pictures back up, and we didn't finish till gone 9pm. What a day but I'm going to make sure Dave does nothing today cos he's having to return to work tomorrow for you know what!!! Let's hope it's good news on that front for him when he gets there and the bloke has put a note through the door maybe saying he's resigned.

Hope you have a lovely, relaxing day and that the sun is shining where you are, and depending on what we get up to today, I might be back in and I might not, but I'm sure you'll all manage to chat to yourselves
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madmare is offline  
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21-04-2013, 06:36 AM
Morning H and everyone.

My goodness H I am worn out just reading that. I hope you have an easier day today.

I have done 3 loads of washing so far this morning and given Lily a quick walk. We are off to Frinton -on-sea this morning for an organised greyhound walk along the beach. The sun is shining so hopefully once it gets to work it won't be too cold out there.

I must try and cut the grass today too if my head doesn't get too bad later. It seems to get worse in the afternoons.

Charly is frantically revising for her exams. Ash left yesterday for a 2 week stint away with the army, then I think he is back for a week and then goes away for 2 years. Its going to be really strange not having him in and out of the house and not hearing him and Charly laughing around the house. It will be really hard on them but they are strong, so hoping it all works out fine for them.

Anyway I had better give Lily her breakfast and go and have a shower and hair wash so I am ready to leave by 9am.

Have a good day all.
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21-04-2013, 06:41 AM
Morning Helena, morning everyone.
Yes we did notice I did say I hoped nothing had happened to either of you. We then wondered if you and Dave had got the sun loungers out and fallen asleep in the sun. As the others pointed out you don't sleep but nanny nap.
We all guessed you were busy at the vans and the house but glad to see yo back and ok.
It sounds like the lounge is coming along nicely can't wait for the pics when you get time.

Well a bit better night last night. I toddled off at around 9pm I was so tired. Gorden stayed up till 10pm then followed. Dillon had settled down then at 12pmit started the huffing noises Gorden came down and stayed down till around 2pm. Came back up as he had settled again. Around 3'ish off we went again but he did need to go out did his business came in and settled so back to bed Gorden came then he did some barking but not mad obsessive barking so we ignored it and he did some moaning so we ignored it then it all went quiet and he slept till 7am. There was no barking last night when he was up and down and in and out like the night before which was a relief for us and the neighbours I would imagine.
I think he has been spoiled with us being downstairs for two weeks because of the paw and his routine is all out of sync he is quiet if I go out for while and he is left. He barks a bit as I leave he has never done this before but by the time I have walked to the car he is quiet and it is quiet when I return and am walking back to the house so he is getting over that so hopefully in a few nights he will be back to normal. I do think something must of been around the night before and maybe it is hormone related seeings as how much sniffing and marking he did on our final walk yesterday on he way to the shops.

Linda I do hope Loki has had no more fits.
Sally I hope you are OH are feeling better today and Jimmi wants his walk.
Jenny I hope Brian is feeling better today.
June I hope the rain stays away for Keshi's training and that son has now left so you can get back into your routine.
Harvey nice to hear Rianna is over her phantom.
Lorraine sound like you had a lovely well deserved day yesterday and I hope you have a lovely day again today.
Malka I hope Pereg is now getting back to normal.
CG I hope the headache is subsiding.
Lynne that Taff is over his explosive bottom.
Jenny that Flash is too I did see I said it Rucksack the usual culprit and it wasn't. Was that yesterday ?

Lovely and sunny here again today although chilly. More titivating today outside now. Hoping for some viewings next week they have missed this lovely weather silly people.

Enjoy your day everyone and stay safe.
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21-04-2013, 06:43 AM
Bev your walk sounds lovely especially as the weather is nice.
Leave that lawn if the headache gets worse.
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Norma808 is offline  
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21-04-2013, 06:49 AM
Morning Helena Morning all
Might have guessed you weren't having a quiet day ,busy busy as usual
Your lounge sounds georrrrrrgous
Ever thought of becoming an interior designer ,I for one could use your gift for design
Hope Dave has less agro this week re employee
Well after2 glorious days of warm sunny weather ,were back to rain again ,just when things were starting to dry up ,back to wet ,muddy dogs not that they'll mind ,
Only doing the 3 W,s today
Walk ,work ,washing ,so nothing exciting
Hope you both have a great day
Hope all doggies and peeps had a good night and are well if not they get better soon ,
Have a great day all what ever you get up to
Take care stay safe
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lore is offline  
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21-04-2013, 07:51 AM
My goodness H, sounds like you had a 'me' day. Busy as hell!

Today, well the plan is to go to the movies, Davie wants to see The Croods, so guess we are going to see it. Not sure what else we have planned, for the moment...breakfast! Dishes, get the washing out then see what we are doing after that.
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21-04-2013, 07:55 AM

Another sunny day and Brian is still "going"
No, I haven't got it and I have perfected the art of not hearing him get out in the night

I intend spending the day in the potting shed! I had a load of plug plants delivered yesterday and as I am not cooking lunch that is where I shall be!
Have a good Sunday everyone
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Moyra is offline  
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21-04-2013, 07:56 AM
Good Morning everyone, beautiful morning out there. nice for gardening walks or house sale visits! Have a good day all. Malka, hope you and Pereg are ok.
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Gemini54 is offline  
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21-04-2013, 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Good morning to you all on Dogsey

Don't know if anyone noticed, but I went completely awol on Dogsey yesterday, purely because I just didn't have time to be on here until gone 9pm, and if I'd have read the daily I think I would probably have been sitting on here all night

I did manage to skim through and caught a few important snippets, so
Linda, I was so sorry to hear about Loki yesterday and you had mentioned about him being very quiet when you got back from you little holiday, so I'm really hoping you had a good night and Loki stayed fit free.

Bev, hope that headache has finally gone, but keep taking the pills, you might have done something to your neck like Dave does to bring it on perhaps? Hope it's gone anyway

Crystal, Hope all went well with the dressing change and that you aren't suffering too with headaches after than procedure.

Chris, it was good to read about Gary and his scan.

Bitkin, so sorry about your suspected food poisoning, I wonder if anybody else who went along to that "do" is suffering, might be worth finding out old bean cos caterers like that should be reprimanded. Hope Jimmi's paws are ok cos I noticed he didn't want to go out yesterday.

Lynn, hope those people you saw wandering about looking at all the houses might just want to view yours. I'm sure you'll get something this week before you fall to the bottom of that pile. Keep at 'em! I bet Dillon enjoyed his marathon walk yesterday and I hope he slept all night for you, but what a night you had the night before!

Jen, sorry to hear about Brian and I hope you don't catch it from him.

Jenny, hope the boys are ok and you're lapping up this glorious sunshine.

Taffsmum, so sorry to hear about Taff yesterday but I do hope he had a good night and is much better today.

See, I do keep up even when I'm busy! Sorry if I missed anyone, not intentional.

We never stopped all day yesterday, from 7 am when I walked Zena on my own to let Dave make a start. Then I did the change over at the van, they were late leaving, nice couple, and I had stress over the gas bottle which they said they changed, but I know it's empty!! Grrrr! This means the possibility of my current guests running out completely, but they're going up to check the new one is full ready to change over to it, and it'd better be at £70 a time!!

Then I had to venture into Dunelms and Sainsbury's to get Dave's bits that he desperately needs in his new van for the week. Didn't even get home until gone 1pm and since I don't have brekkie, I was starving, but Dave had thrown in a joint, so I did the rest.

The tv is on the wall, the fire is underneath, the skirting is done, and half the floor screwed down properly, so I'll put a piccy up later cos you won't believe the difference in there. The neighbour came round for a peek, and she loved it too and stayed for ages (much to Dave's disapproval cos he wanted to get finished!). Then the little boy realised his mum was here, so he raced up the steps to play with Zena. She had been barking at us through the conservatory cos she could see us standing in the lounge, but when we went into the conservatory to get out into the garden, she saw that it was the little boy and she suddenly changed from a barking lunatic, into this 6 month old puppy and couldn't wait for him to open the door lol! I told her no jumping up at him, but she ignored them both, raced into the lounge, got her ball and raced out into the garden with him to play, she adores this little boy. He gets a bit rough with her (cos he's autistic) and it worries me, but Zena doesn't seem to mind, but I made sure he knew not to scrum her, but to just play with her with the ball and all was well. Methinks Zena would like to live with him rather than me

Then we started hanging the curtains back in the lounge, then I hoovered it and started putting some of the pictures back up, and we didn't finish till gone 9pm. What a day but I'm going to make sure Dave does nothing today cos he's having to return to work tomorrow for you know what!!! Let's hope it's good news on that front for him when he gets there and the bloke has put a note through the door maybe saying he's resigned.

Hope you have a lovely, relaxing day and that the sun is shining where you are, and depending on what we get up to today, I might be back in and I might not, but I'm sure you'll all manage to chat to yourselves
Hi Helena Thought you had run off with Dave,leaving this cruel world behind,Have you got your sofa yet,I will be looking through all those glossy mags in hospital,just to see if your lounge is in there,it bl....dy should be,I will complain to the vatican, if not why not.Hope tomorrow goes well for dave,crystalgirl
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Gemini54 is offline  
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21-04-2013, 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Helena Morning all
Might have guessed you weren't having a quiet day ,busy busy as usual
Your lounge sounds georrrrrrgous
Ever thought of becoming an interior designer ,I for one could use your gift for design
Hope Dave has less agro this week re employee
Well after2 glorious days of warm sunny weather ,were back to rain again ,just when things were starting to dry up ,back to wet ,muddy dogs not that they'll mind ,
Only doing the 3 W,s today
Walk ,work ,washing ,so nothing exciting
Hope you both have a great day
Hope all doggies and peeps had a good night and are well if not they get better soon ,
Have a great day all what ever you get up to
Take care stay safe
Hi was going to do the ironing,its looking at me,but there is always tomorrow,still feeling a bit muzzy,dont think I will be going to the garden today,a chilly wind and omnious clouds.Everyone have a lovely Sunday despite the weather.crystalgirl
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