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13-03-2011, 10:37 AM

Strange illness

Hello, we have a Pointer who is 2 years old. For the last 3 weekends consecutively, he has been unwell. His symptons were/are:

*Severe diarrhoea (with blood)
*Not eating / drinking
*Constant rumbling stomach

The first time we assumed that he'd probably eaten something on one of his walks and had food poisoning. We starved him for 24 hours, and then gave him boiled rice, and then his normal food again. This seemed to cure him.

The following weekend, the same problem again. However, this time we knew for sure that it wasn't due to something he'd eaten (as we'd been watching him like a hawk all the week). We therefore went to the vet, who gave him some jabs for dehydration, something to stop the vomitting, and some antibiotics. He saw the vet 2 days in a row. For the rest of the week, he was fine.

Now, today, Sunday (always seems to be Sunday), it's started again, the same symptons as before but no vomitting this time.

We have no idea what is wrong with him, and its quite concerning. Any ideas, advice would be great?

We're starting to think its probably a bacterial problem or a virus, as it keeps returning. Will starve him again today for 24 hours, and then will probably have to take him back to the vets for some tests.
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Fernsmum is offline  
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13-03-2011, 10:41 AM
What food are you feeding him on ?
He may have or have developed an intolerance to the food .
One of my whippets can only eat Burns pork and potato .
My old whippet can only eat Chappie .
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trinidan is offline  
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13-03-2011, 10:49 AM
We feed him Royal Canin, Medium, Adult. Since the illness started 2 weekends ago, we have not been giving him any treats. This morning he was eating grass, but he hasn't vomitted (which he normally does to clean the stomach when he eats grass).
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13-03-2011, 11:01 AM
You could try giving him chicken and rice for a couple of days then try a different food such as chappie . If he is ok on Chappie keep him on it at least for a few days .
I used to think Chappie was rubbish but vets do recommend it and it seems to suit some dogs with sensitive stomachs .
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Helena54 is offline  
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13-03-2011, 11:37 AM
I would change your walking area for a week or more and just see if things change with your dog, as it sounds to me like you're subjecting him to the same bacterial/viral infection whatever that might be. I'm doing this atm on the advice of my vet, because over the past month, I've had the same thing with my dog, especially first thing in the morning, the gut rumblings were pretty horrendous, then she'd feel sick, sometimes she'd vomit sometimes she wouldn't and she'd normally refuse all food until lunchtime or even evening

Just like yours it was intermittent, but then, one evening we saw a fox peering in at us through the french doors, and it then had a poo next to the flower pot and my hubby remarked that when he lets the dog out in the mornings, she makes a bee-line for that pot and sometimes eats something Sorted for me then!

The mere fact that it's only at week-ends means it probably isn't food related unless your dog starves itself all week, so you've just got to find that "something" that the dog is subjected to over the week-ends. Do you perhaps walk at a different place on a Saturday and Sunday? If so, then that's the answer, try somewhere else and I bet you cure it! Good luck, I hope you get to the bottom of it just like we have.
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13-03-2011, 11:52 AM
Having something fairly similar with one of mine at the moment, but with a slightly longer time period between...and she sounds worse (is pooing blood.)

We have narrowed it down to either:
a) a food intolerance (it can still be this even with the delay the vet has said);
b) intolerance to her metacam;
c) giardia or some other type of gut infection/bacteria/parasite.

We have now changed her diet totally. She was on Arden Grange lamb , now she is on Burns chicken...she was on normal Naturediet and is now on the sensitive.
She has had 3 days worth of poo samples sent off (results this week we hope).
She is now on Synulox and Metronidazole (sp?) and they have really helped her...poo is now solid (although muticoloured!!) She also had terrible wind and rumbly tummy...she stank. That has cleared.

It isn't reinfection with the same bug in our case as she pretty much does the same walk as our other dog.....

I would definitely go back to your vet and get her thoroughly checked out.
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13-03-2011, 02:20 PM
I agree with Ramble there, I'd be inclined to do a 3 day poo sample and take it down to the vets for analysis (costs about £35 down here), and even though that giardia is very hard to detect, it will eliminate a lot of other things. Mine all came back negative, so I too, am erring on the side of the giardia IF it comes back again in another week, coz we've already had one clear week here.
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kateandmissy is offline  
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13-03-2011, 02:29 PM
Hi we are going through a very similar thing missy started with a general tirdness and then vomiting and diarrhea and has refused to eat barely anything for the last 7 days she is taking only a few tiny bits of boiled chicken a day. She has today finished a course of antibiotics she is only being siick maybe once a day now,whihc i think is down to being so empty. we are waiting a poop samle report should be tues/wed il let u know the results in case it can help you

would be very interested in what advice follows this thread xx best wishes to u and your dog i know its such a worry xx
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trinidan is offline  
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13-03-2011, 06:35 PM
Thanks everyone for your advice and comments. We are planning to take the dog to the vets tomorrow for some tests. A change of diet, and walking area sounds like good advice, so will give that a go and see how things progress.
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wendyg1975 is offline  
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13-03-2011, 06:43 PM
Hi there,

glad you have choosen to take the vet route as you never know what may be up without some routine tests etc....

there is alot of gastro probs it seems of late with dogs almost like there is some sort of tummy bug going around that they are catching!!

it could be a sudden food intolerance or could be stressed for some reason, the thing i would be concerend with is maybe there could be something in the tummy.

if a dog cant poo it out then its sick as the body wants to clear the obstruction. there could be something upsetting the stomach lining.. anything really .... but does seem odd its of a weekend... does anthing happen differently on a weekend to the week day? anything subtle or anthing?

let us know how you get on xxx
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