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chaz is offline  
Location: South Oxfordshire, England
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08-08-2011, 09:16 AM

My little Sunday morning suprise.

So I was walking the dogs on Sunday morning, and actually left a bit late to go, and was walking along minding my own when I noticed a little dog, now this was on the road coming up to the cross roads, the busiest one in town, I waited for a couple minutes looking around for a owner, but no-one turned up, so when the little dog started walking off I followed him until he went into a church courtyard next to a cash point, and then put Honey's lead on him, and started walking my two on one lead, I asked a few people if they knew the dog or if he was theirs, as although he had a name tag on I was wondering whether the owner was around, they weren't, but one woman said that although he wasn't hers she would have him as he looked cute , and as I had no credit I took him to someone's house to use their house phone, and even though he had a name tag on he didn't have his name on it, just the owners surname, so I was calling him puppy, and the name stuck .

Anyway I got to the house and used their phone and got a old lady on the phone, she was very confused, got my name and the dogs name confused a few times, but after about fifteen minutes I managed to give her my number (she said that she was being looked after by someone who was still asleep ) and managed to get the dogs name, and that she lived far away, but that it was her son's dog, but she kept getting confused about who the dog was, so I was patient to give her the message, but didn't want to stress her out, but she asked my name, age, whether my mum was in, then asked why I lived alone, then asked me to take Puppy for a walk, which I was gonna anyway, and was hoping that her carer would wake up soon and get the message, so I went for a walk anyway as Honey and Diesel still needed one, and boy was puppy stubborn on his walks, he wanted to pee everywhere, and would do a lay down protest if he didn't get the chance, or wanted to walk somewhere else, or just for the hell of it, which is fun when you have two larger dogs trying to jump around and get that squirell, and puppy deciding that he didn't want to go that way anymore but luckily on the walk someone must of got the message, as her son (brother to the owner), called me from a different area code, and said that he would try and get hold of his brother, but that no-one could right then.

Anyway the day comes around, the last call was at around nine that morning, and its coming up to half four, so I'm there thinking how long until I call them up, as although Puppy could of been allright for a couple of days I dont have the money to keep him for a long time, and plus puppy wasn't eating either so I was a bit concerned, but then the same man rang back up, he lives in London, and asked whether it would be ok to come and get him, Puppy had spent the whole day asleep on the duvet or the window, but I said sure, I had already put off meeting a few people as I didn't want to leave him on his own, so I wouldn't mind waiting around and finally puppy went back to someone that he knew, although no-one had still been able to get through to the actual owner , I'm hoping that nothings happened and thats why puppy was wondering around, but apparently his brother did come from Oxfordshire somewhere, but all in all I'm happy with the outcome, as its a lot better then the last animal I found (dead cat who although I took to the vets no-one claimed ) so all's well that ends well, and I also got twenty quid for it I did say he didn't have too, and ask if he was sure, as to me thats food shopping, eletric and change for two weeks but he wasn't gonna leave until I took it, but I did feel weird taking money off a stranger for doing something that I would of done anyway.

But if anyone wants to see pictures of (16 year old) puppy here he is, I loved him and wasa bit sad to see him go if I'm honest.

This is how he spent most the day (and where he was for all my camera photos), my bedroom window.

SDC11649 by Charlie Jade., on Flickr

SDC11647 by Charlie Jade., on Flickr

SDC11639 by Charlie Jade., on Flickr

SDC11623 by Charlie Jade., on Flickr

And I know the windows dirty, I clean the inside, but can't get to the outside, which the landlords meant to clean twice a year but never has .

SDC11608 by Charlie Jade., on Flickr

SDC11717 by Charlie Jade., on Flickr
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katygeorge is offline  
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08-08-2011, 05:19 PM
what a cutie, and an intresting day for you
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emma47 is offline  
Location: Shropshire UK
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08-08-2011, 09:51 PM
He looks lovely, i'm glad he managed to get home in the end
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Dobermann is offline  
Location: Fife, UK
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09-08-2011, 06:33 PM
good for you for taking him in for the day and getting things sorted

He is very cute.
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