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18-08-2016, 06:06 AM

Daily Thread, Thursday, 18th August

Good Morning all.

Griff, sorry you are so down at the moment but can understand.

Lynn, well done to Mark hope he finishes it this time.

Harvey, yes I saw Phil's pictures of Willow and Mij and boy has Willow grown she is enormous now.

Mandy, shame he cannot do your hip now and get it over and done with. I hope the injection works this time.

Hi Norma hope you and Bumblesnout and the others are all ok.

Sue, hope you and Barry manage to get your tree down ok.

June, hope Zen didn't do anymore demolition work last night.

Nippy and Brian take care, hope everyone else is ok. Stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless.
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18-08-2016, 07:20 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Bit dull here at the moment but warmish. Very hot yesterday.

Mandy sorry to hear the injection didn't work I have everything crossed the next one works for you. Enjoy York beautiful place.
griff hope you're feeling better today.
June hope no demolition has been going on overnight.
Harvey the pictures of Willow and Mij were lovely and Willow is so big now.
Off to walk Dillon in a bit.
Mark is toying a company to book with for an intensive course not cheap. But then if he took single lessons not cheap either and if you fail you have lost the money either way. He needs to do an intensive course otherwise he will get bored and never go through with it again !!!

Hope everyone is well today and all our four legged friends too.
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18-08-2016, 08:11 AM
Morning one and all!! I am going to drive today! Physio yesterday said I could drive short distances, so I'm heading down to our local garden centre for a bit of a spending spree as the garden is looking decidedly sad after not having been touched for weeks - OH doesn't do housework or gardening, his excuse for being a lazy arse!!

Got a bollocking though for going up the step ladder and cutting back the honeysuckle that had grown all over the back gate ! A girl has to do what a girl has to do
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tawneywolf is offline  
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18-08-2016, 09:16 AM
Well if there's only you to do it Nikki then there's you to do it Well done on your excellent recovery and hoping the drive today is good, will you be able to go where you were saying you wanted to go, or is it too far yet.
Nice morning, cooler with a strong breeze. No demolition overnight, suppose I should be thankful its not all the time.
Got tip trip and then get some wood paint for the big house and smarten it up for the winter.
Intensive course always looks a good option to me, but never had the lump sum, one lesson a week doesn't cut it really, forgot to say Congratulations to him yesterday.
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18-08-2016, 09:20 AM
Morning all
Feeling much brighter today, just got a bit annoyed that it was me getting cr*p dumped on them....again, never mind, brush it off and get on with things
Gnasher, look out world here she comes Lol i never do as i am told either...i had a derotational osteotomy and was walking 4 days later despite the fact i should have been non weight bearing for 6 weeks Lol
Mandy, your poor hip, i do hope that the jab works this time...if you feel no relief after this one, get straight on to his secretary...hope the weather is good for the weekend
TW, hope the kennel is still intact
Lynn, i looked at doign the intensive course, and you are right, single lessons are not cheap, if you book single here they are £20-£25!!! book a block an they will do 10 for £100 but if you cancel you lose the money
Moyra, hope you are feeling o.k today
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18-08-2016, 09:50 AM
Looks like at some point today he will book it (hopefully). He has some money saved still that I gave him when mum died. He has never before had the amount to book an intensive course and he gets bored quickly wants everything done yesterday. No idea who he takes after.
He is thinking if he has to get a job full time in Harlow this venture not doing to well at the moment he can drive to and from and live here for a while till he has done the time landlords like you to be in a job then look to renting for him and Joel back in Harlow.
It will be a long day for him and a 3 hour round trip but he won't have to worry about washing and cooking as that will all be done for him.
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Sue L
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18-08-2016, 10:05 AM
Good morning everyone

Go careful Gnasher and don't over do it but I know what you mean they just sit there and watch you do the work.

Pleased you are on the up Griff.

Good luck to Mark in getting his driving lessons booked and finding a full time job. Hopefully within a few months he will be settled and able to get a place of his own.

Poor you Mandy I wish they would just get on with doing the op and then it would be over. A friend of mine was booked in to have her sinuses flushed but they wouldn't do it because she wasn't breathing properly - you don't say sinuses blocked!

Tree done Moyra, it had been coppiced before so not too thick but it will be getting it to die and then getting the roots out that will be a problem but I will keep at it as have plans for the space.

Dull but still warm here. Tip run done and housework completed now having a coffee . Have my dear friend coming this afternoon so naughty cakes and coffee

Have a good day and stay safe.
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18-08-2016, 11:26 AM
Have a good time Sue and don't overdo things and then enjoy having your friend their for coffee and cake later.
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18-08-2016, 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Sue L View Post
it had been coppiced before so not too thick but it will be getting it to die and then getting the roots out that will be a problem but I will keep at it as have plans for the space.
Have you tried those brushwood and tree killer crystals

Cut it of and get Barry to drill some holes in the top (Largest diameter possible) then pour the crystals into the holes and within a few weeks it will be dead.

But you are right the roots stay and don't degrade and they are the real problem. I have to do a little bit at a time with my razor saw and a few other tools but nothing really works just dammed hard work and persistance

You can hire these people with the big grinder things but they are very expensive and around here they seem to be so busy they don't want to know if you only have one or two stumps to remove
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tawneywolf is offline  
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18-08-2016, 12:16 PM
Very hot here now, feels like a storm is brewing, although there is heavy rain forecast tomorrow anyway.
Everyone walked and settled with cold bones, everything ready to go to the tip, going to have a shower, a butty and a brew, watch telly for an hour, then off to the tip and then to get some paint stuff for the big house.
Cannot understand why no one has taken up my offer of Zen sorting their tree problems out
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