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Helena54 is offline  
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17-01-2013, 07:59 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread- Thursday

Good morning all you Dogsey Peops

Now, this morning, I put a smiley up there in the title, because there's so much negative going on here in January that we need a bit of the positive, and seeing as I have no magic wand, the smiley was all I had to hand, and smiling is a good tonic even though it's been all upside down for most of us.

Here we go then, June, I do hope you've come downstairs to a bit of normality on the puppy pads and everyone is hungry and bouncy. Chris, I do hope Rosie had a good night and you don't have to make your way back to the vet, got everything crossed here for you. Lynn, maybe there's a great job on the horizon for Gorden, which has landed in his inbox this morning. Linda I hope hubby's eye is now all better. Malka hope you and Pereg are puter trouble free (along with all the other troubles) and that you are feeling a lot better today. Bev, hopefully Kyiro is slowly getting back to normal on his foot, along with little Jimmi who can't be walked because of the salt. Jenny, you've sorted Rucksack, and I hope Flash is now ok as well. Jen in the West, I hope you had a fab day with that lovely grand-daughter of yours yesterday, I'm sure you did, and it was just what you needed, along with Mini and Hannah who were probably getting up to all sorts in that kitchen. Everyone I've missed, sorry, but I just can't remember anymore.

Dry and quite bright here, but very, very frosty and icy, must have been in the minus last night, so I'll have to start the car to defrost it in a min so we can get out down the beach.

Zena did a sloppy yellowish poop last night I knew she was a bit "off" yesterday, she wasn't quite so bouncy when we got back from our walk, and she stayed quiet for most of the day, so I just knew. Hopefully, it's a blip. I had given her some chicken breast the day before, whereas I had stopped the chicken, so I will stop it again and see how it goes. I wrapped her pills in the teeniest bit of lamb before her meal last night, and she went into the corner to vomit I'm talking all 2 cms of meat here! I quickly rubbed her throat, called her over to me away from the corner and she was fine and then demolished her meal without a blip, it's all so strange. I'm sure it's all back to normal with her this morning, but she hasn't done a sloppy poop like that since Christmas and considering she's on an ab once a day, it shouldn't happen imo, so I'll be logging it in my print out for the vet.

Hope you aren't snowed in, but that'll be tomorrow for all of us by the sounds of it, not looking good for the week-end unless you like the stuff, so stay safe on the roads and pavements if you're venturing out
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madmare is offline  
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17-01-2013, 08:05 AM
Morning H and all,
Loving the smiley face this morning.

Its -9 out there this morning and I am praying I can get my car doors undone today as they were frozen shut yesterday. I need the car to get Kyiro to the vets for his check up and bandage change. I don't know how to stop them freezing shut like that.

Poor Charly is stuck on a train going nowhere, with 4 trains worth of people all crammed in. Apparently there is a problem with the line at Chelmsford somewhere. Oh the joys of having to commute to London everyday. Glad its not me.

Right better go and feed the dogs and the wildbirds and then see about trying to break into my car.

Hope Zena is ok H and everyone else who is poorly or has poorly dogs.

Have a good day all.
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17-01-2013, 08:11 AM
Hi H thats why I always put my waving smilie!!
Well we joined the realms of the poorly doggies last night
Peps suddenly went most peculiar. She wouldn't eat her tea, she kept wanting to hide behind the chair or the TV, Went outside and was retching and being sick.
In the end I went to bed and took her with me and she settled.
She had us up at 1am to be sick but otherwise has been ok.
I will have to see how she is when she gets up this morning.

I hope everyone else and their dogs are well this morning.
The most beautiful sunrise, dry and +5c this morning
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17-01-2013, 08:26 AM
Morning Helena, morning all,

I loved your idea of the smiley face Helena, but so far nothing too positive and I hope Zena's insides sort themselves.

Bev - my goodness it is cold with you and I hope you can get Kyiro to the vets today. Take care driving!
Nippy - poor Pepsi .. what is happening to our dogs at the moment? and hope she's OK now.

Both of my dogs did totally normal 'poos' first thing, so I thought I'd probably cancel the vets, but Rucksack has just gone out again and its not good. So I will keep the appointment after all.

See you all later.
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17-01-2013, 08:42 AM
Morning H, morning all, sorry missed yesterdays DT, I did not seem to have a minute to sit and read it.

All these poorly pups, something must be in the air hope they are all feeling a little better today.

The sky seems full of the dreaded stuff this morning, not a good forecast for the weekend is it, shame as Midlands counties is on this weekend, I bet we will see a lot of disappointed exhibitors if the weather deteriorates.

I hope everyone who is not having good times at the mo, things get better soon.

Stay safe if you have to go out, bye for now
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17-01-2013, 09:16 AM
We're still on watery poo's this morning from Ash, that I saw, and there was another one on the pads, 2 solidish ones on the kitchen floor.
Still sleeping on the couch with Sasha so not far to walk to the kitchen, just climb over the gate, I have bruises all over the insides of my legs from all this gate climbing, usually balancing something as well.
They all ate brekkie with gusto and everyone gone back to sleep I think now, got the fire going and am under the duvet on the couch where Sasha can't get me. She woke me ever so gently this morning, she really is so good natured and has a really kind disposition, very enquiring though so I have to have eyes at the back of my head, she was 'helping' with the fire this morning, taking the small sticks off me and running away with them this cardboard box she is dismantling is keeping her occupied for hours on end, it is strewn all over the place, but I can't complain as she is so busy with it, no time to get into much else coupled with playing tuggie with the towel she is happy
Hope it was just a blip with Zena as she has been doing so well, unless of course she has managed to pick up this bug some of them seem to have, these beach walks are a godsend I bet, the sea cleans the beaches for you twice a day so nothing like the muck and bullets elsewhere. How's Dave's accommodation situation at the moment? He is home tonight isn't he, and maybe he has had a better week, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you both.
I hope Rosie is OK this morning and you get Kyiro to the vets, its just above freezing here this morning so no iced up cars at least.
Jenny maybe your vet can shed some light on this tummy stuff, mine have virtually tested the tests now and nothing horrid has transpired, just a viral infection, which could be beri beri for all I know!!!
I have sent off for the cani thingy tablets and am continuing with the Arsen Alb and Carbo Veg, they are all drinking and eating well at least, and charging round like baby elephants with shrieks of delight for the most part.
Hope Gordon gets good news from someone somewhere this morning Lynn.
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moetmum is offline  
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17-01-2013, 09:17 AM
Morning H and all

Not our Pepsi now poorly, what is going on.

I am dashing about today, my cousin is back in the care home and hopefully we will get him sorted and settled.

I have to go and get some dog biccies as we are a bit low and if this snow comes who knows when we will get out! I dare say the shops will be packed with people panic buying and I need some milk and a few other bits, oh well will have to be patient which is not a strong point.

Don't tell anyone but I have also reserved a Kindle Fire in Argos (well I do need cheering up don't I) I will shove it on my Argos card and can spread the payment over 6 months, I am looking forward to playing with that, I can download movies on it which will make it good for in the caravan.

Stay safe and warm everyone!
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17-01-2013, 09:24 AM
Morning Helena and everyone. Well the smiley face made me smile.
Oh dear so many poorly dogs again today I do hope they all feel better very soon.

We are back form our walk and I would say it is not so cold today and the sun is shining hooray. Not sure if that is a good thing though as it may be warming up for more snow. I do hope not.
We got onto the field outside the house today as it is so hard and frosty so Dillon came home all clean. He had a good mad few runs then we walked slowly home up the lane and down the road. It wasn't our usual hour but he was hurtling round like a mad thing so hopefully that will of worn him out.
Sorry to hear the flat wasn't a flat for Dave Helena back to the drawing board then or is it going to be a camper van ?

Enjoy your day everyone and stay safe.
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17-01-2013, 09:37 AM

Morning Nechda, morning all. Hope Rosie was able to settle last night and that poor Pepsi's tummy is OK - not forgetting Kyiro's bandage change and [sorry, forget everything within seconds of reading it ] Oh yes, and that Sal's husband gets his leg seen to and sorted.

Pereg decided she wanted to go out at 6.40am so I gave her her 7am pill once she came in and we both went back to bed. Me to sleep and her to chomble a chewbone she sneakily picked up when she came in and took to bed. She eventually nudged me awake a couple of hours later so I thought I had better get up! Hopefully I am catching up on all the sleep lost because of the non-stop loo trips, which have now, thankfully, lessened in their frequency.

Had a terrible shock when I looked in the mirror - my hair has turned from black and silver [mostly black] to grey and silver - overnight

Keep warm and if you have to go out, keep safe.
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17-01-2013, 09:48 AM
Good morning all.

Rosie finally stopped pacing and settled down to sleep at 3 am - that was 9 hours without sitting, or laying, just pacing.

She's very tired this morning. Hasn't paced so far. She's eaten her breakfast and had a wee and is now back asleep so it's wait and see what the day brings before a decision about whether or another vet trip is required.

It's a so far, so good situation at the moment

Have a good and safe day
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