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fluffybunnyfeet is offline  
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10-08-2008, 02:42 PM

Kidney failure

Thursday Hash (Dobermann) went suddenly ill, vet treated for possible virus and did the usual checks, put him on a drip as he was not eating and drinking.

The blood sample however told a different story to the appearance of the dog, although he appeared bright and reasonably well, the result indicated kidney failure. They were quite stunned and checked twice just to make sure.

He is currently at a specialist and we are awaiting news, the latest is that his kidneys are small (he was the litter runt).

We are praying that something can be done as he is just a pup really at 2 years 4 months. No toxins have been identified and a check for Leptospira is to be made although this takes sometime. At the moment its hanging in the balance, our vet originally gave him just a few days once he came off the drip.

We are thinking along the lines that an infection sparked off the failure as his kidneys are small.

Any ideas??

Having just lost our old Collie, this one is going to be really tough
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Snorri the Priest
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10-08-2008, 04:20 PM
Oh, I feel for you, I really do!

And I'm very sorry that I can't suggest anything helpful.

I wish you and Pup all the best.

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Benzmum is offline  
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10-08-2008, 04:35 PM
Is there any chance that the pup could have eaten, licked or drank Anti freeze, rat poison (or infected rat/mouse) or a large quantity of ibuprofen???

Ben had suspected Chronic renal failure about 2 years ago and that was what the evt said the most likely cause was. Thankfully after treatment he is fine, but the vet said renal failure due to those reasons is surprisingly high.

Was there blood/protein or both in the urine?

Wishing you and your dog all the healing vibes I can send
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10-08-2008, 04:55 PM
No advice, sorry, just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and hope Hash makes a full recovery.

Hugs, honey x0x
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magpye is offline  
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10-08-2008, 05:02 PM
We have our paws crossed for you here too... Only thing similar to this we had was a scare when an evil neighbour threw rat poison in hamburger meat over our fence. We were sure we had got to it first, but then Selkie got 'off colour'.... In our case it turned out she had eaten a sock and passed it naturally in a couple of days...

That particular evil neighbour has moved away now, he was cautioned by the police over this incident.
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Helena54 is offline  
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10-08-2008, 05:06 PM
I have no help, just sending some hugs, and I'll have everything crossed that Hash will be fine when coming off the drip. You must be devastated, such a young dog, so unexpected, and you've just lost a Collie, I really feel for you, and hope you're bearing up.xxxx
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Mattie is offline  
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10-08-2008, 05:34 PM
I hope it isn't kidney failure but an infection somewhere, that can be cleared up. If it is kidney failure, I have some recipies for feeding dogs with this. The are for dogs with renal failure and most dogs prefer it to the Science renal food which is very bland and boring.

If you or anone else wants these recipies, please pm me your email address, they are attachments.
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youngstevie is offline  
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10-08-2008, 07:12 PM
Sending you hugs hun, so sorry to hear your news.
Try to keep hopeful though, sometimes if it is caught early enough the kidneys can be flushed and re-booted so to speak. Admittedly they have said the kidneys are small, but this will need to be determined as to whether he has been born with this condition or whether an infection has caused this (which it can).
If all goes well his diet will be of great importance, which if managed well can see a dog going on for several years, even though they have kidney problems.

I hope this is the case Good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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10-08-2008, 07:20 PM
No advice but I am thinking of you. Be sure to keep us updated.
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fluffybunnyfeet is offline  
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10-08-2008, 09:52 PM
Well the vet phoned this evening and the news is a little more upbeat, it appears his blood stats have improved. The downside is that the scans have shown the kidneys have scarring so the problem has been longterm and with underdeveloped kidneys from birth.

We have got to collect him tomorrow, he is eating well including his way through the second head cone collar and the iv lines.

The thoughts are that its been ongoing and that a small infection has tipped the balance, the vet said with treatment and management it could double his life expectancy, but that could be days or years.

We really had thought we had lost him and were heartbroken, just a while longer would be a bonus providing he is well and not suffering we will do our best. We shall have a long trip tomorrow and hopefully shed more light on the situation as the vet has been very helpful.

Thx for you well wishes and advice, Hash is a fighter and will hang in there
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