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Helena54 is offline  
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03-06-2010, 12:31 PM

Georgie & Zena are back from their hols!

Well..... I'm back Things didn't go as well as expected The day we arrived, it rained, and it rained.... and it rained again We walked the dogs in the forest when it brightened up a bit mid-day, and the start of the walk is lovely, all downhill (I'm used to all uphill at the start of my usual walks!). Then the paths got a bit confusing, over a couple of bridges, into deep, deep woodland I saw the most beautiful, humungous sized trees that must have stood there for donkey's years, and gave them a hug, although my arms only stretched to a miniscule part of one side, they were so big Anyhoo, onwards and upwards we went, ended up finding a massive house with stables and horse riders, then ended up at hole No. 13 on a golf course oh lordy I thought, we shouldn't be here, so I asked one of the snotty horsemen, and he said this is private land, even though there was a big sign telling us it was a Public Footpath, so we ignored him!

Although Zena was having a ball in there, all those smells, all those squirrels, and bless her heart, she waited for us each time on the path when she thought we'd go out of sight (all that training has paid off!) Georgie was getting tired, I was getting even more tired, and due to my excellent homing devices I managed to find the right path to take us home (even though Dave disagreed, but thankfully I never listen to him, he'd get lost in Sainsbury's!)

We got back to our little home, shut the dogs inside and went off to the clubhouse for a bite to eat, and when we returned an hour and a half later, they were fine, although a tad over enthusiastic to see that we hadn't forgotten where we'd left them

Our 2nd walk, we decided to exit the main, wide track into the forest, and ducked under some rhodedendron bushes and got really deep inside those woods, and thankfully, people had made lovely, little soft, narrow paths, which we followed, sometimes they ended up nowhere, sometimes we could get onto another wider track, but all the time looking behind us so that we could remember the way back! At one point, I hung Zena's rope ball on a tree branch, it was that scarey in there, so many paths, and only some of them would take us back, and all the time I was worried about poor old Georgie, his age bless him, coz I knew the way home was a very steep climb for an old boy like him, but he always managed it. Lol, when we got back and the sun had come out that evening, I filled their pool and old Georgie just flopped down in it and wouldn't(couldn't!!!) move! From then on, we decided to stick to a half hour walk each time, veering off that main drag, and into the soft stuff deep inside those woods, where Zena could just explore and chase the squirrels up trees, and Georgie could plod on behind us! I can't believe he coped with it quite honestly, but each time I got their collars out, he got sooooo excited that we couldn't possibly have left him home alone.

That's the good bit, I loved having the dogs with us, and I've never seen them quite so zonked out and tired in the evenings when I cooked dinner either!

The bad bit was the rain, the fact that I had Dave with me who doesn't like holidays in any shape or form, he doesn't know how to relax, he finds the dogs stressful so when you stick him and me together, plus two great big dogs in a small environment, it's a recipe for disaster! He doesn't like it now I would never go with him again, I could go on my own with both dogs, but quite honestly, I would prefer to go on my own just with Zena, and that way, I know I would really enjoy it.

On Monday morning after a lovely long walk and breakfast, Dave brought the dogs home, whilst I attacked the bombsite to get it presentable for my guests, but even that went Pete Tong, coz when I rang her to find out what time her o/h would be arriving, she said she didn't want it now and was a bit "odd" to say the least I didn't mind at all, I was glad that I could just clean it up and get on home myself, I was cream crackered! On my arrival home, I got an e-mail from that guest, apologizing and offering to pay, and saying she had problems with her ex-husband who was there when I rang.... oh it was all a bit "odd"! I let it go, and replied to her that it was fine, I was glad to be able to come home.

I have to say, since we got home, my two dogs have done nothing but sleep, and sleeeeeeep, this is unheard of in this house!!! It wasn't until last night that Zena suddenly returned to her old self and kept presenting me with her football I've felt the same quite honestly, couldn't even get on Dogsey I was sooooo tired! Is that normal then?? Maybe it's the really fresh air, but then I have that around me, I'm not a "townie". That's another thing, it made me realise just what I have here at home, right on my doorstep, coz although those woods were really nice and made a pleasant change, Zena does need to "run", and there was no place for that in the forest, coz it was very thick and dense, the paths were twisting and turning and I would have lost her, but like I said, thankfully, she knew to keep us in her sights (she's a smart dog is Zena!!! )

I made a curry on Sunday night, and I felt so bladdy cramped in the kitche, coz I like to have onion bahji's, naan breads, the works when we have a curry, but it was such a pain in the bum trying to get it all done! The only bit of worktop I do have there, I've stuck the microwave on that, so I was left with the sink drainer and a chopping board lol! Oh yes, it's certainly made me realise just how lucky I am to have my lovely kitchen here at home, let alone my big garden instead of a small postage stamp of grass and patio, plus the choice of walks, all within a 2 min drive or a 5 min walk! Heaven!!! It gives new meaning to "there's no place like home" to me now!!!

The other people are really lovely, and because of where our van is sited, right near the forest entrance, everyone who takes their dogs has to walk right past our garden. So Georgie would bark at everyone and every dog, Zena would copy him , he would get told to shut up, but then when they laughed, it meant we could strike up a good conversation, and most of them, came over with their dogs to say hello, some of which George and Zena liked, some of which they didn't (a white german shepherd 9 months old!!!) I had one woman who was leaning over the fencing throwing Zena's ball, and she had an 18 year old gsd!!!! She was taking it for a walk too!!! My type of people, very friendly and chatty, most of them come from cities and towns, so of course, it's absolute heaven to them, being able to walk in such beautiful surroundings and have their dogs offlead, but for ME, it was the norm!

If you're still with me by here, well done, and sorry I've rambled on a tad, but then you probably know me!!!! Oh, and apologies coz guess what I forgot to take ??????????? I soooo needed to get a new picture of that garden for my website, let alone post some on here!!!! Hey ho

Moral of this little story? Dogs really ARE man's bestest friends, ever!!!! I'm going off men!!!!!
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lilypup is offline  
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03-06-2010, 12:40 PM
So when are you going to give us the full rundown of your holiday.......

The walks sounded lovely Helen. I just adore going off the beaten track and seeing where you end up but like you, I have an oldie in tow who needs to be told when to stop. I fully understand you saying it would be great to be just you and Zena as you two could keep going for ever! Lily and I are like that and could quite happily keep on going but we rarely get the chance to do that because of the old boy.

I did laugh at the image of the 4 of you holed up in the evenings! I can imagine there were some 'moments' that were a little heated there! It certainly would test how much time you could spend together in that kind of environment, that's for sure!

Shame about the rain though, it's been gorgeous since you've been back hasn't it!
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lynnb is offline  
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03-06-2010, 02:28 PM
I love going on holiday, the only thing thats spoils it is, i have to take oh with me, he stresses me out.
It normally starts in the airport, he wants to look in every shop grrrrr. Where as i just want to get on the plane and fly away. It tends to go downhill from then on really. He always and i mean always forgets something be it underwear, shoes,shaving kit. And last time he forgot his driving licence, we had to come back from the airport in a taxi and then back again just in time for the flight. I'm getting stressed just thinking about my next holiday
I'm sorry yours wasn't what you were hoping for H, at least now you know, what you need to take or leave behind so you can have a fab time.
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Helena54 is offline  
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03-06-2010, 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by lilypup View Post
So when are you going to give us the full rundown of your holiday.......

When I next see ya!!!!!:lol:

The walks sounded lovely Helen. I just adore going off the beaten track and seeing where you end up but like you, I have an oldie in tow who needs to be told when to stop. I fully understand you saying it would be great to be just you and Zena as you two could keep going for ever! Lily and I are like that and could quite happily keep on going but we rarely get the chance to do that because of the old boy.

You see what I mean then, I honestly thought, that first time we got back, I was going to lose him He was breathing soooo rapidly, and I just knelt down beside him lying in that pool like that (he's never laid down in it before, only stood in it, that's what worried me)

I did laugh at the image of the 4 of you holed up in the evenings! I can imagine there were some 'moments' that were a little heated there! It certainly would test how much time you could spend together in that kind of environment, that's for sure!

Actually Claire, far from it, the dogs were zonked out, and Dave was sitting there staring at the telly, whilst muggins here was slaving away in that kitchen, stepping over the dogs, laying the table, etc. and I got to thinking I was some kind of housemaid/nanny, constantly having to feed them all, constantly having to check up on the dogs out in the garden coz of all the dogs walking past, tidying up..... meanwhile, Dave just sat there looking glum!! Give him his due, he daren't offer to help coz he knows me only too well, I don't do "help"!!!!!

Shame about the rain though, it's been gorgeous since you've been back hasn't it!
Sunday morning, after we had walked in the rain, then spent TWO hours looking at that bladdy old garage he is interested in (I wasn't!), but then he said he knew that, coz when the lady showed me into the kitchen he said, and started showing it all off coz it's all new but a wooden one he said I ignored her and walked off into the lounge!!!! That's me though, I had already sussed out the kitchen and it didn't impress me, so I'd moved on from there! Lol!

Originally Posted by lynnb View Post
I love going on holiday, the only thing thats spoils it is, i have to take oh with me, he stresses me out.
It normally starts in the airport, he wants to look in every shop grrrrr. Where as i just want to get on the plane and fly away. It tends to go downhill from then on really. He always and i mean always forgets something be it underwear, shoes,shaving kit. And last time he forgot his driving licence, we had to come back from the airport in a taxi and then back again just in time for the flight. I'm getting stressed just thinking about my next holiday
I'm sorry yours wasn't what you were hoping for H, at least now you know, what you need to take or leave behind so you can have a fab time.
Yeah I'd put "husband" at the top of that list there Lynn!!!!!

They're fine at home aren't they, when they go out to work and earn our keep, then come home at night and watch telly, and week-ends spend all their time fixing this and that, but to have to take them away with you when you want to have "fun", well, that's a totally different ball game isn't it!!!

The trouble is, me and Dave are chalk and cheese, and that's probably why we've always got on so well in 28 years of marraige, BUT, since I'm still 10 years older than him, that age gap might be beginning to show, because we want different things now, i.e. I'm just starting my 2nd childhood and want to have fun again, enjoy everything I have coz you don't know how long it's going to last when you get to my age, and yet he still doesn't want to do anything, except walk for bladdy miles getting nowhere forgetting he's got to get back!!!! When I'm at home, I've got my friends to go and see or go out with and have that fun I so desperately need, but when I'm stuck in a box with him, making suggestions, like "shall we throw the doglets in the car and go and explore Hastings this afternoon?" I get "I thought the whole idea of this place was not to have to use the car??? It's getting too hot, we don't know where we're going, we might not be allowed to take the dogs once we get out of the car", blah, blah, blah" He is NEVER impulsive, he has to plan you see, whereas me, I just get up and go!!!

Shall we go on holiday without them next year Lynn, I'm coming with you!!!!!
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tillytheterrier is offline  
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03-06-2010, 06:01 PM
Sounds like you had an ''eventful'' time!! The dogs must have loved it though. As for men, they should be locked in a garage until we return. Or maybe someone should set up men creche! I can row with my OH on what colour curtains we buy so holidays are always fun! They'll always be teething problems but soon you'll be back and forward like an old holiday pro!
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Sarah88 is offline  
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03-06-2010, 07:19 PM
Wow! That was quite an eventful trip! I thought it was meant to be a relaxing holiday?! I actually prefer woodlands after it has rained. I like the smell and the atmosphere.... And I bet the doglets weren't complaining about getting to explore somewhere new! Its probably what kept him going on those long walks! And I agree with the others, next time just takes the woofahs! Much less stressful

Sarah xoxox
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03-06-2010, 09:04 PM
Sounds like on your own next time might be a good idea.

Remember how cramped we were when Ollie started too grow when we had the camper van ?

That was partly the reason why I persuaded Gorden too sell it, mind you we only ever cooked breakfast in it that was enough it had too be take away in there.

I would love another boat and I know Gorden would but not possible with Ollie. So I will stick with my days out and the home comforts for now.

It does sound idyllic though.
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04-06-2010, 06:05 AM

Give me dogs any day of the week.

Hugs Aitch - at least you're home now hon x0x

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lilypup is offline  
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04-06-2010, 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Sunday morning, after we had walked in the rain, then spent TWO hours looking at that bladdy old garage he is interested in (I wasn't!), but then he said he knew that, coz when the lady showed me into the kitchen he said, and started showing it all off coz it's all new but a wooden one he said I ignored her and walked off into the lounge!!!! That's me though, I had already sussed out the kitchen and it didn't impress me, so I'd moved on from there! Lol!
Ah well the heated moments I was referring to were not of the romantic kind! It's a shame but at least you both know the score. If it ends up being a little retreat for you and Zena then so be it. I'm sure Dave has plenty to amuse himself with at home!

I'm with you in the worrying too. With this heat and his thick coat, Dylan is panting like crazy before we even get to our walk. I'm taking water and making sure he can stop if he wants. He never does though, he just keeps on going but he is old, ill and stubborn. They are a worry aren't they. I hate having to limit his walks but I think I need too.

We'll have to meet up again soon. It's always so flipping busy though!
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werewolf is offline  
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04-06-2010, 09:02 AM
Def go on you own next time xx Sorry to hear of the rain xxx
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