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21-02-2024, 08:05 AM

Wednesday 21st February 2024

Morning all. Hope you all have a good day. I woke later than usual so on here later than usual. I am fed up with it all now. Loath to put to much on here. So, I will just say when I know more I will let you all know. Thankyou so much for all your support. Have a good day. Looks like it will be another wet one.
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Sue L
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21-02-2024, 09:27 AM
Good morning Brenda

You know you can always vent your frustration here you have our support. Hugs. Try and have a good day.

Day off today but tomorrow have to help ferry the family to Heathrow as Ben's car only holds 5 people and there will be 7 of them so I have help with the other two. Mum, youngest daughter and grandmother all going home. What the future brings is in the lap of the gods

Take care everyone
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21-02-2024, 09:32 AM
Morning brenda and all to follow.
Wet here to brenda although yesterday it stayed dry till the evening which made a nice change and a nice change to potter in the garden if only for a short while.
We might need a trip out for coffee later if we cannot get in the garden again.

I have had an update and picture today of Brewster he went to visit Elaine and Andy who bred him only a 15 minute drive away from them, he is doing well.
The people he now lives with have put their house up for sale they want a small holding so Elaine and Andy are hoping it won't be too far away.
I am sure Brewster will love the space though.
He is huge and is going to be a very big boy.

brenda you have to deal with the situation in a way that doesn't affect your mental health too badly, it is bound to have some effect on you, you wouldn't be human if it didn't.
You know we are all here to chip or just listen if needed.
Kazz that's retail for you ? Mark being a deputy manager has to deal with the idiots as he fondly calls them.
Yes my thoughts were the same on the birds, we have a lot of magpies and crows/rooks here I have seen a Crow try to take a baby sparrow from the nest which is in the eaves of next door, I got the hosepipe out.
We also get the odd sparrowhawk.
If I see it I will admit I intervene but cannot control nature and know they all have to eat and feed their babies.
I prefer not to witness it if possible.
Chris Gorden's side of the family is similar its his dad and brother. I gave up with them years ago.
Sue hoping you have a more restful day today.
griff hoping your day goes well.
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21-02-2024, 05:30 PM
Evening all
Kazz, thanks for that....I have told Steve to tell his union what was said and also tell the Dr. The proper boss was dead good last year, said it would go to stage 2 but he wouldn't progress it...which was great
He called the Dr today to be told no appointments....he was trying for 2 hours and they offered Thursday! He explained he has had to take a week unpaid leave due to his mental health and they then said " call tomorrow". I have said I want him to be seen face to face, I don't want him being prescribed anti depressants over the phone... again and I actually want to speak to the Dr myself.
Lynn, lovely Brewster is doing so well
Oh no Sue, the kids are going to be so upset!
Brenda, you can name anyone as your next of kin at any point but that still doesn't alter the financial side of things...if no will in place, as you are legally his wife, you should inherit and if you weren't here, your daughter's, that's why wills are so important...causes all manner of bother if there's not one in place and there's likely to be issues
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21-02-2024, 06:52 PM
Good evening all

Been off today and should of played tennis but it was simply raining to much to be safe on the court so abandoned. Never mind always Friday (off again) Not done a lot popped to Asda has this afternoon as it rained a long chat with a good friend on the phone and World put to rights LOL

Sue Hopefully the planets will aline and they will by end of year all be living in the same Country. I am not sure lving apart is good for anyone like this so hopefuly choose a country and all live there they must have had a plan when you lad moved here then the girls started to arrive being seperated from their Mom and youngest sister must be sad for them and wearing on the adults. Maybe they will all end up back in Brazil if your DIL cannot see herself living here after all this time.

Brenda I unerstand the not wanting to publically post your worries and concerns with the family. But we are all on your side. HUGS

Griff I hope he gets somewhere with the Doctors I am never sure Unions are what they are cracked up to be when needing help and support seems very dependant on your local rep and who he/she is onside with in my personal previous experience of unions. But hope he gets an appointment can you go to the apointment with him at all I know you have stepped back but at the moment is he capable or able to speak up for himself. Or simply accept what is said maybe ask for a double appointment to give you time to relay your and Steves concerns.

Lynn I was going to ask today have you had Breswter updates - and there you are with one hope they do not move far from his breeders but they do sound like he is settling and the space as you say will be great for him.

Chris Not long before Ted can be naked when out again LOL hope all is going well and how is your daughter these days?

Catch you all later. Oh yes is anyone going to be watching the new Channel 4 programme Jury? I am going to sky+ it and plan to watch.
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21-02-2024, 07:17 PM
Kazz, I will go with him, he has apologised for his behaviour....I know it's down to his depression but hard for me to deal with him. I am paying his bills whilst he is off....leaves me with zero cash myself but he can't get into rent arrears.
I have just slipped down the steps out the back, suggested anti slip strips but apparently no....she hasn't spent all that money on the garden to have it look a mess but me ending up in a wheelchair is o.k! I have told her I will sue her. Just downloaded the video so I have proof. I swear I have never met anyone quite as thick as my mother...I literally went down 3 steps on my back
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