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Helena54 is offline  
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08-12-2010, 09:54 AM

Zena was sick this morning

Just bile, then she perked right up, but soon went downhill again What I don't understand though are the horrendous noises coming from her gut?? What's that all about then??

Took her out on a short walk just to see how she was and she was perfectly normal, but when we got home, she just laid down. Gut noises now gone, she won't eat, and I even cooked up some scrambled eggs, but the relatively good news is, Georgie wouldn't eat either, although as I left it down, he decided he would! All very strange.

Georgie was sick after lunch on Sunday, but he's been ok since, then Zena did a really sloppy diarrhea poo when out yesterday lunchtime, but ever since, it's all been quite normal

Rung the vet, she said nothing is going around atm, and the earliest they can see me is 3.30 If she takes a turn for the worse, then I'll just whip her down the hospital place which I don't like going to, but have no choice. She's sleeping now, but no laboured breathing, no gut noises, no lip licking, so she might well sleep it off.

I noticed last night when I let them out into the garden, she was eating something so I called her back in, but why Georgie too though coz he wasn't eating anything out there? Hey ho, just have to see how they go today then.

Any ideas anyone please? Oh, temperature 36.6 and nose is nice and cold, lips nice and pink!
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08-12-2010, 10:02 AM
No ideas H..sounds a bit like a winter bug...Henry was making the odd cough for about a week, the vet checked him out but couldn't find anything, he's stopped doing it now but I think this is the time of year when we catch all sorts, I wonder if it's the same for dogs

Well that wasn't much help was it? Hopefully it has passed through her system now and your darling girl is going to be just fine xx
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08-12-2010, 10:05 AM
My Loki got this quite a lot last winter I thought he was just picking up a bug it would only last a day then he was fine again. But the noises from his stomach were really loud like you said. He also had sloppy jelly poo but would be fine again the next day.
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08-12-2010, 10:11 AM
Thanks Sheree, and just as I was saying it's been over a year since she was sick

Thanks lotsforus, you would have thought though, that this cold weather, frosty ground would kill everything off, that's what I don't understand, and the fact that Georgie seems off his food too

I'm tempted to throw half a bag of F4D food away coz it could be that, although I keep it in a big airtight dogbin, you just never know do you? It's the only thing they've both had together, coz he doesn't have the mince that Zena has, he has salmon mousse, although I did give Zena a salmon mousse yesterday morning for a change, hmmm, wonder if it's that, I might check the date on the packets!

She was yawning a lot this morning, especially on our way back from a very short walk, no ball throwing, and only 1/3rd of the distance we would normally do, is yawning a sign of something I wonder??
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08-12-2010, 10:17 AM
Hope Zena sleeps it off whatever it is and you don't have to pop along to the hospital with her.
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08-12-2010, 10:21 AM
Thanks Lynn, I keep watching her (as yer do), and she's breathing nice and slow and calm, so I doubt she's in pain, but it is worrying coz she's never sick, but then she is a dog, and dogs get sick I suppose! I might take them both out again in a minute and see if she's ok.

I did notice a lot of yellow, runny poo out on my walk this morning and the girls told me it's a man with 5 small dogs who never picks up, so maybe, just maybe, they might have trodden in it or something, licked their paws, and caught something nasty! Bladdy people,not picking up, this is why we get stuff like this!!!
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madmare is offline  
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08-12-2010, 10:31 AM
Sounds a bit like what Shady had a couple of weeks ago. I didn't take her to the vet as it wasn't contant throwing up etc but she wouldn't eat, threw up now and then and then got the runs. It took her about a week to get completely back to normal.
There seems a lot of things like that with dogs at the moment, although i am glad to say Kyiro didn't get it too.
I hope Zena feels better soon.
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08-12-2010, 10:40 AM
Tala is sick occasionally for no reason that I can see. It is just bile and there are no lasting symptons. Hopefully you will find it is nothing serious.

Zena is most likely resting just as we would after a bit of an upset tum and will no doubt be eating again soon.
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Helena54 is offline  
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08-12-2010, 11:16 AM
Thanks Bev and Talassie. I just took them up the green, Zena was mental with that ball, which I threw a couple of times, so I doubt there's much wrong with her. I wish she'd done a poo, but then she did 5 this morning so I expect there's nothing left in her! Lol!

She's gone back to bed, I've got a friend coming for lunch who will let herself in, coz I have to nip down the Station in a mo to pick somebody up, but I'm sure they'll be fine for half an hour. Hopefully, she will sleep it off, but I'm not going to pressurise her to eat, I'll leave that up to her, she might be hungry tonight. Thanks again. I might cancel that vet now before I go out.
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08-12-2010, 11:24 AM
You mentioned that you saw her eating something in the garden, could it have been a mouse or a vole I think things like that are bound to give their tummies a shake up, but it seems she's over it now so alls well that ends wel as they say
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