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13-05-2008, 09:44 AM

What a day yesterday, Mum back in Hospital.

Got a phone call from her at 6.20 am she wasn't well and needed someone didn't think to use her alarm had laid there all night feeling ill too.
She has really bad diahrea (sp) and is really tired all the time. 3 weeks ago she was coping and managing really well and the Nurses discharged her because she was picking up.
She is now back to square one. Got to her at 7.30 had to walk and feed Ollie and the cat get myself ready discuss Gorden getting home early for Ollie as I had a feeling it would be a long day then off I went.
She was in bed had been going to the loo every 2 hours Sat, Sun and through the night. Called the Emergency Dr, heard nothing checked with her Surgery and they hadn't passed the call through so then had to wait for her Dr to finish her Surgery and go on the home visit list.
2.15pm Dr arrives and wants her admitted for rehydration we leave hers at 3.45 arrive at 4.20pm and I eventually get out of the hospital at 10.10pm then have to drive from Basildon to Harlow and got home at 11.15pm nothing to eat all day and only 2 cups of tea. I was past hunger when I got home.
They are now going to see if she has a germ or infection they are treating her as contagious although they don't think its C-Diff, and will investigate the pain she is still having in her side she thinks it her bones and the Dr thinks its her osteoporosis but she can't have the Fosomax anymore because of the ulcer and she isn't prioritising that anyway at this time.
She told me before she left she thinks Mums body is giving up and we are going to keep going down this road now and she feels she won't recover from the last problem the ulcer and it is just time but we don't know how much they will perk her up but she will probably keep going backwards now. They will allow her home when they have got her back on her feet and she will go to my Brothers for a break she was meant to be going Wednesday but the Dr wouldn't allow it said she was too ill at the moment.
She was brighter when I left her and laughing although grumpy about all the waiting.
So I am having a me day today with Ollie as he was left for 8 hours till Gorden could get home at 3pm.
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Berger is offline  
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13-05-2008, 11:14 AM
Oh Lynn poor you. I'm so sorry your Mum is ill. You deserve a rest today lots of BMD cuddles
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Helena54 is offline  
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13-05-2008, 11:25 AM
Sounds like you've boarded my rollercoaster now Lynn. POor Mum, poor you, I hope they keep her in there, do all the necessary tests, and hopefully she might pick up enough to get back home again. This is how it goes with them isn't it I know exactly what you're going through as you well know, and at the moment, I'm just waiting for another fall for Mum coz this is the longest she's managed to stay upright Mine's the same now, getting very tired, fragile and weak, she had all that diarrhea business to, but I blamed that on what the hospital was pumping into her to keep her regular!

Oh dear Lynn, it doesn't sound too good. Enjoy your "me" day and let's hope there'll be many more of those. I'm enjoying mine at the moment, but it's always a rollercoaster ride for both them and us isn't it!

The way you see them sometimes too, it's a crying shame they have to suffer like it, I know I wouldn't let a dog suffer like it, and time after time Mum has said she's lived too long, her body has given up and she's ready to go, but what can you do - absolutely nothing, and just hope and pray they get over each and every thing that hits them Enjoy today Lynn, I hope it lasts all evening too! xxxxx
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13-05-2008, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Berger View Post
Oh Lynn poor you. I'm so sorry your Mum is ill. You deserve a rest today lots of BMD cuddles
Thankyou I am enjoying putting my feet up for a bit.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Sounds like you've boarded my rollercoaster now Lynn. POor Mum, poor you, I hope they keep her in there, do all the necessary tests, and hopefully she might pick up enough to get back home again. This is how it goes with them isn't it I know exactly what you're going through as you well know, and at the moment, I'm just waiting for another fall for Mum coz this is the longest she's managed to stay upright Mine's the same now, getting very tired, fragile and weak, she had all that diarrhea business to, but I blamed that on what the hospital was pumping into her to keep her regular!

Oh dear Lynn, it doesn't sound too good. Enjoy your "me" day and let's hope there'll be many more of those. I'm enjoying mine at the moment, but it's always a rollercoaster ride for both them and us isn't it!

The way you see them sometimes too, it's a crying shame they have to suffer like it, I know I wouldn't let a dog suffer like it, and time after time Mum has said she's lived too long, her body has given up and she's ready to go, but what can you do - absolutely nothing, and just hope and pray they get over each and every thing that hits them Enjoy today Lynn, I hope it lasts all evening too! xxxxx
Glad Mum is still upright. Mum will be patched up and sent home again till the next time. i think this is ow its going to be till there is no more they can do and Mum just gives up totally, which I feel may be sooner rather than later she says she has had enough and if she can't feel well and do what she wants do she may as well go.
It is very sad when you have known your Parents to be so strong and independent all their lives, luckily for my dad he was ill in Hospital then dead in 4 weeks he couldn't of stood what poor Mum is going through, and to be truthful nor can Mum but its not her time yet and for some reason unknown to us she still has to live this way but for how long is anyones guess.
I think the same as you we give animals their dignity, Mum lost hers yesterday when she couldn't get to the toilet on time and soiled her nightie and sheets and I had to sort them and her out and again at the Hospital and had to rely on Nurses to get her clean, she isn't use to this and that will make her worse.
Enjoy your me time too before the next lot.
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13-05-2008, 12:12 PM
That's what I find the most heartbreaking Lynn, when I see her in a mess, and unable to keep her dignity, I had all that with her here when she originally fell in February and couldn't make the commode in time, then again I had it in the hospital with her - twice, and that's when I feel the most sorry for her. Like your Mum, mine was getting out and about with me nearly every day until her 4th fall this year back in February, and quite honestly, it was a good thing she fell again in her care home and actually broke the hip in two, because at least now she's not in all that pain she was suffering for so long, now that she's got the four pins in it to hold it together. The saddest part is watching them go steadily downhill instead of picking up and getting back to how they used to be, and perhaps you mum hasn't got the energy to do that now, just like mine hasn't. She can't cope with how tired she feels all the time and even yesterday she said, everything was such an effort and her body is so weak now.

I know your Mum won't go into a care home, which of course the social services would pay if they assess her and say she needs to be in one, but does your brother realise just how much work 24/7 it will be to have her back there with him? I know coz I've been through it, and it's only since she's been in the care home that I look back and wonder how on earth I managed it all when she broke her ankle and had 3 falls which almost made her bedridden, all that running up and down, all that lifting, it's a nightmare. I'm lucky in that my Mum now realises the only way she is going to get back here is if she gets stronger, so she's trying her best, but her body is failing her I'm afraid. I just thank God Lise talked me into putting her in there coz that was the last thing on my mind for my dear old Mum, but I've never looked back. We've got to pay unfortunately, but as soon as the money runs out, if she's still not able to come home, then the social services are going to have to step in, and apparently they can't say where they put her, that's down to HER to go where she wants, so she'll be staying exactly where she is, I'm going to make sure of that!

Please let us know how she's doing Lynn, and I hope for your sake she'll be doing well. If you think she's starting to get a bit confused in hospital, check up whether they're giving her that awful Tramadol overnight coz that is known to make them dizzy and confused, it's an awful drug, but they give it to them to shut them up overnight, I found that out to my cost and now the first thing I ask them is whether they are giving her that coz it's been crossed off, she's not allowed to have it! Just check it out, if you think she's not quite herself in her mind It's a good job we've got our furry friends to get us through this too isn't it!xxxxxx
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13-05-2008, 12:14 PM
So sorry to hear this. I really do know what you're going through. xx
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13-05-2008, 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
That's what I find the most heartbreaking Lynn, when I see her in a mess, and unable to keep her dignity, I had all that with her here when she originally fell in February and couldn't make the commode in time, then again I had it in the hospital with her - twice, and that's when I feel the most sorry for her. Like your Mum, mine was getting out and about with me nearly every day until her 4th fall this year back in February, and quite honestly, it was a good thing she fell again in her care home and actually broke the hip in two, because at least now she's not in all that pain she was suffering for so long, now that she's got the four pins in it to hold it together. The saddest part is watching them go steadily downhill instead of picking up and getting back to how they used to be, and perhaps you mum hasn't got the energy to do that now, just like mine hasn't. She can't cope with how tired she feels all the time and even yesterday she said, everything was such an effort and her body is so weak now.

I know your Mum won't go into a care home, which of course the social services would pay if they assess her and say she needs to be in one, but does your brother realise just how much work 24/7 it will be to have her back there with him? I know coz I've been through it, and it's only since she's been in the care home that I look back and wonder how on earth I managed it all when she broke her ankle and had 3 falls which almost made her bedridden, all that running up and down, all that lifting, it's a nightmare. I'm lucky in that my Mum now realises the only way she is going to get back here is if she gets stronger, so she's trying her best, but her body is failing her I'm afraid. I just thank God Lise talked me into putting her in there coz that was the last thing on my mind for my dear old Mum, but I've never looked back. We've got to pay unfortunately, but as soon as the money runs out, if she's still not able to come home, then the social services are going to have to step in, and apparently they can't say where they put her, that's down to HER to go where she wants, so she'll be staying exactly where she is, I'm going to make sure of that!

Please let us know how she's doing Lynn, and I hope for your sake she'll be doing well. If you think she's starting to get a bit confused in hospital, check up whether they're giving her that awful Tramadol overnight coz that is known to make them dizzy and confused, it's an awful drug, but they give it to them to shut them up overnight, I found that out to my cost and now the first thing I ask them is whether they are giving her that coz it's been crossed off, she's not allowed to have it! Just check it out, if you think she's not quite herself in her mind It's a good job we've got our furry friends to get us through this too isn't it!xxxxxx
Thanks Helena, Michael won't keep her for long when she is back on her feet a bit he will take her home once the Hospital let her out that is and she can go to him for a break. She will do wonders there pick up eat stop being depressed but as soon as she is home she will go down hill again but she still won't budge on moving I tried again yesterday. Nothing more I can do on that front until she becomes so ill she has no option or doesn't make it to that point.
Thanks for the info on the Tramadol, they have to be careful what they give her because of the ulcer. She will probably prove me wrong now and bounce back for another year or two.

Originally Posted by wufflehoond View Post
So sorry to hear this. I really do know what you're going through. xx
Thanks Jackie how are you feeling ?
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13-05-2008, 04:52 PM
Thanks Jackie how are you feeling ?[/quote]

Ok thanks Lynn, still a lot to do but getting there one day at a time. xx
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13-05-2008, 05:53 PM
Sorry to read this, hope your mum is feeling better and the hospital get to the bottom of it (no pun intended).
I'm glad you and Ollie are having a day together, relax and put your feet up you've earned it
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13-05-2008, 06:19 PM
Sorry to hear about your Mum, Lynn, hope she feels better soon.

(Thought Tramadol was a painkiller, not a shutter upper!!! )
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