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Helena54 is offline  
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10-08-2013, 06:26 AM

Morning Dogsey Daily Thread- Saturday

Morning all Dogsey Peeps

Apologies for not having kept up with the latest news, but I was a tad occupied yesterday as you know.

All is well on the Zena front this morning, sock still in place, she's not bothered with it at all, and she has returned to her normal loopy self waiting to go out for a walk, which she won't be getting today. She has the garden, she has her daddy home, I'm off to do the change-overs, and if I took her out, she's bound to find something to bash it on and make it bleed and one day out of her life without a walk won't hurt her.

She's eating well, but I got a bit worried about her not drinking yesterday, but by 5pm she was drinking gallons, so of course, then I had the worry of her chucking up cos that's what happens when she drinks lots of water, even slowly, but thankfully, it all stayed down along with the chicken she had. I cooked her up some mince this morning and she's had one lot of ab's, and her daily one I will give her lunchtime cos we missed that completely yesterday. All these pills, I have to write it down and tick them off lol!

Gerry, I did see that your boy was going through the same thing yesterday, so I'm hoping you've got good news like I have today?

Well, better get myself moving and start organising all the stuff for the vans cos I never got round to that this week what with all this suddenly dropped on me. I do hope I do them properly, my mind is all over the place with all the stress yesterday.

Enjoy a lovely week-end everyone, but I won't be around much, and will pop in and out if and when I can.
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10-08-2013, 06:32 AM
Morning Helena and fellow members,

Helena what a relief to open this thread and find that Zena is OK and doing really well ...... I wondered how you were both doing during the night. Gerry(I assume Moet?) I'll have to go and catch-up on yesterday's posts but I hope you dog is doing well too.

I slept like the dead last night which was wonderful but then I did have the whole bed to myself as OH is away ..... oh bliss.

My brother is still here today so he wants to make a trip down to the charity book shop in the village which suits me and obviously we'll take the dogs out.

I hope all the people with dodgy tummies yesterday are OK today. Catch up later.

***** just had a quick catch-up from yesterday and Moet, I hope Pip is doing well and that you enjoyed your travels ************
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10-08-2013, 06:49 AM
Morning everyone, Number one son Steve has just left for his weeks fishing holiday in France. Now at last I can get the place straight and it will stay like it for the week. Only thing is and I am not going to think about it is he will wreck the joint once he comes home again with all his equipment etc. Oh well better get the washing machine going.

Won't be surprised if I get a phone call this morning re B.i.L. we shall see if he made it through the night.

Have a good day everyone. God bless.
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10-08-2013, 06:50 AM
Morning Helena and jenny.
So pleased Zena is doing well Helena wise to miss the walk today and try to keep her calm with that paw for a few days.
It's the pressure of the paw hitting hard surfaces hard that jars up the leg and upset the healing to the claw area. That's what my vet told me. Sounds like Zena is the ideal patient unlike Dillon who feel everything needs a mad wash and licking umpteen times a day and won't tolerate socks.
I am sure you will do the vans to your usual standard. Try to de-stress now Zena is all sorted and home.
jenny enjoy your trip to the book shop with your brother and your walk.

Dillon was up at 5 this morning Gorden did the honours today. It was cats scrapping right near the house that woke him and him needing to go out to sort it out. He then at 5.30 after being happy they had gone and have a little snooze in the garden felt the need to bark and yes it was the cats scrapping again right near the house so Gorden had to get his biscuits out to convince him to come in.
The windows are on the latches downstairs to try to keep the house cool then of course he can hear everything. Most things don't worry him but cats do.
He has wee'd right near to the house this morning up my half oak barrel. He normally goes up to the top bit of garden which his usual toileting area. I am wondering how near to the house they were and is he marking his territory ?
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10-08-2013, 06:52 AM
Morning Moyra thinking of you and the family today.
Enjoy your week of tidyness.
Thinking of you and your family today also Lorraine.
Gerri I hope your little fella is feeling ok today.
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10-08-2013, 06:58 AM
Hi Moyra a week of peace and a tidy house ... even if it won't stay like that when he gets home. Keep us informed about your B-i-l ((hugs)).
Lynn - The trouble you are having with Dillon hearing every sound outside is just like my two. One of the drawbacks of summer and trying to keep the house cool Enjoy your day and see you later.
Lore - Picking up on one of your posts last night ... tears and laughter are such a close emotion and you will be doing loads of both in the coming months. (((hugs))). I hope your Dad had a peaceful night.
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10-08-2013, 06:59 AM
Morning all.
Ssshhhh I've got to whisper, I don't want to wake the Germans up!
Glad Zena has been ok over night, long may it continue
Thinking of you today Moyra.
Have a good day all if my visitors go out I will be back on later
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madmare is offline  
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10-08-2013, 07:15 AM
Morning H and all,

Glad to hear Zena is doing well this morning H so hopefully you will be able to relax now.
I am afraid I don't know what else is going on aas have been very busy.
I just got in from work last night and my eldest son turned up to see me with my youngest 2 grandchildren.
He just left and my youngest son rang and said if they picked me up would I like to go for a meal with them at a pub local to me. So he and his wife and my eldest grandson and I went and had a lovely meal and then they came back here for coffee afterwards.

This morning I have someone coming with a van and we are moving all my shed and garden stuff over to the new house, so that will be one lot of stuff that I won't have to worry about. I will just keep the lawnmower here so i can keep the grass down.

I am still not feeling right this morning, so apart from that I will be doing not a lot.

Have a good day all.
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moetmum is offline  
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10-08-2013, 07:34 AM
Morning H and all

I am glad that Zena is doing well. Pip's trip to the vet was for checking he didn't have an infection in his anal glands before the operation. He is booked in for the 27 August. He was screaming before we got to the vets, he realised where we were going when he saw the lake, pooed on the floor as soon as we got through the door and continued to make such a fuss he upset a poor puppy. I would have left him in the car but was told he wouldn't be waiting long. He is actually very good when they treat him. Can't wait too put this behind us.

Thanks for the kind thoughts all.

I am working all day today, we have a food fair and the start of our bio blitz. Lots of camping as the bioblitz is a 24 hour event which starts at 4pm today and finishes 4pm tomorrow. Lots going on bat walk, tree identification walk, dawn chorus, butterflies and moths and reptile walk to name but a few.

I hope you all have a good day.
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10-08-2013, 08:04 AM

Nechda - so glad to hear Zena is OK this morning - big hugs for her! Pills? - you could always make a chart and tick each one off, which is what I used to do until I discovered ReminderFox which does it for me. Well it does not give the pills but reminds me when they are due and nags until I click done.

jenny - hope your brother finds some good books - I wish we had some sort of charity book [or clothes] shop in town but no such luck. I was so pleased to read that Flash's poo test results had come back clear - not sure if I mentioned that yesterday or not.

Moyra - enjoy your week's freedom and worry about the balagan once Steve returns! Not really sure what to say about your BiL except that I hope he has a peaceful passing.

Lynn - Da Booga assures me she was not contacting Dillon during the night so please do not blame her - it was dem cats wot did it!

Jenny - I do hope your Dire Rear has un-dired itself and you can enjoy your visitors!

Gerry - much as I feel so sorry for dogs that scream at the thought of the vee ee tee I also feel sorry for the owners when said dogs show their displeasure by pooing once they are inside! I do hope that after the op he will have put all his problems behind him. Literally!

Bev - I am glad you enjoyed your meal out yesterday - now you have to gird your loins for the shed and garden removal. I am sorry you are still not feeling right though.

- Da Booga did pee before we went to bed [just before midnight] but then decided she needed a poo about an hour later. Grrrrrrrrrr. Apart from that [and trying to sneak a chewbone back with her when she came in] she behaved until the alarm went off so went out for a pee while I got her pills ready - came in, had pills, back to bed for another glorious three hours zonkies!

Thinking of Lorraine and her family today.
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